One of the Greatest Magician

Searching through every corner of the lively streets, Tyron and Allyza exhaustively called out Elias's name. A few knights also went around, to cover more areas— most of it were parts that were hard to reach.

Theron, who was silent in his mother's arms, was secretly feeling the mana in his hands. He was waiting for it to light up, a sign that a magician was here. Yet, for all the minutes they have been around, they haven't met one.

'This is hard,' Theron uttered as he stared at the orb in his hands. His parents were too busy to notice what he had been doing behind his mother's back.

'I just hope that Elias had magic in him or else I do not know what to do afterward,' he silently hoped before closing his palms. He leaned against Allyza's neck while they continued to walk further.

Searching through every corner of the lively streets, Tyron and Allyza exhaustively called out Elias's name. A few knights also went around to cover more areas, focusing on parts that were hard to reach.



Tyron's voice was already hoarse from shouting, and Allyza's eyes were red from worrying. They had been going around for an hour. Yet, there was still no news. 

As they moved deeper into the town, they reached a part where there were less people. Shops of expensive brands flocked in the area, and there were only a few passerby. 

"I don't think Elias will be here." Tyron sighed as he glanced over to Allyza. They were already far from the main town. 

"Let's just check it, Tyron. We're already here." Allyza answered in a sweet voice. She smiled at Tyron to give him a little strength.

Tyron must be so damned worried right now since Viscont Alden personally asked them to take care of his child. Elias was also very young.

Alright then," Tyron solemnly answered before continuing their walk. They passed by a few shops, finding it hard since they had to personally go in and out because of the tinted glass walls.

As they moved further, Theron's orb suddenly started to glow faintly. His eyes widened, as he tugged on Allyza's sleeve. 

"Mom… hwere…. some…twing." (Mom, something is here.)

Allyza looked down, startled by Theron's sudden voice. "What is it, Theron?"

"Mwe! Palow!" Thero. exclaimed out loud as he stared at the glowing orb in his hands. 

Allyza and Tyron looked at each other. Even though they were weirded out by their son's sudden action, they complied.

"Alright, alright. Where do you want to go?" Allyza curiously asked. 

Theron smiled widely before pointing his finger at the end of the shops.In there a small and narrow alley could be seen.

Tyron, noticing the determined look on Theron's face, didn't hesitate. He thought that his son had just seen something that interested him. 

"Let's follow Theron's direction," he uttered in a gentle voice before lightly nodding. He was the one to lead their walk.

Walking further, they were greeted by a dimmed narrow alleyway that seemed to stretch endlessly. It was a huge contrast to the vibrant, bustling streets they had just left a while ago

"Is it here?"


Despite the darkness, Theron's orb continued to glow, guiding him further in. The air was thick, and every sound seemed amplified in the confined space.

After what felt like an eternity, they reached the end of the alley, which opened into a small, hidden courtyard. There, standing calmly amidst the shadows, was a figure cloaked in a white robe.

 The orb in Theron's hands pulsed with light, reacting to the presence of the magician.

The magician, a tall old man with sharp features and piercing blue eyes, smiled as he noticed the orb. He was wearing a red baggy body suit.

"Well, what do we have here?" he said in a smooth, melodious voice. "A young one with a talent for magic."

Tyron stepped forward, shielding his family. "Who are you?" He asked in a stern voice. 

He didn't know why Theron wanted to go there but it must be because of this old man.

The magician raised his hands in a gesture of peace. 

"I mean no harm. My name is Lorian. I live here in this little house. And it seems like your son here was destined to meet me." Lorian uttered, secretly winking at Theron to say that his little secret was safe with him.

Theron, still in Allyza's arms, stared at Lorian with a mix of curiosity and caution. This wasn't what he was expecting at all.

The orb in his hands glowed even brighter. It was swaying fron left to right as if uncontrollable. It seemed like the person in front of them was a big deal that the small mana orb was reacting this way. 

Chuckling at what Theron was doing, Lorian gently caressed his long white beard. Interest and curiosity flickered on his eyes as he continuously stared at Theron.

"Who are you really?" Allyza asked, her voice trembling slightly. They weren't with any knights so she was scared at what might happen.

Lorian's smile widened. "Ah, I see. You are not familiar with me. I am Lorian, one of the greatest magicians in this Empire." He briefly introduced himself.

Tyron, who still had trust issues, narrowed his eyes. "Why should we trust you? You're living in this place. As far as I know, the great magicians in the empire lives in the Hightower."

Lorian met Tyron's gaze steadily. He chuckled in amusement as he placed his hand together.

"I understand your caution. But I assure you, I mean no harm. In fact, I know that you're here because you're looking for someone and I might be able to help you."