A Proud Theron

The maids reached out to Charlize and Elias quickly and helped them get back to their feet. Rian hurriedly brought Theron down on the side before going to Charlize. Currently, Charlize's maid was on vacation so she was the only one to oversee the two kids. 

"Are you hurt, My Lady?" Rian asked, concern was evident in her voice.

Charlize shook her head. "I'm okay, just a little stawtled," she replied, brushing off the specks of dirt that clung on her dress. 

She felt both ashamed and embarrassed that a lot of people had to witness her mistake. 

Elias stood up as well, dusting himself off. 

"I'm fine," he said, still looking puzzled but relieved that no one was hurt.

Theron, who was quietly watching, felt a sense of relief washing over him. He was glad that he could help without drawing people's attention to his magic. He gave a small, satisfied smile.

Rian ushered the children back to the table, making sure they were all settled and safe. "I'm glad that everyone is fine but let's be more careful next time," she gently reminded them before giving a meaningful look to Theron.

"You too, Theron."

Theron silently nodded. He glanced over at the side and saw that his sister's head was bowed down. 

"Swis…ser… izzz… faynn!" (Sister, it's fine) He exclaimed out loud, trying to cheer her up. 

Slowly raising her head, Charlize pouted her lips before nodding. She scratched the back of her head before flashing a smile to Theron. 

"I'm fine, Theron."

After making sure that everyone was fine, Rian carried Theron in her arms. 

"Let's go inside now, everyone." she gently instructed them as the other maids followed behind. It seemed like the outside playtime for today is over. 

- - -

Two weeks quickly passed by and the kingdom of Estoria was filled with excitement. The streets were lined with colorful banners and stalls selling all sorts of goods, from delicious food to handmade crafts. 

Musicians and performers filled the air with lively music, adding a festive atmosphere in the streets.

The Xion family, along with Elias, were getting ready to attend the festival in their kingdom. Theron could hardly contain his excitement as he watched the servants go around, preparing their carriage and packing supplies for the day.

It would be his first time to tour around the Kingdom since his birth in this life. He wanted to see the changes that happened for the last 500 years.

"Theron, are you ready?" Charlize called from the doorway of his room, a bright smile was on her face.

"Yes, Swis…ter!" Theron replied enthusiastically, as Rian made last finishes on his clothes. He was dressed in a finely tailored waistcoat suitable for the festive occasion. 

Elias appeared next to Theron's room, looking equally excited. The children's rooms were located just beside each other. 

"I've never bween to a festival like this bwefore," Elias said, his voice filled with excitement.

"It will be fun, Elias," Allyza, who just got downstairs, heard what the kids were talking about. Behind her was Tyron, who was instructing the knights that would guard them later on.

"Really, Mom?" Charlize's eyes sparkled in anticipation. 

"Yes,Sweetie. There will be a lot of shops and games you all could try on." Allyza sweetly smiled. 

"Let's go, everyone. Let's make this a day to remember, everyone," Tyron uttered in enthusiasm after dismissing the knights. He smiled at the eager faces of the children.

As they set off towards the heart of the kingdom, the excitement in the air was palpable. It took them an hour of travel in the carriage due to the flock of people coming from every part of the kingdom. 


As they unboarded the carriages, multiple praises from Charlize and Elias sounded. Their eyes were filled with excitement as they saw multiple costumed people on the streets. 

There was even a dancing costumed dragon in the middle, accompanied by loud drums and trumpets. 

'This is better than I thought.' Despite the Kingdom of Estoria being only a fraction of the Empire, Theron felt a sense of satisfaction when he looked around. 

His heart warmed up as he saw the happy and laughing expression of the people wandering on the streets. The land he once ruled had not only survived but had grown and flourished even after his death. 

Theron's heart swelled with contentment and pride. 

'I hope this is the same case for other Kingdoms.' he sincerely hoped. 

Theron turned to look at Charlize and Elias before his parents. Their faces were glowing with excitement and wonder.. He took a deep breath, savoring the festive air, and thought, 'The kingdom is in good hands.'

He couldn't wait to meet the current members of the Empire family. They must be his great great great great great grandchildren. But before that, he'd see the changes in this kingdom first.

"Mom.. goo!" Theron waved both of his hands excitedly causing everyone to laugh. 

"It seems like our little guy here is excited.." Allyza happily chuckled before securing Theron in her arms. 

"Let's go, Mommy!" Charlize quickly seconded jumping up and down. 

Tyron, with a smile on his face, held Charlize and Elias in both of his hands. Turning his head over his shoulder. 

"Let's go, everyone!" He exclaimed as he took a step forward, leading their walk. 

The family started going through the lively streets, witnessing the festive atmosphere. The joyous shouts of the crowd, the vibrant decorations, and the colorful costumes painted a picture of a kingdom in celebration. 

However, little did they know, amidst the joy and celebration, a shadowy figure was watching them closely from the far side, ready to take action once an opportunity arises.


A/N: Currently, Theron do not know about the war among the kingdoms since Viscount Alden's reason for leaving Elias was not disclosed to the children.