A Visitor?

The news about what happened in Theron's party had reached the ears of the people at the speed of light. In less than a day, the Xion Family became the talk of the town.

Theron's popularity reached the corners of the Kingdom of Estoria. Many families became interested with him, their intentions unsure. 

Because of this Tyron and Allyza had no choice but to make their children live in seclusion. Charlize and Theron haven't left the estate for months except for important matters where the whole family was needed. 

Theron was clearly happy with the arrangement. He was able to spend time with himself more, allowing him to improve his Magic. He was able to grade up a level by just manually practicing it. 

Adding to that, in the span of another year, he was able to accomplish two of his tasks. He levelled up his magic and communication again. The only disadvantage of being not allowed to go out was that he couldn't make any single friend. 

"Young Master, are you fine here alone?" Rian entered Theron's chambers with a bottle of milk in her hands. Allyza went out for an important gathering, thus, she was unable to breastfeed Theron personally. 

"Ywe...sh." (Yes.) Theron gladly smiled as his little hands reached out for the bottle before him. When he took a hold of it, he opened his mouth and sucked the contents of it. 

"Well then, my lord, I should take my leave for the meantime. I would be just outside. You may call me if you need something. Your snacks are currently being prepared in the kitchen" Rian softly uttered as her hands gently caressed Theron's thick air. 

Theron silently nodded, not caring much as he drank the milk from the bottle. He just watched Rian as she left. When he was left alone, he quickly finished the milk and set it aside. 

'I hope my snacks are good today.' Theron couldn't help but think of food as he glanced over at the clock. It was already mid afternoon so he had become quite hungry. 

Deciding to pass the time, he turned his attention to other things. 

'Status Page,' he mentally commanded.

- - - - - 

Name: Theron Charles Xion 

Age: <2 years old

Mana: 25/25

Race: Human 

Title/s: Son of A Baron 

Future: ??? 

[ Swordmanship (0/2): F ]

[ Magic (1/2): E+ ]

[ Visual: C- ]

[ Communication: D-]

[ Reputation: D ]

Skills: None

- - - - - 

Theron nodded in satisfaction as he read it. His progress over the past year had been significant, and he was proud of it. He just needed to fully grade up his Magic attribute, so he could now see what his skills would be like. 

He initially planned to invest in his magic right now. Once he turned to the age when he can wield and hold a sword, then that was the time when he'd balance everything. 

As he continued to review his status, the door to his room creaked open, and Charlize went in with an excited smile.

"Theron! Are you ready to play?" Charlize, who was full of energy, asked. Her eyes were sparkling with enthusiasm.

Surprised by the sudden voice, Theron quickly looked away from the screen in front of him. 

"Ywesh!" (Yes) Quickly recovering, Theron replied, his excitement evident in his voice.

Theron genuinely enjoyed the time they spent together. Charlize's positive energy was radiating. In the times where they were not allowed to go out or make friends, she was the only one to ease his boredom. 

"Are you excited?" Charlize covered her mouth with her little hands as she chuckled. She found Theron adorable. 

'I guess my older sister is here to play some kids games with me again. It's tiring but oh well, I can't really do much. She's the only one entertaining in this household.' 

Theron nodded eagerly, his small hands reaching out toward Charlize. 

Charlize laughed and Theron up so he could sit back down on the floor.

"Theron! Guess what? I have a new game for us to play!" Charlize exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Gey..ymm Wh…at…?" (What game?) Theron asked, his curiosity piqued.

"It's called 'Card Match!' It's a game where we use these cards to practice matching colors and shapes! I used to play this with my maids in my room!" Confidence laced Charlize's voice as she pulled out a small, colorful box from behind her back.

Charlize set up the game on the floor, explaining the rules as she went along. She laid the cards facing them first. 

"Look at the cards first, Theron. Memorize it for a few seconds. the rule of this game is that we take turns flipping over two cards, and if they match, you keep them. If not, you put them back." Charlize patiently explained. She waited a few seconds before flipping the cards backwards. 

"Ready, Theron?"

Theron nodded, his eyes wide with excitement. He clapped his hands in delight, eager to start the new game.

'In this game he won't lose at all.' 

 "Rwe…ti!" (Ready)

Charlize flipped over the first two cards, revealing a sun and a moon. "So unfortunate!" she said, made a face before turning them back over. "Your turn, Theron!"

Theron carefully flipped over two cards, revealing two stars. His face lit up with a big smile. "Mwa…tch!" he exclaimed, clapping his hands.

"Good job, Theron!" Charlize praised, beaming at him. "Now let's see if you can find another one."

Theron continued flipping cards with growing confidence, each time revealing another matching pair. With each success, his smile grew wider and his giggles more frequent. Charlize watched in amazement as he got all the cards correct, one after the other.

"Wow, Theron! You got them all right!" Charlize said, her eyes widened with amusement. Does that mean her brother had a photogenic memory? 

"You're so smart!"

Theron giggled and clapped his hands again, clearly proud of himself. "Mwo..worrr!" (More) he said happily. 

Charlize gently chuckled however she began collecting the cards. "Okay, little brother, let's stop the game for now. We have something special coming up."

Theron looked at Charlize curiously. "Wh…aat i…t?" (What is it?) 

Charlize's eyes sparkled with excitement.

"I heard from the maids that we're finally going to have a visitor. Someone important is coming to our house!"