Once it was done, she divided the garden into three. She planted five different kinds of fruits on one part, namely apple, orange, watermelon, grapes and pineapple. She planted herbs on another plot and different types crops on the last one. The result she got brought a smile to her face.

An Ke'an decided to buy a planet that should be used for only farming. But right now she had no protection and she wasn't at a age where she could protect herself. While in thought her light brain rang.

Answering the call, a girl with short hair reaching on top of her shoulder. She looked beautiful with two dimples on each side of her cheek. Her beauty was a different kind from An Ke'an who had a soft aura but she gave off an heroic aura.

"An'an are you done with your examination? I didn't see you at the centre." The girl asked looking concerned.

"Gia...." An Ke'an chocked with tears in her eyes, as she looked at the video of the girl on the other side of the light brain.

"What's wrong? Did someone bully you? Where are you? I'm coming there now." Gia asked anxiously as she she ran into her flying shuttle. She was currently still at the exam centre.

"I'm alright. I just missed you. I'm at home." An Ke'an smiled through her teary eyes.

"Really. And didn't we met yesterday? Why do you suddenly miss me? An'an, you didn't miss your exam because you slept off, did you?" Gia asked looking sceptical.

"No, I'm done with my exam. Can you come over now?" An Ke'an assured her smiling looking really happy.

"Alright, I'll be there soon." Saying this, Gia cut off the line.

Gia was her best friend, the only friend who wished her well. They had been together since they were young. Gia was like an elder sister to her since Gia was four years older than her. When she started liking Xu Yunxi, she had been the one who had advised her that Xu Yunxi wasn't a good person. But she never listened, thinking Gia was exaggerating.

When she began skipping grades intending on being the same class with Xu Yunxi, Gia also did the same, in order to look after her. That's why she was also having her college entrance examination today. Gia died while protecting her in her last life. She was eaten alive by star beasts with no remains.

Knowing she was coming over, An Ke'an decided to prepare some ancient food, especially one from ancient China for her.

Ten minutes later Gia arrived on the An planet, where An Ke'an resides.

"An'an how come you finished your exam so fast?" Gia asked as she entered the main villa. She paused in her steps when she perceived an unfamiliar tempting aroma.

Following the aroma, she arrived at the kitchen where K15 and An Ke'an where bustling about.

"Good day Miss Gia" K15 asked with a (^_^) expression.

"Good day. An'an, what are you doing?" Gia asked after responding to K15.

"Oh, you're here. Go sit, the food will be ready soon." An Ke'an smiled at Gia who had a bewildered expression on her face.

" since when do you know how to cook?" Gia asked looking stupified.

"I started learning a long time ago." An Ke'an answered while instructing K15 and the kitchen robot to set the table.

"Are you doing this for Xu Yunxi?" Gia asked looking sour and jealous.

An Ke'an laughed at her jealous expression, and pushed her out of the kitchen. She intends to tell Gia regarding her rebirth, because the girl was bound to notice something, since she knew her even more than her parents did.

Once the food was set, she pulled Gia to the dinning table.

"Sit and eat. I'll tell you after eating."

Gia didn't want to agree but the food was too tempting. She gave in and began digging in while not forgetting to ask for the dishes name.

Once she was full till her tummy was round, Gia sat on the sofa lazily belching.

"What did you want to tell me?" Gia asked squinting her eyes in enjoyment as she sipped the fruit smoothie.

"Have you ever heard of rebirth?" An ke'an asked sitting on the opposite sofa.

"What's that?" Gia responded sipping the straw that was making noise because the content in it was finished.

An Ke'an began explaining how she died, transmigrated from world to world and how she got reborn.

Gia looked stunned by the time An Ke'an was done.

"Do you believe me?" An Ke'an asked nervously trying to deduct something from her face.

"I..I don't know. But I think you are indeed telling the truth." Gia said after a long while.

"Why would you think that way?" An Ke'an asked curiously feeling a little relieved.

"Oh, whenever you lie you start touching the tip of your ears but you didn't touch them. And the An'an I know isn't so imaginative." Gia said firmly.

"What?" An Ke'an looked stunnednot expecting this answer.

"There's only one reason. Let get you to the hospital, you might have hit your head when I left here yesterday resulting to having you memory distorted." Gia concluded as she stood up walking towards An Ke'an.

An Ke'an had black lines on her head before smiling bitterly. Even she wouldn't believe it had she not experienced it herself.

"Sigh...Gia, am I wearing any space button?" An Ke'an asked once Gia was standing right in front of her.

Scanning her, Gia responded.


"Then watch this." An Ke'an smiled as she put her hands toward. A lot of apples began appearing.

Gia's eyes widened in disbelief by the display in front of her.

"You.. how did you do that? And why do you have those? Only the royal family has access to these fruits." Gia asked anxiously her mind no longer on the fact that An Ke'an conjured something out of the air, but the fact that she possess fruits.

An Ke'an smiled and started to conjure different kinds of fruits while Gia stood in front of her petrified. An Ke'an laughed at her reaction, if she knew the drink she just had was made from these apples, she wondered whether her soul will leave her body.

"I got this from my missions. Give me your hand." An Ke'an said but Gia's soul was already gone from fear.

That's an apple that only the royal family had access to! Even the top three most powerful families on Xian Empire finds it difficult to get one of these!

An Ke'an held her hands and they both disappeared from the spot. K15 who had just arrived at the living room to pick up the cup used by Gia had an ∑(; °Д°) expression because two living being suddenly disappeared right in front of him.

Gia felt her stomach was twisted for a moment before the scene in front of her suddenly changed.

"Where....where are we?" Gia asked shocked.

"My space." An Ke'an answered before she began introducing everything in it. In a part she grew different kinds of fruits, crops and herbs. Another part had strange metals and electronics, another had different books arranged neatly on a large shelf, these books amount to millions.

An Ke'an then pulled her into an strange looking house. Inside was the kitchen, a study, bedroom , a living room and different rooms that had strange things in them. Once she was done introducing them to Gia, An Ke'an then pulled her to the back of the house. There was a large sea and different size of pools somewhat far from it. In the pools, there were different sea creatures she has never seen.

After that she was taken to the place where An Ke'an reared different animals, some for eating, some for ornamental purpose and some were pets.

After spending a whole three hours, An Ke'an pulled her into the house for a meal called fried chicken and coke.

After digesting all information, she was then pulled back to the living room.

"So you really meant it, that my family will go bankrupt in the next six year, all these wealth of yours will fall into Qiao Yao's hands. I'll die while trying to save you. And you'll die in order to save He Sying." Gia asked calmly.

"Hm." An Ke'an nodded.

"Wait, does that mean you don't like Xu Yunxi anymore?" Gia asked as her eyes widened with joy and surprise.

An Ke'an chuckled seeing her reaction.

"But I do have someone I like right now." An Ke'an said smiling with her eyes.

"He Sying?." Gia asked looking at her happy face.


"Don't worry. I won't stop if he's the one you want to be with." Gia said noticing how her face and mood brightened whenever she talks about He Sying, totally different from the reaction she has when talking about Xu Yunxi.

An Ke'an shook her head and said.

"No, I'm not worthy of him."