He Sying frowned looking at the petite lady in his arm. An Ke'an felt there's no hope for her, it seems she had reached the end of her life.

"General, don't frown. It doesn't suit you." An Ke'an said even though breathing was an extreme torture to her not to talk of talking.

"Don't talk." He Sying said as his frown deepened. He knew the pain she was enduring was great, but he couldn't do anything. He could only hope rescue comes fast.

"There's no need. I know my body better than you do. General, I have one last wish, would you fulfill it for me?"

There was a long silence, it seems He Sying can't come to terms that she was really going to die.

"What is it?"

"Can you smile for me? I've always wanted to see it."

He Sying was stunned by her request, looking at the pale beautiful face, he felt if he doesn't accept her request, he's going to regret it.

"Alright." He Sying answered.

He pulled the corner of his lips up. Perhaps because he hasn't smiled for a long, long time, it looked extremely awkward.

An Ke'an chuckled seeing his awkward smile, her eyes began to droop and her body started to feel heavy.

"General, I want to sleep. A long one, I feel like I won't want to wake up." After saying that, her eyes closed and her breathing became weaker.

He Sying held her tightly, his lips pursed. They maintained this posture for what seem like eternity. The first snow of the year was ushered in, yet the biting cold seem to have no impact on the man kneeling in the middle of the battlefield with tattered clothes.

Tears rolled down He Sying's face, for the first time in sixty years he cried. Why did he realize this now? His feelings for her. He knew she was special but he had no idea he had fallen in love with her.

On the year 300 stardust calender, the Xian Galaxy won the almost twenty years long war at the expense of the death of millions of soldier. The Hero General He Sying who led the war to victory divorced his lawful wife, took revenge on those who made his life a living hell and disappeared from the public eyes. Never to be seen or heard of again.

"Ding. Hello, I'm system 401. I'll be assisting you on your journey. I hope we get along." A mechanical voice was heard in the void.

An Ke'an looked at the panel in front of her.

"Alright." She said with a hint of sadness and excitement, and the space distorted with both her and the panel disappearing from that spot.


Inside a room, the sun passing through the curtain shone on a girl's face. The girl frowned using her hands to cover the rays of light that shone on her face. She sat up and scanned the room.

"I really came back." An Ke'an said as she smiled.

She got down from the big blue princess bed and walked towards the mirror. A very gorgeous cute face appeared on the mirror, the girl looked very young, a teenager whose beauty wasn't in the full bloom yet.

"Which year is it?" She said as she opened her light brain. Looking at the year 280, An Ke'an felt both excited and sad.

She had yet to meet He Sying this year. But it doesn't matter, she was going to see him sooner or later. After all she had waited for a century.

Staring at the calender that says stardust year 280, An Ke'an got lost in thought. She died at the age of 40 in her past life. A young age in this era, in her world presently they lived up to 600 years of age.

One would become an adult at age 35, she was currently 20 years old. A child, a young teenage in this world.

After her death in her past life she began transmigrating from one world to another, doing missions in hope of coming back to her world.

What she didn't expect was that the system will let her regress to the year before all tragedy started. She was thankful for that.

"The war." An Ke'an mumbled, frowning. The terrible war that left an irreparable scar on the Xian Empire. A war against Zergs and star beasts.

She can't prevent it, but she could reduce the casualty and shorten the time the war ended.

As she was in a deep thought, An Ke'an heard a soft knock on the door. Snapping out of her thought, An Ke'an opened the door, there was an housekeeper robot standing in front of her. Its height was reaching her waist with a (^_^) on its face screen.

"Young miss, your examination will start at exactly 10am, you should be in school by 9am."

"Alright, thanks K15." An Ke'an smiled at her only AI companion since the disappearance of her parent.

"You're welcome Young miss." K15 said before taking its leave.

'Exam? Ah, right. The college entrance exam.' An Ke'an thought realising she has yet to attend college at this age.

"It seems I came back at the right moment." An Ke'an said smiling as she went back into her room to freshen up.

An Ke'an looked at her wardrobe and couldn't decide what to wear. The clothes here were entirely different from the clothes she wore during her transmigrations. Her transmigration had to do with the ancient times, the period before they left earth. These clothes in her wardrobe were too flashy and very bulky for her liking.

An Ke'an sighed, she put on her light brain and checked the time, she still had 30 minutes. So she designed a simple white top and a blue khaki pants. She sent the design to K15.

Ten minutes later, the clothes was delivered. After dressing up and putting on a light makeup, she put her long hair into a bun. When she went downstairs, K15 had a ( ⊙ o ⊙ ) reaction on its screen upon seeing her dressing.

An Ke'an was dressed differently from the interstellar people who seem to overdress and wear flashy clothes. And she wasn't wearing her usual heavy makeup.

"What are we having for breakfast?" An Ke'an smiled at his reaction.

"It's strawberry flavoured, Young miss." K15 brought over a pink liquid in a tube.

An Ke'an's smile faltered, how did she forgot? People of this era don't eat normal food but this funny tasting liquid. An Ke'an sighed, touching her butterfly birthmark on her wrist. A hot piping soup and freshly baked bread appeared out of thin air. She got rewarded with a space after her first mission. In the space she stored rewards or things she got from the worlds she transmigrated to.

K15 had a ((*。_。)_ on his screen because An Ke'an wasn't wearing a space button, yet she was able to conjure something out of thin air. Seeing his reaction, An Ke'an was reminded at how she had lost all her wealth in her past life. He had the same reaction when he got hacked, after all K15 had a very high security level. Putting the food on the dinning table, An Ke'an beckoned K15.

She then added some security measures on K15 to prevent hacking and updated some settings.

An Ke'an's parents were one of the richest people on Xian Galaxy. An Ke'an's male mother Su Xingyu went missing in a blackhole and her father An Tangxing went to search for him, they are currently nowhere to be found.

The blackhole is a hole that appears anywhere, anytime. These hole are sometimes doors to the star beasts worlds connecting them into their world and sometimes these holes suck in people, their live and death unknown.

Before An Tangxing went on a search for his wife, he sold all his companies and properties that were known to public. The money from it was given to An Ke'an, he acquired some companies and bought some shares in some major companies under her name. So An Ke'an can be considered the richest underage person in the Galaxy.

The reason she wasn't known to the world was because before her parents disappearance, she was never shown to the public. And she had no relatives that'll fight for wealth with her. An Tangxing had the highest security around her, so nobody knew a girl named An Ke'an had wealth beyond their imagination.

After she was done with her breakfast, An Ke'an took the backpack she designed for K15 to create and proceeded to the college entrance exam centre. Before leaving, she instructed K15 to acquire a research institution.

Getting down from the car, An Ke'an stared at the huge building in amazement. In all the worlds she went, the buildings in her world were still the most impressive.

"Oh, who is this country bumpkin?" A loud female voice brought her out of her thought.

"Ah.., so it's you An Ke'an." Lin Shiyi said guiltily as she looked at An Ke'an who was now looking at her.