
'There's too many people here. It feels so new' 

Theron soon realized that he hadn't really been outside, interacting with this many people since his previous life. It felt new to him, to see these number of new faces. 

"Do you want anything, Theron?" Allyza couldn't help but ask. She saw Theron staring around for a couple of minutes already, yet he hadn't said a single word. 

"Nyan" (None) Theron answered, while his eyes still continued to roam around. 

Sighing, Allyza nodded. She glanced over to the side and asked Rian to carry Theron for her instead. Her arms were already aching from carrying Theron's body. He was gaining more weight as he grew up. 

"Mommy! Can you buy me a hairpin?" Charlize immediately held onto Allyza's hands, letting go of Tyron's. She smiled widely and acted cutely in front of her mother. 

Allyza chuckled softly. She accepted Charlize's hands and nodded. "Of course, My dear." she asked. 

She and Tyron had saved enough money for them to spend lavishly today. It was their first time going out as a family, so she wanted to make memories with her children. 

Charlize excitedly clapped her hands. She pulled Allyza's hands and led her whole family to the stall where she caught a glimpse of shiny hairpins. 

"You are free to choose anything, Charlize." Allyza encouraged her daughter to make her own choice.

When the stall attendant saw it, he lowered his head and brought the box filled with hairpins down to the level of Charlize's face. 

"Hi there, pretty kid. These hairpins are made from high quality materials. I assure you, they will last for a long time. Very good quality at a very good price." The sales attendant uttered in a high-pitched voice as he presented the hairpins. 

"Dear Wife, Me and the boys will just go around to find some carnival games. You can follow us later once you're done." Tyron stepped up when he saw that the street they were in was full of women's products. 

"Alright. We'll just shop for a few." Allyza sweetly smiled as he looked at Theron lovingly. 

"Take care of Theron, Rian." she uttered before glancing back to Charlize, seeing her still busy with choosing the hairpin that she liked. 

"I will, My Lady." Rian respectfully uttered as she stepped to the side, going behind Tyron.

"Have fun, Elias." Allyza smiled at Elias before gently patting his head. Afterwards, she glanced back at Tyron. 

"You can go now.."

"Alright, but I'll leave the knights here" Tyron responded before assigning the 2 knights they brought to protect his wife and daughter. 

"Let's go kids. Let's find some activities." Tyron enthusiastically exclaimed as he held Elias' small hands. It was obvious that Elias was feeling shy around him. 

"Do not be shy, Elias" Tyron chuckled, noticing Elias's silence throughout their whole journey. 

Elias's eyes widened after hearing his name. He turned his vision upwards and scratched the back of his head. 

"Yes, My Lord." He uttered formally. Despite being close to Charlize and Theron, there was still awkwardness left whenever he talked to the baron and baroness. 

Shaking his head, "Just call me uncle," Tyron smiled widely, feeling proud of it. He couldn't accept that Elias was too formal to him when he's friends with his father. 

"O-okay, Uncle." Elias uttered, hesitancy laced his voice.

As they further walked, Tyron spotted an archery game stall. It was adorned with colorful targets and various prizes hanging from the ceiling. A sign on the side read, "Test Your Aim! Win a Prize!"

"Ha! Look, boys! Let's try this game," Tyron exclaimed as he pointed at the stall. He stood proudly and glanced at Elias. 

"Elias, do you want to try archery?"

Elias shyly shook his head, "I'd like to watch for the meantime, Uncle." he answered in a low voice. 

"How about you, Theron?" 

Theron's eyes lit up with interest. "Wat..ch!" He responded eagerly.

He was curious about Tyron's skills when it comes to archery. He has heard stories regarding his father's skills in swordsmanship. 

"Let's go there, then!" Tyron nodded before guiding them to the stall. He was thrilled to show his talents in front of the kids. 

"Welcome, handsome lad! Are you going to be the lucky one today?" The game attendant, a cheerful man dressed in a rainbow costume, greeted them warmly with a friendly smile. 

"Yes, I am." Tyron uttered in great confidence. He gave the game attendant a few silver coins to start the game. 

"You may now start, Sir."

"Watch me, Kids," Tyron said, winking at Theron and Elias.

He picked up the bow and arrow on the side and aimed carefully at targets. With a steady hand, he stretched the string and eyed the canned bottles in the middle of the table, a few meters away from him.

As Tyron aimed at the targets, the crowd around the archery stall began to grow, drawn by the sight of a handsome man. 

"Watch me, kids." 

With a swift release, the arrow flew through the air and struck the can on the center. The crowd erupted in applause, and a few more people joined, curious to see who the skilled handsome man was. .

"Amey..shing!" Theron clapped his hands. No doubt that his father had potential in archery. He was somehow good at it. 

Tyron, who became more confident with the compliment took another shot, hitting the target again with precision. The crowd's cheers grew louder, and more people flocked around the stall to watch him.

'Be jealous everyone! That's my father!' A boasting smile appeared on Theron's face. 

"Thank you, thank you," Tyron said, acknowledging the applause with a gracious nod. He continued to demonstrate his archery skills, hitting targets with impressive accuracy.

The growing crowd began to encircle the stall, making it difficult for Tyron to keep an eye on both Theron and Elias. Amidst the cheers and commotion, Theron, who was carried by Rian stayed close. 

However, Elias started to feel overwhelmed by the crowd pressing in.

"Elias, are you okay?" Tyron asked, glancing over his shoulder briefly.

Elias nodded, though he looked a bit uneasy. "Yes, Uncle. I'll just stand here and watch."

As Tyron continued to shoot, the crowd's enthusiasm and cheers only intensified. People started to push forward, trying to get a better view. 

Tyron was focused on his performance and ensuring Theron's safety on the side. Because of the flock of people, they didn't notice Elias stepping back, trying to find a bit of space away from the crowd. 

"One more shot, kids!" Tyron said, preparing for his final arrow. He aimed and released the arrow, hitting the target with a satisfying thud. 

Tyron turned around, wanting to share the moment Tyron and Elias. 

"Did you see that, Theron? Elia–' However his eyes slowly widened when he realized Elias was no longer beside him.

"Where's Elias?" Tyron asked, a hint of concern creeping into his voice. He quickly scanned his surroundings, but Elias was nowhere to be seen.