The Clown

But they didn't head directly to the main palace. No, they went to another of the residence nearby. And they were surprised to see Kyrexiel there because it was mostly for servant. High ranking servant.

But before they could enter the building, two guards stepped in their way. They wore the blue and purple of the blue shields but there was a deep blue slash around their waist.

Kyrexiel raised his brows. That was new, when did they add to their uniform? And most importantly...."Why are you standing in my way?"

One of them stepped forward and bowed, it was shallow. "The Elders. They have summoned you."

Kyrexiel looked him in the eyes and asked slowly. "Why did you stand in my way?"

The guards exchanged looks among themselves. "It was the Elders that want to see you." The second one stepped forward too.