Xian Yue became the crown prince before An Ke'an's death in her past life and it was with the help of He Sying.

So An Ke'an intends to help He Sying through the fifth prince.

Both Qian Mian and Keith had no objection. An Ke'an's male mother, Su Xingyi had a close relationship with Xian Jiao, the ninth brother of the emperor and Xian Yue was his son. So it wasn't strange she had this request, after all the person An Tangxing entrusted her to in the royal family was Xian Jiao.

After finalising and signing the contract, An Ke'an proceeded to the kitchen to prepare lunch. Both Qian Mian and Keith joined in, though Keith's job there was tasting the food, because he was a kitchen disaster.

Once they were done with lunch, Qian Mian suggested An Ke'an open a cloth brand with the dresses from the fashion designing book which An Ke'an agreed. After all she needed connection and a cloth brand was one way to get it.

Before leaving, An Ke'an promised to visit them in the next three days, on the day their college entrance examination result was released.

Not long after they left Gia arrived.

"You didn't come with your parents?" An Ke'an asked as she put off her cooking gloves.

"No way. I already promised myself unless necessary I won't be in a closed place with them." Gia said as she ran towards the kitchen due to the enticing smell coming from it.

"Why?" An Ke'an asked curiously as she followed Gia back to the kitchen

"Don't ask." Gia said showing a disgusted expression.

An Ke'an was confused then she remembered the Grants couple had a loving marriage and they tend to get intimate when they are all alone.


"What are you cooking?" Gia asked looking at the oven in front of her. They do not have such cooking materials in the Xian Empire.

"Baking some snacks, let go to the garden. I've something to discuss with you." An Ke'an said hearing the sound from the oven that indicated the product was done.

After taking out the biscuits, An Ke'an instructed K15 to set up a picnic in the garden.

"What is it?" Gia as she stuffed herself with the snacks. One could see she inherited her foodie character from her father, especially with the way her cheeks were bulging.

"I told your parents that I got the seeds and soil from Xiao bai's cave." An Ke'an explained.

Gia knew about Xiao bai, she had taken her to see the giant snake two months ago.

"Ok, that makes sense. They won't doubt it since the pomegranate trees were discovered there."

Gia eyes suddenly widened as she remembered something. "Wait! How do you intend to bring out those livestock if you use that excuse?"

Her fried chicken!, her braised meat! If An Ke'an can't bring those out, how would she enjoy those delicacy?.

An Ke'an chuckled at her reaction before assuring her. "I already have a plan for that."

"I intend to send it anonymously."

Gia breathed a sigh of relief before face scrunched up, looking worried.

"Aren't you afraid they would trace you back?"

"Are you to doubting my skills?" An Ke'an asked smiling with her eyes.

"Oh." Gia said remembering An Ke'an's backing skills.

"Oh right. I intend to open a clothing company and a restaurant." An Ke'an said remembering her main reason for these conversation.

"But you aren't old enough to get a patent."

"That's when we need your fourth brother. Is he at home?"

"He is, he went out with his friends yesterday and came back this morning. He was still sleeping when I left home."

Gia's fourth brother, Yeol Grant is 27 this year. Normally the legal adult age is 35, that's because compared to their ancestors from earth whose adult age is 18, the current people growth are slow. At the age of 30 they look like 16 to 17 year old kids.

So that they won't lost touch with their ancestors from earth, the Galaxies agreed for the citizens adult age to be 35 when their body becomes fully grown. But just because their adult body has slow growth doesn't mean their brains were the same, that's one of the reason you're allowed to go to university at any age, especially at age 27.

According to the citizens you are already an adult at 27 but not legally. The law allowed them to perform some of the adult responsibility at this age. But they are not allowed to marry or take responsibility for a person.

At the age of 27 you can apply for patents, that's why Yeol was the best candidate.

"Let's draft a plan for the company and restaurant before going to meet Yeol." An Ke'an said as she opened her light brain.


They spent more than three hours drafting their plans before setting off to the Grants Mansion.

When they arrived there, Yeol was already awake. Yeol had deep red eyes like his father and black hair inherited from his grandmother, different from the rest of the Grants who had blonde hair. These features made him look like a Korean idol.

Qian Mian has asian features and Yeol inherited them.

"An'an!." Yeol exclaimed as he gave her a big hug.

"Hello, Yeol." An Ke'an chuckled as she greeted him back.

"Oh my. You really aren't wearing that ugly makeup anymore." Yeol said as he sized her face.

"Sigh, my An'an is still the best looking." Yeol said admiring her beauty.

"Hello, I'm right here." Gia said interrupting them seeing her presence was being ignored.

"Aiya, my lovely sister. There's no reason to be jealous, you're beautiful in your own way."

Gia rolled her eyes hearing his words.

"An'an!" A teenage voice exclaimed as he ran towards them.

Before he could reach An Ke'an, Yeol dragged him back.

"What are you doing? With that big body of yours, do you want to injure her?" Yeol said reprimand the boy.

"I didn't." Mingyan Grant defended himself.

He was Gia's identical twin. Their only difference was their eyes colour. While Gia's eye colour was emerald green like her mother's, Mingyan's eyes colour was red like his father.

Ignoring his twin, Mingyan asked.

"An'an, do you really not like Xu Yunxi anymore."

"I don't." An Ke'an said smiling.

Both Yeol and Mingyan breathed a sigh of relief. They really did not want to witness An Ke'an loveblindness. Mingyan also had to skip grades along with his twin so they could be in the same class with An Ke'an. Skipping three grades was a torture, he admired An Ke'an who had skipped six grades for a boy she liked. And he felt a little jealous that his soft and cute little sister was running after another man aside from him.

"Why are you guys here?" Yeol asked remembering An Ke'an hardly visited their house.

An Ke'an explained their purpose being here and Yeol frowned.

"An'an, opening a cloth brand isn't a problem but a restaurant will require a B level chef. Why don't you think it over?" Yeol asked worried.

Seeing the dress on An Ke'an and Gia, Yeol knew it was going to sell well. But opening a restaurant was a hard task, because a lot of ancient dishes has been lost and the ingredient for those dishes were not available, being a chef was an unrealistic dream.

The Xian Empire are obsessed with ancient food, but not much of it have been found. That's why this profession was considered sacred. If you want to be a chef, you would have to go through a lot of examination, the same goes for food soothing doctors. In the Xian Empire's law, one has to be a B level chef to open a restaurant.

And the number of B level chef can be counted with one hand.

"You don't need to worry about it. Uncle Keith already had me covered." An An Ke'an assured him.

An Ke'an had discussed the issue with the Grants couple, they offered to provide her 5 D level chef. All she had to do was teach them and allow them to reach B level in two months time.

"Alright. I'll go change my clothes." Yeol said as he headed to his room. He was putting on pyjamas which was not suitable for outing.

"I'll go too." Mingyan said following Yeol.

"Wait, I wanted to ask you guys if you are interested in being a model for my cloth brand." An Ke'an asked stopping them.

Yeol was surprised by her request. Normally one would look for an actor or singer for such role, since they had more fans than ordinary people. Remembering his fans were no less than those celebrities, he agreed.

"Alright, no problem."

"I'm in too." Mingyan said not wanting to be left out.

"Here take these. These are the clothes I designed, you can wear this ones for now." An Ke'an said as she took out two packages from her space, then she removed one set of dress from each packages before handing it over to the boys.