Chapter 20: Peaceful Days

Chapter 20: Peaceful Days

"What were you thinking?"


Hugie couldn't help but massage his forehead. He felt that this had become a pattern. Eden would go ahead and do his f*ckery, then Hugie would have to come, intervene, and help him. Then he'd ask "What were you thinking?" and then massage his head.

"Haa..." Eden was still kneeling on the ground like a naughty kid who was being lectured. Hugie sighed once again, staring at Eden.

After staying silent for a few seconds, his lips parted. "Actually, I understand what's troubling you..."


"There used to be a period in my life when I thought I was talentless. When I thought I was of no use, when I thought that all the pieces of art I created were worthless... I wished to prove that I'm not. I wished to show everyone that even I can be better. I stayed awake late at night, trying my hardest. In the end, it just turned out I was leashing myself even further..."

Hugie squatted, looking straight into Eden's eyes. "If you don't understand who you are, then how will you understand others' perspectives? Try gaining your own approval first. Listen to advice, don't make it your obstacle and enemy."

He slowly stood up. "It's what you want that matters, not what you think others want from you."

"Listening to your heart is art. It's something that's supposed to be enjoyed, not something that eats you from inside."

Eden, too, slowly stood up as he looked straight into Hugie's eyes once again. With utmost seriousness, he questioned, "From which novels did you plagiarize that?"

Hugie instantly burst into laughter, followed by Eden. Right now, his mind wasn't that chaotic anymore. His heart was calmed. The stress that he was feeling during these past few days suddenly evaporated into thin air. It was only by opening up to your loved ones that you could be at ease. Keeping things within yourself would just make your heart heavier.

It's what you want that matters, not what you think others want from you...

Man, Hugie surely has his way with words. As much of a pushover and green flag as he is, he can be a great actor too.

As Eden looked at the brown-haired boy, a smile appeared on his face.

"Mm? I'm not gay!"

"But I'm~"

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Now don't act so sus, or I might be forced to change dorms."


"Well, wanna play any games?"

"Games?" In the past, Hugie would've outright refused, saying that Eden needed to study, but currently he smiled. Walking towards his bed, he pulled the mattress upwards.

Turns out even he had his secret stash of games... He quickly whipped out two controllers and a cassette. Inserting it into the device, he placed two chairs near the monitor.

"Ready to play the game?"

"Yeah, sure. Been so long since we played in a similar fashion."

"Right." Hugie nodded as he sat on the right side. Eden chose the left one. Grabbing the controller, they both quickly started the game.

Soon the night descended. Eden and Hugie both jumped on their individual beds simultaneously. Hugie pretended to sleep as he looked at Eden. Ten minutes later, Eden was already in his world of sweet dreams.

This was probably the first time that Hugie had seen such a peaceful expression on Eden's face. He was probably having a sweet dream...


"Mm, Lenox's song is quite good," Eden commented as he looked at the famous composer's new song. A composer who never really participated in any competition but was already considered to be a maestro and also a writer.

It was rumored that the "Union" themselves had personally sent Lenox an invitation to participate in the Grand Spirty Award a year and a half later.

Hmm, his song is quite niche...

This morning, Eden had woken up at 5, refreshing himself. Seeing that some time was still left, he sat down listening to some songs. After a while, he removed the ear pods and began working on his song. Although he didn't have to overwork himself or put himself under grave stress, it didn't mean that he could also stay carefree and simply procrastinate.

Acting. Composing. Writing. He had decided to participate in these three fields. In fact, Eden had also decided to start writing from today.

While sipping on the coffee, he continued composing.

Mmm... 23 days are left before the start of Rising Star — Musician.

Finishing the cup of coffee, he left his room.

Unlike yesterday, today passed quite peacefully. He attended the classes, occasionally answering the questions asked to him, occasionally getting flashes of inspiration and whipping out his small notepad to scribble a few words.

Unlike before, now it seemed like he was making greater progress. The song now seemed to appear even more enjoyable with greater immersion.

Sitting in the cafeteria, Eden munched on something light as he scribbled on the side.

"Ah?" Theo asked as he looked at the notepad.

"Yes, this is the revised version of the song," Eden subconsciously replied.

"Ah Ah?"

"Ah yes, you will have to sing again. But there's no need to be nervous." Eden paused as his pen fluttered in that instance. Did I just understand what this creature said?

What in the name of Harry Potter is this kind of sorcery?

The bell rang as the lunch break ended. They both parted ways.

A few more hours passed by.

"Man, Theo, let's clean this area up quickly."

"Mm." Theo nodded as he began cleaning his share of instruments. Eden, on the other hand, recalled the modern fingering techniques as he began playing the piano.

He was, in fact, quite skilled at playing the instrument.

Closing his eyes, he enjoyed the tune.

"Ah ah ah."

"Huh? You already finished cleaning? Okay, okay... Let me do it now."

After cleaning the instruments, they both walked into the Academy's studio, recording. Theo was now a little more familiar with Eden as he could now sing without the influence of beer in front of him.

Although, he would go all out when influenced by the drink...

The files were sent back and forth, from him to Lena.

Things were appearing to move smoothly.

'Days passing like this aren't half bad...'

And finally, the fateful day appeared when Eden looked at the empty page.

The empty first page that scared many authors...