The Xion Family

A month has passed since the day Theron was born. Since then, his daily routine was to drink milk, spend time with the people in their household, and sleep. He was able to adjust quickly, except for the fact that his parents were always with him. 

"My dear, look at all the gifts you received from your aunties and uncles! Do you want me to open them for you?"

Seated beside a small wooden crib, Allyza's lips stretched out as she excitedly brought up a group of wrapped boxes in her hands.

Despite the enthusiasm in Allyza's voice, Theron only lazily looked at the gifts. Afterward, he tilted his head to the side and looked in the other direction of the room. He then continued to suck his finger as if it was the only thing that interests him. 

"Oh? Don't you like the gifts?" Allyza worriedly asked as she gave the boxes in her hand a second look. They looked nice and pleasant. It made her wonder why her son didn't like it. 

"How about you just give it a quick look?" Allyza uttered in an encouraging tone, yet Theron remained staring at the other side of the room, not giving her any attention. 

Taking a deep sigh, Allyza slowly placed the gifts down on her lap. She turned her head to the side and gave the attending maid a nod. With the silent gesture, the maid quickly went to take the gifts from her. 

"Aren't you interested in gifts, my dear?" Allyza asked in a soft voice before leaning forward to take Theron out of the crib. She gently wiped the saliva dripping down on his jaw. 

"You're a weird one, aren't you?" Pouting her lips, Allyza placed Theron in her arms, facing her. She then stood up and swayed her body from left to right. 

'Of course, I am.' Theron silently answered in his mind. He continued sucking his fingers. 

Theron didn't even know why he was doing it. He wanted to stop, yet he couldn't. It must be because his body was still in the development stage that he had no full control of it yet. 

"Do you want to go out?" 

Theron quickly dropped his hands from his mouth. He turned his full attention to Allyza before finally giving a reaction 

"Nyaaaa!" (Yes!) 

Finally! Something that he has been looking forward to!

Theron had been stuck in his bedroom for days without anything to do except eat and rest. It didn't help that the maids tasked to care for him just continued to stare at his face 24/7. 

Sometimes they would make weird faces to have a reaction from him. Yet, they only looked ugly, so how can he give one? It was irritating.

To avoid their eyes, he would cry occasionally to make them all panic. That was the only thing that appeased his boredom these past few days. 

"Tsk. Look at you. You're not giving me any attention earlier, but now here you are." Allyza uttered before shaking her head. She wanted to sulk, but couldn't do it as she stared at her son's face. 

Theron looked cute with his milky skin and chubby cheeks. He has large eyes and a small, pointy nose. He looked so innocent and adorable at the same time. 

What's more, even at such a young age, it seemed like Theron could understand most of the words she was saying. She couldn't help but be proud. That means her son must be a genius! 

"Let's go, my dear. But before that, let's dress you up first." 

Allyza handed Theron to a maid first before standing up to find suitable clothes for him.

'Is something happening?' Theron silently questioned when he noticed that Allyza seemed distressed as she looked over Theron's closet. 

Theron looked around to investigate the matter. That's when he saw that his mother's handmaid, Myca, who was standing beside the door, looked uncomfortable. 

'Is this related to why my father has been out these past few days?' Theron wondered as he tilted his head to the side. He couldn't even ask anything since he was in this tiny body. 

"My Lady, I'm afraid we have to hurry up," Myca uttered in a panic as she looked at the time on her watch. 

"Is it time already?" Allyza's eyes widened.

"Yes, My Lady." 

Because of it, Allyza had to settle with the clothes in her hand. She immediately came back and took care of Theron. 

"My son, you're going to meet a few people later on." Despite feeling nervous, Allyza had the guts to smile as she changed Theron's clothes quickly.

'I wonder where my mom is taking me,' He thought as he stared directly at Allyza's eyes. It was obvious that his mother was scared about something, and he wondered what it was. 

Allyza dressed Theron in nice clothes. It differed from his usual simple ones that he immediately knew something was about to happen. 

After dressing up, Allyza, with Theron in her arms, walked out of the room. Multiple maids lined up behind her, following them wherever they went. 

They stayed in the estate's foyer, which was well-designed to accommodate incoming guests. It was the space nearest to the main door and the first thing an arriving person would see as they entered the estate. 

"My son," Allyza's eyes worriedly glanced over at Theron. "Your grandma and grandpa, together with your older sister, will finally come back to our estate today after a few months of vacation…" 

She momentarily stopped as Theron's eyes landed on her. 

"Your grandma and grandpa are nice, but they can sometimes be a little too strict… I hope you behave well today." Despite knowing that Theron might not fully understand her, Allyza took a deep breath as she said those words. 

Allyza's relationship with Tyron's family wasn't that good. They haven't fought, but the wall between them can easily be distinguished. It must be because she grew up as a commoner, whereas her husband and his family were born with nobility. 

"Don't worry, my son. I know your grandparents will love you." Allyza reassured Theron, who had been staring at her since she started speaking. 

Despite not being well connected with Tyron's family, Allyza knew that they wouldn't be indifferent towards Tyron's children, their own blood. 

"Eyahhh!" (I'm not scared about that, Mother.) 

Theron verbally replied as he leaned forward, letting his face touch Allyza's neck. He was more concerned if he could accomplish one of his tasks today.