Dragon Land Alliance, Universe-Size Dragon

Chapter 121


After a few seconds of travel, inside a vast expanse of islands in the shape of a dragon that made up the Dragon Land Alliance, Azmodeus's Primordial Essence Clones were on their way to the other versions of themselves.

Today would be the day that the Dragon Land Alliance gave up their resistance, as they had nowhere left to hide.

And along with him on this quest, he decided to bring his eldest and only disciple, Rou Tian.

She didn't get out very often… Or at all, so he figured it would be best if she got out and experienced something other than cultivation.

However, when he saw that expression on her face—an expression that said she wanted to get this over with so she could get back to cultivating—he knew that a lot of work would have to be put into having her let loose a little…

What happened to that cute and soft-spoken, silly brown-haired pigtail girl from all those years ago…?