Time to Shine

As evening fell upon the Xion estate, the atmosphere came alive with anticipation and excitement. In the far end of their land, the ballroom buzzed with loud noises as noble families mingled and exchanged pleasantries with one another. 

Crystal chandeliers hung from the high ceiling of the ballroom, casting a warm glow over the elegantly dressed guests. The walls were adorned with bold curtains and fresh flowers, filling the air with a delicate fragrance.

"The Xion family has outdone themselves this time. The decorations are simply exquisite," a woman in a deep blue gown remarked, her eyes scanning the room with admiration.

"I guess their wealth is coming back with this lavish style" her companion replied, a man dressed in a sharp black suit. "And I heard from the maids that the Xions are quite fond of their newborn child. I wonder what he looked like."

"We'll see. Do not expect much though. You know their family's current reputation." 

The murmurs of curiosity and speculation grew louder as minutes passed by. The people became curious as they heard multiple stories about Theron. The maids in the estate continuously spoke highly of him. 

Outside the ballroom, the members of the Xion family, one by one, arrived. They were guided by a few maids, as they lined up in an orderly manner. Being the elders in the family, Beatrice and Dylan led the line. 

"Let's start this." Tyron, who was holding Charlize's hands, uttered. He held his head up high as sounds of trumpets resonated in his ears. 

Despite the loud sound of the trumpets, the inside of the ballroom fell silent. The herald, who was guarding the door, stepped forward. He raised a hand for silence before opening his mouth to finally announce the arrival of the Xion Family. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, It is with great honor that I present to you the arrival of the Xion Family!" 

As the loud announcement was made, the grand doors at the end of the ballroom swung open. Multiple eyes immediately darted on the door, as a pair of people elegantly walked in. 

With their heads held up high and confidence striking their aura, Beatrice and Dylan gladly went inside. They were followed by Tyron and Charlize, who was walking hand in hand. Charlize was smiling in all ears as she enthusiastically waved her hands from left to right. 

Yet, it was Allyza who stole the spotlight, carrying Theron in her arms.

All eyes immediately turned to them as they made their way toward the center of the room. Allyza, graceful and composed, smiled warmly at the guests, while Theron, dressed in a finely tailored outfit, gazed around with wide, curious eyes.

'Is this all of them? The nobles in this kingdom?' Theron curiously asked, surprised at the amount of people inside the room. 

It seemed like as centuries passed by, the number of people being a nobility have seemingly increased, leaving Theron to wonder just how many families now held such status.

As they approached the center of the ballroom, Allyza gently sat Theron down on an elevated cushioned chair so that everyone could see him. The guests leaned in, eager to catch a glimpse of the child who had been the talk of the room since earlier. 

"Is that him? He looked normal." 

"Pft– I wonder what's so great about that child? His aura... honestly... I can't feel anything majestic in his presence." 

"I'm kind of disappointed." 

The people shamelessly gossiped as Theron stood still in the chair. They weren't even keeping it a secret since he could hear them out loud despite being in a distance. 

'I guess my family doesn't have that much influence and respect, huh?' A faint smile carved on Theron's lips as disappointment to the people flickered on his eyes. 

When Theron raised his head, he noticed how his famiy's mood shifted. Tyron stood behind him in a protective stance, his smile replaced by a serious expression, as if shielding Theron from the murmurs of gossip

"Theron," Allyza softly uttered, her voice cutting through the loud chatter. She stepped forward with grace, her smile sweet and calming, silencing the guests into a moment of silence. 

Allyza disregarded the little gossip and proceeded to say her welcome remarks. Despite the disrespect, she expressed her gratitude to the people's effort of visiting their estate for this celebration.

However, despite her gracious words, the guests continued to gossip, almost ignoring Allyza. The Xion family couldn't do much, as most of their guests outranked them in nobility. The only thing they could do was ignore the words and not let them affect their composure.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is now time for the most awaited portion of the celebration. We invite the distinguished guests to come forward and bestow their blessings upon the young child." The herald stepped forward after Allyza's little speech. 

A heavy silence fell over the room as the guests exchanged glances. No one moved. Whispers started to ripple through the crowd once more, but this time they were accompanied by hesitant looks and awkward shuffling.

One noblewoman in a red gown glanced at her companion, raising an eyebrow as if to say, "You go first." 

Her companion, a portly man with a monocle, shook his head slightly, refusing to step forward.

Allyza's smile wavered slightly when she saw what was happening. She glanced at her husband, who gave her a reassuring nod. 

Theron, sitting on his cushioned chair, could feel the tension rising in the air. He noticed the discomfort in his parents' eyes and the awkward atmosphere among the guests.

Theron took a deep breath, his tiny chest rising and falling. A wave of protectiveness washed over him; he didn't want his family to be disrespected.

Not on their own territory.

Not in front of him.

"Iinyahaa!" (Idiotsss!)

Theron's laugh bubbled out, his cute, chubby cheeks puffing with each chuckle. The sound echoed through the room, drawing the attention of the guests.

As Theron's laughter filled the air, some of the guests exchanged knowing glances.

"The child seemed happy. Doesn't the child realize he's being rejected by the nobles right now?" one whispered to their companion, a smirk playing at the corners of their lips.

Another guest, dressed in an elegant gown adorned with jewels, stifled a giggle behind her hand. "It's rather amusing, isn't it? Poor little thing. He can't even understand the atmosphere around."

Yet, amidst the silent mockery, Theron remained unfazed. Behind his innocent facade, a mischievous glint sparkled in his eyes.

'Is it my time to shine now?'