
Kyrexiel is angry, very. He could not believe he had been checkmated like that. "To think he has something like this planned!"

"Well It was really good. He planned it well and walked you into it. He's very good." Malak said from his place at the table where he was eating.

Kyrexiel groaned. And he had no choice but to accept. It's not like he could just refuse something like that in full view of the court. He did commit to crime after all.

"So what is your next plan?" Kagerou asked, he was leaning against the wall looking sleepy.

Kyrexiel stopped. 'What is my next plan. I don't have much choice but to go down there but that just means certain death. Even my other didn't go and pull in her Overlords'

He draw a chair and sat on. "My plans. I don't know what my next plan is. Erestor has left me unbalanced."