First Appearance Celebration

After hours of spending time with his own family, Theron was finally left alone in his room. He pretended to sleep so that the maids would leave him alone.

As Theron opened his eyes, he was greeted by immediate darkness. He could barely see his surroundings. The lamps on the corner walls were the only source of lights in the whole room. 

Theron stared blankly at the ceiling of his room adorned with a large chandelier. He fell into a deep state of thoughts. This was his routine before falling asleep. 

'Let's see,' Theron thought as he closed his eyes in a calm manner. He deeply breathed in and out, as he focused his mind into something intangible, trying to sense it within his heart.

Theron did it a few times before he felt cold air passing through his palms to his fingertips. When he opened his eyes, he saw a faint light on the tip of his index finger. The light has the same size as a peppercorn. 

'I guess this is why my magic is F.'

Despite doing it occasionally, Theron was still disappointed every time he tried to use his magic. He hoped to improve his skill, yet with this tiny body, he wasn't able to do much except this.

Feeling his body getting tired, Theron immediately stopped what he was doing. The light automatically depleted when his focus got disrupted. 

Theron secretly sighed. He could feel his whole body getting weak and exhausted. With his low skill in Magic, he couldn't even last a minute. It was embarrassing. 

'I wonder how my wife is doing right now…' Suddenly thinking about it, Theron couldn't help but feel a sense of longing as he thought of Elizabeth. He knew that she reincarnated with him, yet he doesn't even have any idea where she was right now. 

Theron's thoughts drifted to Elizabeth's warm smile and comforting presence. His heart ached with the desire to see her again, to know she was safe and happy.

'Elizabeth... I hope you're okay,' he thought into the darkness, his voice barely audible.

As fatigue settled heavily on his small body, Theron's eyelids grew heavier. His mind continued to wander through his previous memories.

Seconds passed by and Theron's breathing slowed, becoming steady and rhythmic. The warmth of his bed and the softness of the blankets wrapped around him like a protective cocoon. With one final lingering thought of Elizabeth, Theron drifted off to sleep.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months. Theron spent countless hours with his family, his usual routine and improving himself. And before they knew it, 5 months had already passed.

The sun shone brightly on the day of Theron's first appearance celebration. This celebration was culturally held for the noble families to honor their newborn child.

This was conducted whenever a baby turns half a year old and usually different noble families would willingly attend it to see potential partners for their children.

The entire Xion's estate was adorned with decorations, and the air buzzed with excitement and preparations for the grand celebration. It was as if every staff had been waiting for this momentous event. 

"Are you excited, my little boy?" Allyza's joyful voice echoed as she entered Theron's room with a big smile on her face. 

"Good afternoon, my lady." Rian briefly stood up as she bowed her head to acknowledge Allyza's presence. 

"It's nice to see you, Rian." Allyza lightly nodded as her gaze flew to the young child crawling on the floor. 

"What are you doing there, Theron? It's time for you to get ready for your birthday." Allyza uttered as she stared at Theron lovingly. 

As Theron slightly grew up, his chubby cheeks became rounder and rosier, making his appearance look cuter. His hair grew thick, the blondeness of it became more apparent than he was a baby. 

Theron could now do a lot of things. He could crawl, stand up for a couple of seconds, and make clearer sounds. However, despite turning 6 months old, he still haven't said his first word. 

Hearing his name, Theron momentarily stopped crawling. He sat on the ground and stared at his mother. Despite months passing, Allyza still looked the same. 

'Ahhh, I don't really want to celebrate anything right now.' Theron thought as he lightly shook his head from side to side, signalling that he didn't want to follow Allyza's words. 

"No, Theron. You can't just stay here when it's your awaited appearance. Your sister and father are already waiting downstairs, so you need to change clothes fast." Allyza strictly uttered. 

"Ba-ba!" (I don't want to.) Theron moved his arms up and down multiple times. 

Despite Theron's refusal, Allyza took a step forward. Her forehead creased. Theron was a prim child, but sometimes he could be chaotic, especially on things he didn't like. 

"That won't do, little one. I can say yes to anything you like, but not this one. We already spent a lot since this will be your first appearance to the public's eyes." Allyza tried to explain it to Theron, knowing that he could understand most of her words despite his young age 

Because of what Allyza had said, Theron sighed and made a face. 

"Ba-Ma!" (Alright then.) 

'I guess, I'll just follow them. This family is not that rich so they must have had a hard time preparing all of it." Theron thought before finally letting Allyza take him to his bed. 

"Good boy," Allyza sweetly smiled followed by a light laugh. 

In the months where Theron spent his time in the household, he had become closer to his new family. Somehow, he was able to adjust completely. Now, he thought of himself as a real member of the family. 

However, despite the months he spent with them, he hadn't accomplished any of his tasks. His body's growth was unusually slow, despite his advanced mental state. Because of it, there hasn't been much of an improvement on his system, except his visuals and magic, which had surprisingly increased. 

As Allyza became busy with dressing up Theron, he, who was bored of what was happening decided to check his current status instead. 

'Status Page' 

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Name: Theron Charles Xion 

Age: 6 months old

Mana: 5/5

Race: Human 

Title/s: Son of A Baron 

Future: ??? 

[ Swordsmanship (0/2): F ]

[ Magic (1/2): F ]

[ Visual: C- ]

[ Communication: E- ]

[ Reputation: D- ]

Skills: None

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