Clan house

Kyrexiel didn't particularly care that he was doing all that, it was just that he had a feeling that Cormac was doing all this to target the Bloodscion in some kind of way.

"Have you found out why he was doing all that?" Kyrexiel asked, Information was one of the most powerful tools after all and he needed as much of it as he could.

Elyrixa began speaking but Urlk cut in. "Why are you telling him all this? He might be a spy! An informat sent to nail us!"

Kyrexiel had to admit, he had a point there.

Elyrixa didn't think so, she shook her head. "Those blue shields were legit. They won't send him with guards if he is an informat, that's just sloppy work."

"Maybe that's what they want you to think," Urlk grumbled.

Ironically, Kyrexiel might just be a spy but it all depends on who the Scuridae's target is. If it was his mother, then Kyrexiel would turn into more than a spy.

Elyrixa shot Urlk a warning glare and then turned to Kyrexiel. "We don't know why exactly but we have a lead. The people brought by the blue shield were always sent to one person deep in the Crumbs."

Kyrexiel's heart beat faster. Now he had a way to get the location of the place where Elder Cormac's plans to take his mother down were taking place. That was where the Elder was sending him to and where he said his blood and body would be 'useful'.

"Who controls the place?" Kyrexiel asked, keeping his curiosity from his eyes as best as he could.

"Unfortunately we don't know exactly but we do have a lead, especially the clan he was. In coming weeks we..." Elyrixa stopped when Urlk coughed loudly. "We will see how it goes."

Kyrexiel nodded. Even Elyrixa had things she won't tell strangers but Kyrexiel knew they had a lead now. He knew where to stick to. First thing first, he knew too little about his 'rescuer' so he turned to her. "I don't think you just managed to stumble into all of this by chance."

She smiled and looked at Kyrexiel. "No. It was by sheer hard work and you are not the only one we have saved. Some were in even worse conditions than you."

Kyrexiel looked sidelong at her. "And the blue shield? Do you kill them every time?"

"We do." She said firmly. "They would have returned to their master and exposed us. So far there hasn't been an official inquiry from the Blue barracks."

Kyrexiel knew that what they were doing was dangerous. The killing Blue Shield is a criminal offense and anyone found doing it with be tortured and killed.

Elder Cormac takes it seriously since he's the commander of all blue shields in the whole of the Dominion of Vaidika.

Although other provinces under the Dominion managed their cities with their own forces. The capital can still send Blue Shield to open any investigation it wants.

The Scuridae killing blue shield could mean the death of the whole clan and anyone related to them. Kyrexiel wondered when it was best to ask her the important question. Why are you after the Blue Shield and getting in their business?

Soon though they made their way over to the proper slums where the Rashakas here lived. Even at night, and maybe especially in the night, the place was full of Rashakas.

They were selling things, calling with slang words because what majority of what they were selling was illegal or stolen stuff. Some walked around with their heads in the air, eyes glazed over with drugs.

There are Rashakas of all bloodlines here, and some of them were in tier three, rank three with their Shorv proudly displayed.

A lot of Rashakas gave those with short wide breath since most average could only hope to reach that rank. That was why Kyrexiel found it impressive that a woman of Elyrixa's Bloodline managed to get to that tier at her age.

Elyrixa and Urlk led him through a surprisingly clean alley and she told him proudly that this was the beginning of her territory.

Kyrexiel wanted to ask her what she meant by 'her territory' but they bent a corner and then a small stone building was standing in front of them.

"Welcome to the Scuridae clan!" Elyrixa said and then she knocked, a small slit opened and eyes peeked from the inside. The door opened into a semi-dark room. "Follow me!"

Kyrexiel did, Urlk coming behind him. The room was small and shabby. There was only one other person there except then. Kyrexiel recognized her as one of the big-nose teammates of Elyrixa.

"Everyone back?" Elyrixa asked the big-nosed woman.

The woman nodded. "Yes, Clan leader."

Kyrexiel's eyes widened and he looked at Elyrixa. Is she a clan leader? At her age? It's not like he was underestimating her but it was just so unexpected to him.

He decided to ask her about it later.

The woman bent and then swept away the dusty carpet on the floor, revealing a small door made into the stone floor. Elyrixa gestured and they followed her down a rusty ladder.

"This is the official Clan house of the Scuridae. Welcome Kyrexiel."

The place was simple. A long tunnel that ended in a big chamber but lining the tunnel are doors. Rooms for the Scuridae clan members.

As they made their way to the chamber, doors opened and faces came out, eyes flashing silver, calling a greeting to the clan leader. Young Rashaka are running and playing in the tunnel and their parents calling after them.

Old ones sat on chairs in front of their doors while those like Elyrixa and Urlk moved around, their bodies cloaked.

'There must be more than three hundreds here' Kyrexiel thought. 'And most of them, like Urlk are in the tier two, rank two.' A low slum clan liktheirsre built itself, instead of leaving itself in the one rank like the majority of those in their position.

'Interesting' Kyrexiel smiled.