Theron's Last Card

Lying down in the carriage seat and being surrounded by small pillows, Theron stared at the ceiling of the carriage. He managed to find a way to be alone. It took a few minutes of crying, acting cute, and faking sleepiness

Theron took a quick glance outside. Rian was standing outside, talking to a few guards out of boredom because she got kicked out inside the carriage. 

'Let's get this done quickly.' Theron silently uttered in a determined voice.  

Closing his eyes, Theron's small knuckles clutched against his chest. He breathed in and out slowly, trying to relax his breathing.

Clearing his mind, he focused on feeling his inner mana, attempting to grasp a part of it.

'This is risky,' he thought, his forehead creasing as he struggled to concentrate.

He was slightly unfamiliar with how it was done, having only tried it once in his previous life.

"Ackkk!" Theron's eyes widened as his chest arched upwards. Cold air washed over his knuckles while heat spread throughout his body. 

He coughed loudly, his vision blurring. His entire body felt as if it were on fire. Despite wanting to stop, he knew he was close.

Theron fought to maintain his focus, his eyes closing but fighting to stay open. The coldness in his palms grew more intense as he held onto his chest tighter, sweat dripping down his forehead.

'Just a little bit more,' he thought, breathing deeply despite his small body shaking violently.

He endured until the coldness slowly dissipated.

Opening his eyes and being greeted by the bright light, a smile flashed on Theron's face as his body slowly cooled down, going back to its normal state. 

[Congralutaions, My Lord! You have done it!]

The System greeted Therom with an enthusiastic voice.

As if a thorn on his chest got pulled out, Therom felt relieveness in every corner of his body. His face restored its bright complexion as if nothing happened a few seconds ago.

'I did it…' Theron's eyes widened. He opened his palms and saw a diamond shaped orb. It was glowing in white with rainbow hues on the side. It was the phyical form of mana in their world. 

"Young Lord, what are you doing?" Opening the door of the carriage, Rian peeeked inside.

She was curious what Theron was doing after seeing him smiling on his own while lookibg at his palms in silence. 

Startled by the sudden voice, Theron instinctively closed his palms before glancing to the side.

"Are you bored, Young Lord?" Rian asked aloud when she noticed the change in Theron's expression

"Noo," Theron answered, relieved that it was only Rian.

People who was born without the talent in Magic naturally wouldn't be able to see mana. 

Chuckling, Rian nodded, even though he was not convinced by it.

"Let's go outside, Young Lord. I was informed that the Baron and Baroness would soon arrive here with your sister " Rian smiled as she took Theron in her arms.


The smile on Rian's face immediately dropped after the question.

"I'm sorry, Young Lord. We still do not have any news about Elias." She answered regrettably. 

"But let's wait for your mom and dad, okay? Maybe they have some." Rian continued as she gently caressed Therom'd back. 

With Theron in her arms, the two of them left the carriage and waited outside patiently.

Tyron, Allyza, and Charlize hurried back to the carriage after a couple of minutes.

The couple tried their best to put on a happy expression as they saw Theron waiting for them outside.

"My dear," Allyza softly called, landing a light kiss on Therom's forehead. 

She smiled widely when she saw him looking at her with curious eyes. 

"Brother!" Charlize waved her hands enthusiastically at Theron. However, as she glanced around, she soon realized that Elias wasn't with them.

"Wait, where's Elias?" she asked, her voice filled with worry.

Allyza's face fell, and she turned to Charlize. She thought of lying, but the thought of lying to her children, broke her heart. 

"E-Elias is missing, dear. But don't worry we're doing everything we can to find him." She uttered in a hurried voice.

Charlize's eyes widened with fear and confusion at what she heard. 

"B-But… how mommy? Elias was with daddy!" Her eyes watered as she worried about Elias. 

Tyron, whose conscience was eating him, reluctantly stepped forward. He knew it was his fault.

With his hands slightly hesitating, he reached out to Charlize's shoulder, gently patting it as if it was comforting her. 

"I'm so sorry, Charlize. It's daddy's fault. Daddy will look for Elias, okay? Nut now, I want you to go home first with your brother and Rian so I can be assured. Do you understand that?" 

With tears starting to fall down on her cheeks, Charlize slowly nodded.

"Okay, daddy." She uttered in a low voice. Her trust to Tyron was high. She knew that his father would bring Elias home. 

The corner of Tyron's lips rose up. "That's good," he uttered before glancing over at Rian. 

"I'll trust their safety on you." 

"Yes, My Lord." Rian respectfully answered before bowing her head. She was about to turn around when Theron suddenly wiggled his arms and feet violently.

"Young Lord!" Startled by the sudden movement, Rian tightened her grip around Theron's waist.

Theron, who knew what he did, shook his head stubbornly. 

"No…go… howm!! I find… eyias!" (I don't want to go home. I want to help find Elias.) he exclaimed out loud, showing how determined he was.

Tyron knelt down, looking into Theron's determined eyes. He smiled but shook his head in response.

 "Theron, I need you to stay safe. It's dangerous out there. Your daddy will find Elias, okay?"

'Bwut…me… help!!" (But I can help!) Theron insisted, his small hands clenched into fists before waving them violently again.

"No." Tyron answered in finality.

'Tsk. You don't want to bring me, huh?'

Theron grinned as he stared at his father. It seems like he had no choice but to use his last card. 

"Uwahhhhhhhh! Uwahhhhhhh!"

Tyron's eyes widened when he heard and saw Theron's loud pitiful cries. His heart immediately broke. 

"Oh no. What to do?" He problematically looked at Theron before glancing at Allyza, asking for help.

Finding their son pitiful, Allyza went near to try to calm him down. Theron, on the other hand, just cried louder.

Finding their son pitiful, Allyza, even though she was also worried, decided to allow Theron to come with them.

"My dear, let's just bring Theron with us. Maybe he can help us… Don't worry. I'll take care of him."