He Sying lips slowly raised into a smirk. Before he only had fragments of his past life memory, and he was not sure if those dreams was true. That's why he delayed looking for An Ke'an but now he had the complete memory. In this life, he won't let go of anyone who harms An Ke'an.

He Sying stood up and walked back to the table hologram. This time his aura was different, it was sharper and colder. He Sying dialed a number, once it connected, a lazy and pleasant voice was heard.

"Who is it?"

"Your royal highness, it's me He Sying. I accept your cooperation."

"Really!" The lazy voice suddenly became energized, clearly excited.


The next day An Ke'an was busy with the garden. She's trying to dilute the black lump soil, the growth of the plants are too fast, beyond normal. So she had to make the plant growth a little bit normal.

As she was doing so, the door bell to her villia was rang. K15 walked to her side and on its face screen was a woman and a man.

The woman had brown hair and green eye, she looked really beautiful, her eyes were exactly like that of Gia, with deep dimples on each of her cheeks. While the man had blond hair and red deep eyes, one could see that Gia inherited his face because the resemblance was uncanny.

Upon seeing them, An Ke'an stood up and ran to villa entrance not bothering to wash off the dirt on her.

Once the door was opened, An Ke'an pounced on the woman giving her a big hug.

"Aunt Qian."

"Oh my, did you miss me that much?" Qian Mian asked smiling at An Ke'an whose face was smeared witha black substance.

Qian Mian chuckled, taking out an handkerchief to clean An Ke'an face. Even though An Ke'an's face was dark in some places, she still looked cute especially her big purple eyes which looked like she would cry anytime.

"Ahem." Keith Grant coughed seeing they had ignored his presence.

"Uncle Keith.." An Ke'an cried this time looking at Keith, but she didn't move out of Qian Mian's embrace.

She thought since it had been a century, she wouldn't have such intense reaction if she saw them again, but she was wrong. She missed them more than she had imagined.

"Hey, hey. Don't cry." Keith cold face softened and he was at lost on how to stop her from crying.

Both he and Qian Mian felt guilty seeing An Ke'an crying. It has been a year since An Ke'an's parents disappeared. Though they spent the next three month with her during those period, the nature of their job didn't allow them to be with her, so it had been more than half a year since they saw her.

"Let go inside." Qian Mian said as she pulled An Ke'an inside the villa with Keith following behind.

"Good day. Mrs and Mr Grant." K15 greeted with a (^_^).

"Good day." Qian Mian answered while Keith nodded.

"Go clean up. We have something to discuss with you." Qian Mian said to An Ke'an.

An Ke'an remembered she had just come from garden. The dirt on her had already rubbed on Qian Mian. She blushed in embrasement.

"Don't worry. I'll clean up in the guest room." Qian Mian smiled at An Ke'an blushing face.

"Alright." An Ke'an said and instructed K15 to provide that accommodation for Qian Mian and Keith, before fleeing under Qian Mian's smile.

A few minutes later Qian Mian returned from the guest, while Keith looked stunned looking at her. Qian Mian was wearing a yellow knee length lace gown, with a green belt around her thin waist. Her thick curly brown hair was let down, reaching her waist. She looked really gorgeous.

"Do really I look that good?" Qian Mian smiled with her eyes satisfied with her husband's reaction.

"Beautiful." Keith blurted out.

"I'll ask An'an which brand the dress is from. It's light and looks different." Qian Mian said as she sat beside Keith.

Immediately after she sat down, Keith stole a minute kiss from her. Qian Mian glared at him while trying to catch her breath after the kiss.

"How could you do that here?" Qian Mian accused him, but Keith just smiled looking like a fool in love.

"Auntie, uncle." An Ke'an said as she came down from the suspending stairs.

"An'an, which brand are these dress from?" Qian Mian asked with her eyes litting up.

An Ke'an was wearing a white shirt and blue jeans with her hair in a bun, showing her small face completely. Her dressing looked really simple, not downgrading her beauty at all, instead it highlighted it. Qian Mian has never seen such simple dressing that would not destroy the beauty of a person.

"I saw it from an ancient book." An Ke'an said not daring to steal the credits of her ancestors, though she did that with Lin Shiyi.

"I see. Do you still have the book with you?" Qian Mian asked looking at An Ke'an eagerly.

"I do." An Ke'an said as she took a fashion design book from her space. She got the book from one of the worlds she had transmigrated to, she had a lot of these.

Qian Mian took the book from An Ke'an and got engrossed in it, with Keith whose head was touching hers.

Seeing they were busy, An Ke'an asked K15 to prepare some snacks.

Five minutes later, K15 returned with snacks and the enticing smell pulled their attention from the book.

Qian Mian frowned at the snacks while Keith looked at them curiously.

"An'an where did you get this from?" Qian Mian asked with her tone serious.

Keith whose hands were outstretched towards the cookies retreated slowly seeing her serious expression.

Qian Mian is a food researcher. They cultivate plants and animals from the ancient times, but the research is extremely slow. The reason both she and Keith came here today despite being busy was because of the food An Ke'an sent over last night.

"Auntie, uncle, come with me." An Ke'an said as she led them out of the villa to the garden.

Before they left, Keith stuffed some of the snacks into his mouth with his mouth bulging. He looked nothing like the domineering CEO he potrayed himself as in public. Seeing him still stuffing his mouth, Qian Mian glared at him while pulling him outside.

Upon getting there and seeing the plants and trees planted in the garden, both Qian Mian and Keith's eyes widened in disbelief.

Even though Keith's job wasn't in the line of knowing this plants and trees, he was a foodie and he got to know some of these plants and trees from Qian Mian.

"" Qian Mian stammered for a long time, but she couldn't find the right words.

After a long time, both she and Keith entered the garden while exploring the whole place.

"An'an, where did you get these from?" Qian Mian asked An Ke'an with her expression heavy.

"Aunt, do you remember last three month when I almost got caught in a black hole." An Ke'an asked, she wasn't as close to Qian Mian and Keith as she was with Gia, so she had no intention of telling them where she really got them from.

She had already told Gia not to tell her parents and brothers about her space, transmigration and rebirth.

Qian Mian recalled the incident that left An Ke'an heavily injured and frowned. An Ke'an's mental state wasn't good at that time, the brother of the boy she liked got her bullied severely, yet Xu Yunxi didn't take her side but instead blamed her.

An Ke'an couldn't accept and intended to look for her parents, she tried going into a black hole, but Max, Keith's second son was present at that time and managed to save her. During the chaos, An Ke'an disappeared, they found her three days later in a cave that belong to a star beast, a giant snake.

In the cave, they discovered a pomegranate tree and an unconscious An Ke'an. Because the snake was in hibernation, it did no harm to An Ke'an and they were able to take the pomegranate and the extract the soil there, though they hadn't succeeded in planting the pomegranate yet.

"While I was there, I discovered a lot of things deep into cave." An Ke'an explained. Only she knew what really happened.

At that time when she fell into the cave, she was seriously injured and on the verge of death. Her spiritual power rioted, which was rare for those with spiritual powers. Because her spiritual was different from others, she was able to heal an heavily injured snake who had gained sentience. The snake helped her stabilized her spiritual power in return and both of them fell into a coma.

Thinking of the white and gold snake that she had named Xiao bai, An Ke'an eyes softened a little.