
Kyrexiel felt something dark slide into his mind as the guards closed the door and he wished he had his weapon. Any weapon with him.

The door opened again and the guards came in, and Kyrexiel studied them. They had the same dark brown skin as him but their hairs and eyes were blue.

"He's...still alive." One said as if Kyrexiel should be dead.

Another rolled his eyes. "I can see that. You don't have to point out the obvious."

"Maybe this is why the Elder told us to stand guard. Even when everyone thought it was his dead body that was thrown inside the Reckoning Sanctum anyway." The third said.

Kyrexiel watched them go at it. He was distracted by 'The Reckoning Sanctum' that he heard. It triggered his memory because he now remembered that was the name of the place he just come from, wounded and battered.

That reminds him. "Hey! I'm bleeding, do you have anything to treat me with? Medicine? Even cleaning the wound."

They paused and looked at him as one. Surprise was written on their faces. They started speaking again, ignoring him.

"The useless one can talk?"

"I swear I've never heard him say anything before. And when he did, he was always stammering!"

"Can you believe it, and the biggest surprise of all. He's not dead!"

Kyrexiel drew in a sharp breath. 'He's not dead? Was he supposed to be dead?' He moved away from the bars to assess his situation.

Behind him was a smooth wall and in front of him were iron bars and after that, armored guards that were talking about his death. He didn't like the sound of that one bit.

They whispered among themselves, high enough that Kyrexiel heard them. They didn't care that he could hear them. No, it was more like him hearing was of little consequence.

Kyrexiel quickly re-analyzed. First, this was not a school to train or anything. Second, this body was meant to die. Third, he had too little information.

"He was dead when he was thrown into The Reckoning Sanctum." One said. "Wasn't he?"

"Not dead, but he was hardly breathing. What should we do?"

They said something so low even Kyrexiel's super hearing could not pick it up and then the three of them left, not even sparing a glance back at him.

It didn't take them long to return and they brought another person with them. The first thing Kyrexiel noticed about the man was his aura, he wore it around him like armor and it was a deep threatening thing that made Kyrexiel take even more steps back.

Kyrexiel knew instinctively that that aura was a sign of power, the energy type.

The man wore a blue robe, of rich materials. He carried no obvious weapons but Kyrexiel knew he needed none. His hair was blue, dark Turquoise that was so deep it touched purple. His eyes were also of the same shade.

He came closer and Kyrexiel saw a golden chain hung around his neck, the chain ended with a small golden statue of a Rashaka with a dragon's body and five heads.

The man's face was scarred, giving him a severe look. "So you are alive." The man's voice was deep. He looked at Kyrexiel, met his eyes, and held it.

Kyrexiel's body reacted, he started to look away and then he froze. He didn't know why but he looked back and met the man's eyes in challenge.

Tension rose between them as their eyes clashed, almost like naked blades in intensity. Kyrexiel liked that feeling so he looked even harder, his blood shimmered in his veins, his purple eyes glowed softly and the man looked away with a grunt, his head dipped low.

When he looked up again, he avoided looking at Kyrexiel's eyes directly, instead, he looked at his forehead. "It looks like the Reckoning Sanctum proved weak. It failed to kill you."

Kyrexiel was still marveling at what just happened. To him, It looked like some werewolf shit but the mention of death brought him back. "What?" His voice came out sharp.

The man snorted. "I should kill you myself but I won't stain my hands with the blood of a coward. You are so pathetic even the Sanctum failed to kill you."

Kyrexiel took another step back. 'Who is this man? What did he want with him?' He pressed his memory because he knew what was happening now was important. Headache slammed into him like a train accident but he endured and got what he wanted.

The man standing before him is Elder Cormac Hydraeus, the Defense councilor of the city. One of the most powerful people in Xandros.

And one of Kyrexiel's extended family.

Elder Cormac folded his hands in front of him and frowned, his eyes cutting like uncut turquoise. "Your blood will be sufficient but your body will work too."

Kyrexiel's was getting confused. And In the worst possible time. If Cormac was an Elder in charge of defense and one of Kyrexiel's extended family then why did he want to kill him?

How important is this body to warrant death? Kyrexiel needed more information. "You are the Elder of defense. Why are you doing this?"

Cormac didn't reply at first because a third hand rose from his back, and the hand stroked the chain around his neck. "You are right. I'm in charge of Defense and that is why I won't let you and your mother ruin our Dominion."

"Mother?" Kyrexiel said and another memory slammed into him. This one was of a slender woman with the same eyes as him, with purple hairs even longer than his.

Kyrexiel's eyes widen. His mother is Bloodscion. The ruler of the Dominion of Vaidika. One of the five Great Clans that made up the world of Maledicta.

The Great Clan of the Hydra.

And he, Kyrexiel's Hydraeus is the Scion. The heir.

His vision swarmed and his legs wobbled. Things aren't as easy as he thought. It just got worse.