So it begins II

Kagerou has been keeping his hammer for him. He talked about about keeping something that belongs to him. The hammer is an Heirloom but of a lesser quality.

At first glance it was nothing to look at. It appeared as a simple metal rod with enchantments words, but with a push of his own mana Kyrexiel could activate it and it would turn into a full hammer with slanted head.

He can also adjust the length of the rod.

Kyrexiel was dressed in a black trouser and a long sleeve shirt with purple embroidery. His hair was combed and packed back lossy. A long purple earring on his left ear and his Scion ring on his right hand.

Kagerou was dressed almost the same but he wore a light armor above his and no jewelry for him. His sword by his side. "Are you ready, my Lord."

Kyrexiel put his hammer, now the size of a short sword on his waist. "Yes. Let's go."