Saving Elias

Allyza and Tyron were both deeply shocked after hearing Lorian's statement. Despite being cautious, their eyes gleamed in hopefulness.

"H-How did you know that we're looking for someone?" Allyza asked, her voice reflected her shock. 

Lorian gave a meaningful smile to Allyza. "It's a secret." He answered before taking a quick glance at Theron. 

Lorian knew for sure that only people who were looking for someone important would do the same thing as what the young child had done. 

The process of cutting mana was a secret among their kinds. It was something that only a skilled magician dared to try. That's why his amusement when he saw that it was from a young child was truly outstanding. 

A few questions flucked in his brain. One of them was how come the child knew that technique?

Lorian wanted to ask that question, but he'd save it for later. His priority was to help them first since they already came at this point.

"So do you want help or not?" Lorian questioned as he stared at Tryon and Allyza. The two were still suspicious of him, but they had no other choice. 

"We will tajke your offer then." Tyron stepped forward and answered it out loud, confidence was written on his voice. 

Lorian smiled successfully. He cleared his throat before becoming serious.

"I can assist you using the magic of direction," Lorian offered. "Do you have any personal items of the person you're looking for?"

Allyza quickly searched her pockets and pulled out a small handkerchief. It was Elias's handkerchief that she brought in case they'd sweat a lot for today. 

"This is Elias's. Will this work?" she worriedly asked as she raised it in the air. 

Lorian took the handkerchief and nodded. "Yes, this will do."

He examined the handkerchief, his eyes glinting with interest. 

"A personal item like this is imbued with traces of the owner's essence. It will make locating him much easier." he explained briefly. 

Allyza and Tyron watched anxiously, their hope rekindled by Lorian's confidence. 

Lorian closed his eyes, murmuring an incantation as he held the handkerchief in his hand. The air around them began to shimmer with a soft, golden light. The intricate patterns of his magic danced through the air, weaving a delicate web of energy.

"What is he doing?" Allyza whispered, her grip on Theron's body tightening. 

"He's using a tracking spell," Tyron replied quietly, his eyes never leaving Lorian. "It's a rare and powerful form of magic. I have only heard it from my friends in the past "

The golden light grew brighter, swirling around Lorian and the handkerchief. 

Theron watched in awe, his amusement clearly showing. 

'Look at this old man flexing his skills,' he uttered, chuckling. 

Tracking one's presence using an item like that was a technique that only high-skilled magicians can do. In his body right now, it's something impossible for him to do. 

Fortunately with the help of his mana, he was able to find this man. 

He might not have found Elias alone, but he discovered this treasure instead. That's already a good exchange for all the effort he put into this.

Theron continued to watch as Lorian's voice rose and fell in a melodic chant, his words weaving the spell together. 

After a few tense moments, he opened his eyes, now glowing with a faint golden hue. "I have found him," he announced, his voice filled with confidence. "However, je is in a carriage, moving away from us. We must hurry."

Allyza and Tyron's eyes widened agter hearing the good news. 

"We must hurry then!" Tyron answered, happiness was written in his voice. He felt relieved, now that Elias had been found. 

With a wave of his hand, a glowing portal appeared in front of them. "You won't be able to catch them if you ride by land. Come and step through this portal. It will take us to his location." Lorian uttered. 

Tyron hesitated for a moment, but Allyza's pleading eyes convinced him. "Alright, let's go," he said, taking Allyza's hand and stepping through the portal.

Theron clutched his mother's arm tightly, his eyes wide with awe as he felt everything around him rotating in circles. He almost wanted to vomit as his vision became blurry and in daze. 

'Ahh, fuck. This feeling.' Theron firmly closed his eyes as his little hands held unto Alyzza's neck.

The portal transported them to a wooded area where a grand carriage was moving swiftly along a dirt road. The emerged from the portal, just in time to see the carriage coming to a halt. The coachman looked startled as a group of people in front appeared out of thin air.

Lorian stepped forward, his presence commanding attention. "Elias is in that carriage," he said, pointing towards it.

"You! Move out of the way!" The coachman angrily spat as his grip on the horse's lead tightened to control it to move faster. 

The corner of Tyron's lips rose up. "You three, do me a favour and move to the side. Let me handle this." He uttered as he unsheathed his sword.

Stop that carriage!" Tyron bellowed, his voice filled with authority.

The coachmen ignored the command, urging the horses to go faster. He was gritting his teeth as he commanded the horse to go faster and straight as if wanting to run over them. 

Fortunately they were quick to react that they were able to move to the side 

"Tsk. You won't give me an easy way huh?" Tyron didn't hesitate to chase the carriage. He leaped forward, grabbing onto the side of the moving carriage and pulling himself up with impressive strength.

With a swift motion, Tyron yanked the coachmen off his seat, sending him tumbling to the ground. He quickly pulled the horse's lead, signalling him to stop before he jumped out of the carriage to deal with the fallen coachmen. 

"Please hold my son first." Allyza suddenly uttered as she watched how things unfold. Right now was the perfect opportunity for her to get Elias and ensure his safety. 

Lorian, who was enjoying the scene in front of him, was startled when his hands suddenly held Theron in its waist. 

"W-what the…"

"I'm sorry but take care of him first."  Allyza sincerely apologized before rushing forward. She went to the carriage and opened its door with force, revealing Elias lying down in an unconscious manner.