"Roger!" The man who brought the information saluted before attempting to leave the tent.

"Wait, where's lieutenant An?" He Sying asked the retreating man.

"Didn't she go along with Squad B?" The information man asked looking confused.

"What did you say?!" The man with the calm voice asked suddenly standing up from his seat.

"Why would she go there? The General didn't give her any orders!" The other man said looking anxious as he grabbed the information man by the shoulder. Their plan can't get ruined at the critical moment!

"She...She received orders from the general. I was with her when it happened." The information man stammered seemingly frightened by his reaction.

"What did you mean?" He Sying asked. One could hear the murderous intent brewing underneath it.

"Mrs. He's rightman gave her a communication box with the General orders in it. He said Mrs. He asked him to pass it to her on behalf of the General." The information man said terrifed by the General's murderous intent.

"Harry Mila!!!" The man with the calm voice suddenly erupted.

He Sying suddenly stood up and ran towards the entrance of the tent.

"General stop! You can leave the tent right now!!" The man with the calm voice shouted anxiously as he ran after the General.


The scene changed again but this time in the middle of a battlefield. A man got down from a tattered black and silver mecha, even though it was badly damaged it couldn't hide its majesty. Immediately after his feet touched the ground, he released his mental power far and wide and began killing like someone who has gone mad.

Soon he was overwhelmed as the zergs and star beasts surrounded him with no way out. Even when he knew he won't leave there alive, the man still kept fighting like there's no tomorrow. One could see his lips moving, coming closer he was uttering the word 'An'an' repeatedly. Suddenly the zergs and star beasts screeched as an overwhelming power surrounded them, they began exploding into blood pulp. A lady figure could be seen running towards the man.


The lady tried pulling He Sying up, but the man was too battered to move an inch. Seeing he had no reaction, she gave him a piggy back, though his figure covered her completely, it didn't affect her as she ran further away from the battlefield. He Sying seem to have come to his sense, as his dangling hands were suddenly wrapped around the lady's shoulder.

"An'an." He whispered quietly taking in her scent, but before he could go further, she vanished.

The scene changed again, this time He Sying was standing in front of a female zerg with mental power of SSS. They both looked battered and injured, the war between them continued until the flying beast was defeated. This marked the end of the war.

He Sying felt relieved as he walked away from the battlefield with his sword supporting, due to his injuries.

"General!" A clear female voice shouted as she ran towards him.

He Sying felt his heartbeat became faster and his body lighter as he walked faster towards her. The girl's speed suddenly increased and He Sying noticed something wrong but before he could react, he felt his body suddenly thrown sideways.


He Sying quickly looked towards the girl and saw the scene he would never forget. Four claws were dugged right into the girl's body as she dangled in the air. Her face still blurry but He Sying could feel her relieved emotion.

Knock, knock.

The knock on the door pulled He Sying out of his memory.


"It's me. Max." A pleasant low voice said.

"Come in."

A man who looked 60% to Gia came in. His blonde hair indicating he was a member of Grant's family.

"Here sir. I couldn't find anyone with the name An'an and has a white hair in the new recruits. But there was one in the Donald's military but her age doesn't match." Max reported as he handed over a pile of files.

"How old?"

"She's 65 this year." Max stated, he knew she was probably not the one he's looking for.

Though he did have someone who fit the criteria but he was hesitant to mention her name. After all, An Ke'an possessed silver hair with a hue of purple instead of white.

Seeing him hesitant, He Sying asked.

"What's it?"

"I do have someone I know who fit the age criteria but her hair is silver looking a bit purple."

He Sying's heart skipped a beat, he was currently on the rise, and his General status isn't stable yet, that's why he gave him false information in case the information gets to his enemy. After all, he was aware that his An'an has a unique hair color.

"Who?" He Sying asked calmly but his mind was in a tumour.

"An Ke'an. An Tangxing's daughter." Max stated hesitantly.

"An Ke' old?" He Sying said chewing the name as if he wanted to integrate it into himself.

"She's twenty this year."

"Okay." Hearing the age, He Sying felt an uprising joy and excitement.

"But sir, she just had her college entrance exam this year." Max reported, if the General has his sight on her.

Max hope he could bring her under the General's arm, because of the stupid things she had been doing this days. The General is sure to strengthen her character. He's not afraid the General has feelings for her, because who would fall in love with someone who wears that ghost makeup everywhere. She probably had done something good to the General seeing how much he paid attention to her.

"She skipped a lot of grades. She's very smart but in terms of EQ..." Max stopped not sure whether to continue, An Ke'an only started misbehaving after her parents disappearance. His parents, brothers and sister looked after her, but they were too busy at work to pay that much attention to her.

Though his sister isn't busy as they were and was always with An Ke'an, the girl never listened to his sister, perhaps it is because their age are close to each other. Even till now he still felt guilty, but he can't do nothing given the nature of their jobs.

"What happened?" He Sying asked sensing something was wrong.

"She currently holds a touch for the eldest young master of the Xu family. And from the investigation I did, he's using her for his resources."

"I see, don't continue investigating and pay more attention to her." He Sying felt jealous, he was aware of her feelings for Xu Yunxi. After all it was because of this affection that allowed them to meet.

"Yes sir." Max blinked his eyes, feeling the change in the atmosphere. Perhaps he was thinking too much, why did he think the General looked jealous right now?

"You can leave." He Sying said still feeling sour.

"Yes sir." Max saluted before exiting.

He Sying walked to the table hologram and started typing on it. Soon a photo of An Ke'an appeared. This photo was taken during her college entrance exam by a passerby. He Sying stared at the photo as if intoxicated, soon his memory with the blurred face of the petite lady became clear. But this time the girl looked much more older and her beauty in full bloom, with a light pink scar traced from above her left eyebrow across her left eye stopping at the top of her mouth.

He Sying's eyebrow furrowed seeing this scar. From the current medical technology, such scar could be removed easily, but it seems that the girl intentionally left it there, though it didn't affect her beauty one bit. It only gave her delicate face a bit toughness.

"An Ke'an, An Ke'an." He Sying repeated trying to touch the girl from the hologram.

Only God knows how much he wanted to go crazy remembering her death in their past life. It's good that she is alive now, but he has no intention of approaching her now. Until he's done dealing with his enemies and the current upcoming war, only then will he approach her. Till then, he will protect her only giving her the best behind the scene. And also keeping those peach blossom away from her.

He Sying printed out her picture, he caressed it before walking towards the door, intending to leave his office. But before he could open the door, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his head. He tumbled down to the floor from the unexpected pain, both his hands holding his head from the intense pain, this lasted for about an hour.

Once the pain subsided, He Sying slowly opened his eyes. His ice blue eyes was totally different from an hour ago, the colour had deepened and it was much more colder than before. His ice blue hair was stuck to his forehead due fact he had sweated a lot.