In her past life, Xiao bai helped her a lot during the war. If not for him, An Ke'an was sure she would have died when she was much more younger. She wondered how Xiao bai had survived after her death.

"Things like what?" Qian Mian asked, snapping An Ke'an out of her daze.

An Ke'an took out different seeds in different packages from her space, Qian Mian was able to recognise some of these seeds and she was stunned. Most of these seeds had gone extinct.

"An'an, give them to me. I'll pay you in return." Qian Mian said her eyes shining.

"I was planning on giving them to you." An Ke'an smiled. After she figured out that she couldn't plant these without proper protection, she had intended to use the Grants to plant these.

The research institution Qian Mian was working in belongs to the Grants, so it won't be a problem for them plant these.

"I have something else that would be useful for you." An Ke'an said.

"What is it?" Qian Mian asked curiously.

An Ke'an took Qian Mian by arm and pulled her into the garden where nothing was planted there yet, while Keith followed them with his existence almost negligible, but he kept eating the fruits on the trees.

K15 was speechless at his behaviour showimg an(-_-;) reaction.

In the garden, An Ke'an took out the black soil. She then took a little portion of it and turned it over with the soil on the floor. Qian Mian poked at the black soil that felt like a jelly.

"What is this?" Qian Mian asked but An Ke'an just smiled.

An Ke'an took out an apple seed, Qian Mian was familiar with this seed, that's why she used it. She then planted the seed into the place she had turned over. In a few seconds, a huge apple tree grew right in front of them. Qian Mian and Keith looked at the huge tree with a lot of red apples on it, dumbfounded.

"How is this possible?" Qian Mian asked in disbelief, after a long time.

"I got this soil from the cave."

Qian Mian looked at the black soil on An Ke'an's hand almost drooling.

"This, An'an. Why didn't you tell me about it before?" Qian Mian asked frowning. It has been three month since that incident yet An Ke'an was just telling her. If someone knew about it, An Ke'an's life will be in danger. She felt a little guilty.

"I forgot about it after Xu Yunxi visited me at the hoaspital." An Ke'an smiled embarrassingly. She didn't have the seeds and soil with her at that time, so she had no choice but to lie.

Upon hearing this, Qian Mian showed a knowing expression. Given how obsessed An Ke'an was, it was normal for it to skip her mind.

"An'an, do you really have no feelings for Xu Yunxi anymore." Keith asked interrupting them.

His daughter had told him An'an no longer had feelings for Xu Yunxi, though he was skeptical, Keith knew Gia wasn't one to lie.

"I don't. Uncle I already figured it out, Xu Yunxi isn't a good person. He's only nice to me because of my wealth." An Ke'an said solemnly.

Though the people at school had no idea that she was An Tangxing's daughter, her dressings and demeanour spelt wealthy. Some thinks she is an illegitimate daughter of a noble person while others thinks she is a daughter of a wealthy person.

No one has ever associated her with An Tangxing, one was because he never showed himself to the public, two was because of his wealth, no one that wealthy would allow his child to go to a public school, especially if the child has an SS spiritual power and the last was because no one knew he had a daughter.

"It is good that you figured it out. I don't understand what you liked about that Xu Yunxi, he is not as handsome as your brothers neither is his character good." Qian Mian said feeling relieved complaining a little.

They had sit An Ke'an down lecturing her about her behaviour regarding Xu Yunxi but she didn't listen. But because her liking Xu Yunxi wasn't against the law and they weren't her legal guardian, they couldn't do anything else.

Before An Tangxing's disappearance, he had left her wellbeing to the royal family. And besides they weren't close to An Tangxing but Su Xingyi. An Tangxing's marriage with Su Xingyi was a loveless one, so they had no chance of getting to know An Tangxing. It was surprising that An Tangxing will go so far to look for his wife.

"Alright, I'll buy both the seeds and the soil from you. State any price, make it higher than its market price. Don't worry your uncle can afford it." Qian Mian said assuring her.

"There's no need for that. Why don't we sign a contract? Once these things appear on the market they would be in high demand. No matter how much she asked for now, it can't compare to the amount it'll bring in the future." Keith tried to convince them, the Xian Empire has billions of people, so the demand will indeed be a lot.

He had his reason for saying this. Based on An Ke'an character, she would definitely sell it at a low price for them and that'll be a loss for her.

"Then what do you suggest?" Qian Mian asked.

"Why don't you sell only the soil to us? Once we begin selling the products from the seeds, we will share the profits. You take 80% and we will take 20%." Keith suggested.

"That's good." Qian Mian chimed in.

An Ke'an frowned, though the black soil is very precious and the value can't be calculated, she doesn't have a problem giving it out, she has a lot of It, so it won't affect her much. And besides for the price of the soil, the Grants will definitely do justice to it.

But some of these seeds, the research institution has it, so its worth isn't that much. Giving her 80% was a bit too much.

"No, I will take 20% and you take 80%. Uncle you will be providing for the labor and the land. So you should be the one to take the higher profit." An Ke'an persuaded them.

"Then you take 70% and we will take 30%." Keith negotiated.

"No way." An Ke'an rejected firmly.

"An'an, you risked your life for these things. It is only right you take the higher profit."

An Ke'an paused her lips and wanted to retort but Qian Mian wasn't having any of it. She did risk her life for it but that was for the soil not the seeds. When she found the soil both she and that world cultivation protagonist fought for it. If not for the system protecting her, she probably would have failed that world's mission.

Both she and Qian Mian argued for a long time and settled on 60-40. She gets 60% while Grants get 40%. But on one condition, the Grants has to collaborate with the fifth Prince Xian Yue for the planting. The reason she added this clause was because the former emperor was someone who was obsessed with expanding his teritory, ignoring the citizens suffering. The current emperor Xian Yanqi was the one who had rebelled and stop the Galaxy from getting destroyed. But the previous emperor left a huge sequel allowing zergs and star beasts to attack the Empire as they like.

The current emperor Xian Yanqi is a just and capable emperor. Before he became the emperor he had no intention of inheriting the throne but his ten brothers and sisters were either not capable or not interested in the throne. His remaining two brothers that were capable had a huge fight over the throne resulting to the death of eight of his siblings, he had no choice but to step in. The fight lasted long that only him and his ninth brother Xian Jiao, survived the battle of the throne.

Xian Yanqi ascended the throne, and as he got older, he had to assign the next emperor but his three children had no such intention. His first son was obsessed with mecha building, his second daughter just wants to be a salted fish and his third son was someone who can't be confined to the palace, he was a free spirit.

The Emperor had no choice but to bring in his deceased siblings children making the Xian royal Princes and princesses a total of seven. Excluding his own children they were a total of four, two of them characters were questionable. One wasn't interested in the throne which is the third prince Xian Shi, his goal was to be the most coolest dandy in the capital and the last one the fifth prince Xian Yue was the only capable one.

Xian Yue, though at this moment no one was aware of his talent.