Is It Worth It?

"Mom, is that Dad?" searching through the streets to find more things to buy, Charlize reluctantly pointed her hand in the right direction. 

There, Tyron walked in a fast-paced manner. He had an uneasy expression on his face as he continued to act as if looking for something. 

"Ish Dad looking for us?" Charlize puffed her cheeks as she glanced up. She saw Allyza laughing at the scene of her father.

"Maybe?" Allyza answered unsurely, but there was a smile on her face. "How about you call your father's attention, My Dear?" 

Finding it as a good idea, Charlize nodded. She giggled and raised her hand before waving it multiple times. 

"Dad!!!! We're hereeee!" Charlize shouted out loud, catching the attention of a lot of people especially Tyron. 

Hearing the familiar voice, Tyron instinctively looked at his left side. He felt somehow relieved when he saw Charlize and Allyza waving at him. However, his worry to Elias had only became stronger. 

Walking towards his family, Tyron hurriedly held unto Allyza's arms. He gently pulled her to the side.


Startled by the sudden action, Allyza turned to the side. She noticed the serious expression on Tyron's face. 

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Elias is missing," Tyron said, his voice low but intense. Worry and panic reflected on his tone.

Allyza's face turned pale. "What? Where is he?" Her voice was filled with panic as she gripped Tyron's arm.

She looked around and saw that Rian and Theron were also nowhere to be seen. Fear flickered on her eyes. 

"How about Theron? D-don't tell me…" Allyza's hands started shaking. Her grip on Tyron's hands completely loosened. 

Tyron quickly shook his head. He glanced behind and made sure that Charlize wasn't looking at them. He didn't want to worry his younger daughter.

"Theron is fine, so is Rian." Tyron assured Rian. "I instructed them to go back to the carriage first, that's why they're not here."

Letting out a sigh of relief, Allyza's loud beating heart started to calm down. 

"How did you lose Elias? You were holding his hands earlier." Slowly realizing it, Allyza couldn't help but suspiciously dart her eyes at Tyron.

Tyron swallowed hardly. He scratched the back of his head bedore tilting it to the side. 

"That's not what matters. Let's quickly find Elias first." Tyron answered, avoiding the question. His hands wrapped around Allyza's fingers. 

He already knew that it was his fault.

"We should let Charlize stay with Rian and Theron first. It's better for them to go back ot the estate already."

Even though Allyza wanted to pursue the matter more, she kept silent and agreed to it. She held unto Charlize's hands tightly. 

"My dear, let's go to your Brother first, okay? He's already waiting in the carriage. Somethinf important had just came up for me and your father.

Charlize looking innocently nodded her head. "Okay, Mommy." She was completeky oblivious of what was happening around. 

- - -

'I feel so uneasy. I wonder if they found Elias already.' Theron stared at the window of their carriage. Knights, in which he didn't know where they came from, guarded their carriage from left to right. 

"Young Lord, are you worried?" Noticing it, Rian asked in a soothing voice. Her hands gently caressed his hair. 

"Don't worry, Young Lord. Your father is surely looking for Elias already. Nothing wrong will happen." She smiled as if it was enough to assure Theron. 

However, it wasn't. 

'I wonder if I can be of any help.' Theron silently uttered to himself, ignoring Rian. He looked around and observed his surroundings. 

Everything looked normal, but why does he feel uneasy?

Theron wanted to help with the search. He didn't want to stay here and just do nothing. However with his small body, he would only worsen the situation if he acted alone. 

Despite his body being small, do you know what's actually big though?


His heart! 

'Ha! This won't do!' Theron exclaimed in silence. He removed his gaze outside and stared at Rian instead. He hoped that with his cute looks, he'd be able to melt her heart.

"Awttt!" (Out!) Theron wiggled his arms. 

Rian's eyes widened. "That won't do, Young Lord. Your father instructed that we stay here inside."

"Awtttt!" (Out!) Theron only became more persistent. He smiled and cutely looked at Rian. 

Why was he even doing it?

"Don't stare at me like that, Young Lord." Rian closed her eyes as she aboided Therom's stare. 

Theron looked so cute!!

"Pweaseee?" Theron scrunched his nose and acted as if he was about to cry.

When Rian saw it, her heart completely melted. With her lips pressed together, she reluctantly nodded.

"We can go out but only infront of the carriage where the knights are guaring." Rian uttered, knowing that she's doomed for complying with the request. 

A successful smile flashed on Theron's face.

"Thankiess," he uttered as he felt Rian carrying him upwards. 

'Now let's see what we can do.' The look on Theron's eyes abruptly changes afterwards. 

He tried to think of ways on how he could be of possible help. However, he could only think of one way and it wasn't a guaranteed one too. 

Theron could use his magic to locate any potential magician who had sleeping inner mana within them. However, it has restrictions. He could only locate in the places near him. 

Adding to that, his current magic was very weak. He didn't know if it will work or not. He also wasn't even sure if Elias has one, so all his efforts might go into waste.

'Will I be able to do it, System?' 

[Yes, My Lord. However, with your current grade in Magic and your body, it might be danherous for you.]

'Is it worth it?' Theron curiously asked himself. He became quiet for a couple of seconds as he thought of it. 

'Argh! Fuck! Let's just do it. Either way, I won't be able to complete my mission if something bad happens to Elias.'