"Huh, why? Is it because he already has a fiancè? Her name is Harry Mila, isn't It? But he's not married yet, you still have a chance."

"That's part of the reason, besides I think Mila is a perfect match for him. I don't want to destroy both their happiness. As long as he is happy, I'm too." An Ke'an said sincerely because she really thought so.

Gia was at lost of words, An Ke'an really meant what she said.

"So are you planning on being single for the rest of your life?" Gia asked sourly uncomfortable with her decision.

"Hmm, I think that's a good idea." An Ke'an said considering it.

Gia choked, before pouting her mouth in frustration.

"Young miss! Miss Gia!" K15 suddenly shouted interrupting them. Behind him were a bunch of security robots.

"What's wrong?" An Ke'an asked shocked by the display.

"You suddenly disappeared, K15 thought you were both kidnapped." K15 said having a (`•□•;) reaction.

"I'm sorry." An Ke'an said feeling a bit guilty.

"Come over here." An Ke'an said to K15, she stood up and began changing some of his settings, in case of similar event, while Gia stood beside her, curious about what she was doing. K15 had a (@_@) after she was done, because of the new information poured into its CPU.

"What did you do?" Gu Jia asked curiously.

"I added some new information in case of similar event."

"Wow. That's amazing. Did you learn it during your mission."

"Hmm." An Ke'an nodded.

"Now that I think about It, aren't you more than a hundred years older than me?" Gia asked with her eyes wide opened in disbelief.

"Haha, that's true. Why don't you call me sister, I don't mind having you as a younger sister." An Ke'an giggled while teasing Gia.

"In your dreams, I'm still older than you physically." Gia retorted crossing her arms into an X rejecting the idea.

Once K15 was done digesting all the information, it retreated taking along the security robots.

"So what do you want to do now?" Gia asked sighing in admiration flopped back onto the sofa.

"I want a group of trustworthy people who can be in charge of production of food."

"I'll ask my third brother regarding that."

"I also need your help and your eldest brother's."

"Me, what for?"

"The war will be start in six months time, they are some weapons I want to create. And I'll need your eldest brother's expertise in mining."

"An'an are you forgetting something? I haven't even started college yet how is it possible for me to create weapons." Gia asked looking at An Ke'an incredulously.

"Come over here." An Ke'an chuckled before beckoning her. Gia was right, though she became a very talented mecha builder in the future. She's currently a student who has yet to build one.

Gia walked towards her and An Ke'an pointed her index finger on Gia's forehead, a flash of white light appeared and entered Gia's forehead.

After a while, Gia opened her eyes in surprise. Without reading, she suddenly gained knowledge regarding mecha buiding and weapon building.

"How did you do that? Can you teach me?" Gia asked, her eyes sparkling.

"I can. But you will have to practice the information I gave you first before we can talk about you learning how to do it. Having these knowledge doesn't mean you'll be able to create one." An Ke'an smiled, she had learn that skills from a cultivation world.

"Really? Don't worry, give me three month, I'll be able to do it. After all I'm a genius, one that comes once in a thousand year" Gia bragged excitedly, looking really proud.

An Ke'an smiled, Gia was really talented. If she was not, she wouldn't have had Qiao Yao and the Xu family notice her, leading to the conspiracy behind Gia's death.

An Ke'an smile dropped as she remembered the past. Her male father Su Xingyu is from an aristocrat family, but his relationship with his family was strained, and her father was just a business man. One that aristrocrats disdain. She didn't have connection in her past life, only wealth that invited wolves towards her, that's why she was unable to protect her loved ones.

But this time, she's going to grow stronger using the Grant's family, Gia's family. They are the most powerful family after the top three family in Xian Empire.

And she intends to grow faster using cultivation.

Speaking of cultivation, she intended to teach the people here how to cultivate Qi. The energy here is very similar to that of Qi except that the people here don't cultivate it they are born with it.

That's why once their level is determined, it can't be changed for life. Making them able to cultivate will allow the increase in their level.

Mental powers is similar to that of demon cultivation, that's why the people here are prone to mental disorders. They have no way of cultivating and the more they use their powers, the more it's likely for them to go berserk.

While spiritual powers is similar to the orthodox way and yet it's very different. The spiritual power here exhibit healing powers like healing pills created from alchemists. Spiritual power treat the body both physically and mentally.

All she had to do was create a similar method to demon cultivation and orthodox cultivation. But she still had to consider the fact that, the more the level of mental power increases, the higher the chance they will go berserk.

"It's time you go home. It's already late." An Ke'an said when she noticed the time.

"No, I'll just sleep here tonight." Gia refused before lying on the sofa contentedly.

"No way, you just had your exam today. Your parents and brothers will be worried about how you did." An Ke'an rejected pulling her up from the sofa.

"Fine, I'll leave. But I'm coming here tomorrow." Gia pouted her lips looking a little resentful.

"That's fine with me."

"Sigh..bye. see you tomorrow." Gia said looking dejected as she walked towards the entrance door.

An Ke'an giggled at her dejected face but then she suddenly ran into the kitchen and came back with a package.

"Wait!." An Ke'an said running outside to see Gia getting ready to enter her shuttle.

Seeing An Ke'an come outside, Gia bounced back to her excitedly. Perhaps An Ke'an had changed her mind regarding her stay.

"Take this with you." An Ke'an said stuffing the package into her arm.

"What is this?" Gia asked curiously as she peered into the package.

"The remaining food I cooked this afternoon. Share them with auntie and uncle, along with your brothers." An Ke'an explained.

Gia sighed resentfully, before she got into her shuttle.

"Alright. Bye."

"Good night." An Ke'an said as she waved at the retreating flying shuttle.


He Sying stood in the balcony as he gazed at the bustling city even though it was still night, the city was brightly lit. He looked more younger than the version An Ke'an remembered him to be. And the aura surrounding him was much milder.

His ice blue eyes landed on top of a huge villa that wrote 'The Harry', he frowned as he was deep in thought.

"An'an." He said quietly almost like a whisper as he immersed himself in the dream that has been hunting him for the past two years.

"General, the Donald family has betrayed us! If this goes on, our squad will perish before tomorrow!" A soft familiar voice said anxiously.

The place was in chaos, as zergs could be seen attacking. It was a battlefield between the Xian Empire soldiers and the zergs.

"Launch the plan B." A deep and hoarse male voice answered as he stood up intending on joining the battlefield.

"General! You can't, you haven't slept for days! If you go into the battlefield now, there's a high chance your mental powers will riot!" A female whose face was blurry and body looked petite, different from the body physique of the soldiers on the battlefield, said anxiously trying to stop the man who was a head taller than her.

He Sying frowned he raised his hands to pull her aside only for the female figure to vanish into the air like an illusion. Before He Sying could figure out what was going on, the scene changed.

"General! Squad B has been ambushed by a herd of star beasts! Someone led them there!" A man ran into the tent and said anxiously.

"What?! If squad B falls there'll be a lot of casualties!" Another man who was present in the tent said stunned by the message.

"General, it's the Harry family. They gave our position to the Federal." Another man holding an hologram said with his voice extremely calm, as if he had expected it.

"How dare they?!!!" The other man shouted in disbelief.

"Ask Deputy General Asher to lead his people to rescue squad B." He Sying said again.