An Ke'an's eyes narrowed when she recognised the person before her. Lin Shiyi, one of her so called friends who had turned her life into hell.

An Ke'an smiled at her and said.

"It's been a long time since we've seen each other. How have you been?"

"Hahaha, fine." Lin Shiyi laughed awkwardly, she hadn't expected the beautiful girl in front of her was the ugly and rich An Ke'an.

She had seen the girl looking at the school building with amazement written all over her face. She had intended to walk away but she then noticed the boys were sneaking a peek at An Ke'an. Looking at her unique dressing and her beautiful face, Lin Shiyi intended to embarrass her. Who would have thought the girl was An Ke'an?

How did she change drastically in the one month they hadn't seen each other?

"You, where did get this dress? I don't think I've seen one before." Lin Shiyi asked trying to change the subject.

"I designed it myself. Let get going or we will be late for the exam." An Ke'an answered and smiled at her.

Before Lin Shiyi could respond, An Ke'an walked into the building, not intending to accommodate the hypocrite.

Lin Shiyi's face twisted with jealousy, the An Ke'an she knew wasn't one who was creative enough to design such unique style. She probably got it from her parents.

Realising some people were still looking at them, she quickly adjusted her facial expression before walking into the building.

An Ke'an looked through the school board, looking for the hall she would write her exam. In her past life, she had chosen to be a pharmacist, though she never wanted to be one. She chose the course out of jealousy for her love rival. But in this life, An Ke'an wants to be a food soothing doctor. Food soothing doctors are those who try to recreate ancient food with spiritual powers. A way to sooth mental disorders through food.

The people in this interstellar world possess either spiritual power or mental power or they might possess non. Majority of people possess mental power but most have low levels, making them not prone to mental disorders. Those that possess spiritual power are not much and their powers are used for soothing mental disorders making them a treasured existence in the empire. Only a few does not possess these two and that may be because of illness or other unfortunate factors.

An Ke'an possess an SS level of spiritual power. The reason she wants to be a food soothing doctor in this life is because of the the lack of food, a lot of people relied on nutrient solution. This became an issue during the war, the nutrient solution was unable to keep up with nutrient needed for the human body.

Unlike ancient people who use meat and other nutrient from plants, the people of this era has no such privilege. Most plants and meats found on Xian Galaxy can't be consumed, this made the people rely heavily on nutrient solution.

If she were able to grow some edible food and bring back food eaten from the ancient world with the use of her spiritual power, the war will be much more bearable.

"An Ke'an, what are you doing here?" A male voice full of disgust asked.

An Ke'an looked sideways at the source of the voice. They were three boys who were standing beside her, they looked much more older than her. One had an indifferent look in his eyes, another one was looking at her with curiosity, and the last with an expression of disgust.

An Ke'an recognised these three, even though it has been a century she had seen them last, her photographic memory made her remember them.

The one looking at her with disgust and the one with an indifferent look in his eyes are brothers. The former Xu Jingxi and the latter Xu Yunxi. While the one looking at her curiously is Xian Shi, the third Prince of the Xian Galaxy.

An Ke'an greeted the third Prince ignoring both Xu Jingxi and Xu Yunxi. Seeing this Xu Yunxi's expressionless face showed a little surprise followed by disgust.

"I'm telling you, you'd better stop causing trouble for Qiao Yao or don't blame me from being ruthless." Xu Jingxi said with disgust laced in his tone.

It took a while before An Ke'an remembered what he was talking about. The smile that was always on her face faltered as she looked at Xu Jingxi coldly.

Her parent went missing a year ago, though nobody knew about it except the royal family and her best friend's family. That moment was one of the worse time of her life, an underage who suddenly lost her guardian. During those times, Xu Yunxi helped her and she fell in love with him.

She started following him around and buying him things he needed with her inheritance. But Xu Yunxi didn't like her, he liked someone else 'Qiao Yao'. Xu Yunxi never told her he had no feelings for her or that he had someone else he liked. She, like a fool stuck to him, did everything he wanted.

When she confessed to him, the excuse he gave her was that she was too young. After all he was six years older than her. Because of that she started studying like crazy, skipping grades to be in the same grade as he was. Normally the age for being in college is 27 years old but she at the age of 20 is already taking exam for college.

"Heh." An Ke'an sneered with disgust written all over her face before she walked past them. She started to wonder how she could be that foolish in her past life. Xu Jingxi was stunned seeing her reaction. An Ke'an has always liked Xu Yunxi but the person Xu Yunxi liked was Qiao Yao.

So, An Ke'an always caused Qiao Yao trouble while pretending to be innocent in front them. But seeing her drop her pretense so suddenly, made him unable to react.

"Jingxi, didn't you say An Ke'an was ugly and she liked your brother. But from what I see, she didn't even spare him a look." Xian Shi suddenly interrupted.

"That..She was always wearing that ugly makeup so I just assumed she was." Xu Jingxi scratched the back of his head awkwardly and said trying to prove his innocence.

"Oh." Xian Shi thought that if An Ke'an was considered ugly then there's probably no beautiful person on Xian Galaxy.

Xian Shi looked at Xu Yunxi thinking why he would go for Qiao Yao who was inferior to An Ke'an in terms of beauty, age and bearing. But he didn't think much but walked towards the school board.

Xu Yunxi frowned when he saw the way the third prince was looking at him. To be honest, he too was surprised when he saw the beautiful version of An Ke'an. And he felt uncomfortable when she didn't lash onto him like she always did, but ignored him. Could she have stopped liking him in the one month they hadn't seen each? But he denied the thought thinking it was impossible given how obsessed she was with him.

Maybe this is another one of her scheme of wanting him to notice her, seeing she had stopped wearing that ugly makeup.

He sneered while thinking he won't fall for her scheme, he wondered who gave her that idea. He walked towards the school board, throwing the matter behind his mind.

Xu Jingxi frowned as he looked at the place An Ke'an had left. He had an odd feeling that something is getting out of hand.

An Ke'an went into the exam hall for food soothing course examination. Once she entered, she felt everyone's eyes fell on her because of her unique dressing, but she ignored them.

The exam started at exactly 10am, and ends at 11am. But An Ke'an spent 30 minutes on the paper, because she was already familiar with the questions. Once she left, it caused an uproar. Because this examination was known for its difficult question. They came to conclusion perhaps she didn't know the questions given how young she was, so she just left.

An Ke'an went straight home not wanting to meet some acquaintance that'll ruin her good mood. At home, K15 reported completing its mission she had given it.

An Ke'an sat down on her desk jotting down all the major and minor incident she had experienced during her past life. Once she was done, she went into the garden. Taking out a black lump of soil from her space, she ordered the farm robots to spread mix it on the soil of the entire garden.

The black soil was a soil she got from a cultivation world. It could grow anything and fasten its growth 100x faster. After they migrated from earth they lost a lot of things, for example it became harder to grow a lot of thing as the soil here in Xian Galaxy was unsuitable.