High Elder

Kyrexiel don't have to bow to greet the Elders but he usually does it but that was a different Kyrexiel. This one will not bow to those who do not deserve it.

Erestor pushed his glasses up his narrow nose, he understood what Kyrexiel was doing and he wasn't pleased. "It is High Elder now."

"Is it?" Kyrexiel asked carelessly and turned to the old woman beside him. "Elder." He said. The diplomacy Elder was his mother's advisor but from the look on her face, she didn't seems to want anything to do with him.

'So no friends here' Kyrexiel thought.

Erestor continued in that smooth voice of his that he always uses when sending people for their crimes. "You have been called here to...."

"Ah wait," He raised his hands and the murmuring started again. He didn't fail to see the way Erestor clenched his jaws. "This just won't do."

"What are you talking about." One of the new Elders said.