Early Comet's Passage Realm Battle Power

Chapter 120


"..." "..." "..."

The high-ranking members of both top-tier sects looked up at the crimson-eyed old man, as they didn't know whether he was completely insane or audacious beyond comparison.

But after remembering the attacks that he and the Frostwind Brigade just displayed, they were immediately reminded of the odds being stacked up against them…

And it was with this realization that the Grand Elders and Leaders of both sects started to speak:

"We did not know it would-"


However, before they could finish their words, a countless number of sword strikes were unleashed in the direction of a few key members involved in the betrayal of the Ice Goddess Sect Leader.

"I was just kidding about giving those guilty a chance to plead their cases, for I already know which ones among you are not worthy of living in the world that my lady and the Ice Goddess Sect plan to build."