A Possible Friend?

Just like what Charlize had said,, the Xion household had become extremely busy after a day. It was their first time to receive a guest who would be staying in their household for a couple of years. 

"My dear, are you excited?" Allyza, who was carrying Theron in her arms, asked in a high-pitched voice. The two of them were in the living room, dressed in nice and plain clothes.

Theron just lazily looked at his mother before slightly tilting his head to the side. He didn't say any words but rather buried his face deep in Allyza's neck. He closed his eyes and yawned in silent. 

He had stayed up too late the previous night, trying to practice his magic. He thought that Allyza would still be away today since she didn't go home last night. However, early in the morning and Allyza barged in his room. 

"Why are you so sleepy? Did you do something yesterday? I heard from Rian that you slept so early yesterday." Allyza's worried tone surfaced as she gently caressed Theron's head.

"Nya…the..ng." (Nothing.) Theron sleepily answered. He yawned again before opening his eyes after hearing a few footsteps going near in their direction.

When he opened his eyes, he was greeted by Tyron and Charlize's smiling faces. They were followed by a line of maids wearing the same uniforms.

Theron immediately noticed something different about the maids. They looked more tense and somehow felt more serious.

"Good morning!" Charlize, with her usual boundless energy, waved her hands enthusiastically. She let go of Tyron's hold on her and ran excitedly to her brother.

"Hi, little brother!"

"He…yo" (Hello) Theron greeted bag as he smiled for a little bit. He secretly sighed and straightened his back when more people arrived in the living room. It seemed like the guest that they were expecting would soon arrive.

Allyza tightened her grip around Theron's waist, adjusting her hold on him and placing his weight on her arms.

"Let's go to the foyer now and wait for the guests. They will be arriving shortly," Allyza said.

"Is everything ready?" Tyron loudly asked the maids from the side as they started moving.

"Yes, My Lord. All preparations have been made. The kitchen is already preparing the meals and the spare rooms have been nicely clean and decorated." Krista, the head maid of their estate, answered in a respectful voice.

"That's good then. Just stay here in the living room and manage everything. Instruct the maids who will be serving the guests. I don't want any mistakes," Tyron strictly instructed before following Allyza to the foyer.

As they reached the foyer, the atmosphere was filled with excitement and anticipation. The family lined up horizontally. They were more than ready to greet their guests.

It wasn't long before the sound of horses running appeared. It took only a few minutes before the front doors opened, and a handsome man with a bulked body stepped in, holding the hand of a small, three-year-old child.

"Welcome to our home," Tyron said warmly, extending a hand. "We are honored to have you with us."

The man smiled graciously, shaking Tyron's hand. "Thank you for having us. I am Viscount Alden, and this is my son, Elias."

Elias, a shy child, clung to his father's leg, peeking out at the Xion family. He had brown curly hair and a pair of blue eyes that were curiously staring around.

Viscount Alden was Tyron's childhood friend. The two of them had trained together and grown up close. He was one of the commanders in the royal army.

However, despite his feats he was a widower, who had faced the heartbreaking loss of his wife during childbirth and now found himself struggling to raise his child alone.

Recently, a war had broken out among the kingdoms, and Alden was called back to lead the soldiers. His duties required him to move frequently and stay in dangerous areas, making it impossible for him to bring his young son, Elias, along.

As a worried father, who had no close relatives to rely on, Alden could only sought the help of his old friend Tyron. He personally asked Tyron for the favor of taking care of Elias until he returned from the war.

Alden knew that Tyron and his family would provide a loving and safe environment for his son during his absence.

"Hi, Elias! My name is Charlize, and this is my little brother, Theron," Charlize stepped forward with a friendly smile.

Elias gave a small wave as an answer. He was still hiding behind Alden's legs.

Theron, now more awake, gave a gentle smile and waved back. "He… yo" (Hello) he said again.

Charlize, excitedly giggled as he took Elias by the hand and gently coaxed him out from behind Alden's legs. "Come on, Elias! I'll show you around. You'll love it here!"

Elias hesitated for a moment but then nodded, his eyes filled with fear and curiosity. With Charlize's lead, the two of them ran towards the living room.

"Welcome, Alden," After witnessing the interaction between their children, Tyron greeted warmly, extending his hand to his old friend. "It's been too long."

"Indeed, it has," Alden replied, shaking Tyron's hand firmly. "Thank you for taking us in on such short notice."

"It is our honor. Please, come in," Allyza sweetly invited, leading them into the house. "We have prepared a comfortable room for you, and lunch will be served shortly."

As they moved inside, the maids discreetly took care of their guests' belongings, and the Xion family escorted Viscount Alden to the living room.

The elegant space of their living room was warm and inviting with comfortable chairs. Adding to that, the aroma of the freshly brewed tea mingled with the cozy ambiance of the room, creating a welcoming atmosphere.

Once everyone was seated, Allyza gently placed Theron on her lap. Theron, who was now more awake, looked around with keen interest. He noticed that Elias was sitting quietly beside Charlize while she kept on shamelessly talking.

'Is this my chance to accomplish my task?'