"I opened a clothing dressing, these dresses were all designed by me." An Ke'an explained. Qian Mian told her not to tell anyone regarding the book, because people's greed knew no bound.

Xian Su looked at An Ke'an with admiration. Unlike the heavy coloured clothing, Yeol was putting on a white shirt, a black jacket and black pants paired with white and black sneakers. Mingyu was wearing a white shirt and red jumpsuit paired with white and red sneakers.

The four of them looked out of place in the mall and people were sneaking glances and taking pictures of them.

The reason why Xian Su had asked for the brand was because An Ke'an was photographed at the college entrance examination.

The picture had spread on the school platform, it then got out and was spread on the starnet. Nobody had recognised An Ke'an because all the student who had attended the college entrance examination had no impression of An Ke'an's real face after all she had skipped grades and they weren't really familiar with her.

"Oh right, how did you know what I wore on my college entrance examination day?" An Ke'an asked remembering Xian Su was currently a second year college student.

"Your picture got spread on starnet, people are attempting to copy your dressing but the imitation looked ugly." Xian Su explained.

"Oh." An Ke'an knew why the imitation was poor, the materials they used was probably wrong.

"Here." An Ke'an took out a package from her space and gave it to Xian Su. Inside was a royal blue dress.

"Why don't you go try this? The dress will be launched in a week time." An Ke'an explained to Xian Su who looked excited after taking out the blue dress.

"Okay." Xian Su said before running into the clothing mall that Qiao Yao had an incident.

The reason it would take a week was because even though she already had a company and the robots, she still has to create the materials for the clothing.

An Ke'an was grateful she had taken some machines used for creating cloths from an apocalypse world. This made it easier for her, all she had to do was ask the robots to replicate them, the materials for cloth were already ready in her space. An Ke'an decided she was going to buy a planet where the materials would be cultivated.

Xian Su came back after five minutes, the royal blue dress had similar style with Gia's but the materials were different. Xian Su's materials was made from lace.

Since they weren't done shopping, the three girls continued their shopping dragging along two wilted boys behind. By the time the sunset, they all returned to their prospective home.

Three days passed and An Ke'an arrived at the Grants family mansion. The door was opened by their robot butler.

"Good morning. Miss An." B23 said as he escorted her into the mansion.

Entering she could perceive a choking smell coming from the kitchen.

Both Qian Mian and Gia came out coughing due to the smell.

"An'an! You are here." Mingyu said as he spotted An Ke'an, there was a clip on his nose preventing the choking smell.

"What are you guys doing?" An Ke'an asked as she coughed violently.

"Sigh, we were able succeed in planting some seeds. So I thought I should try cooking some ancient dishes but who knew it turned out to be a disaster." Qian Mian complained as she pulled An Ke'an away from the dinning table to prevent the smoke from getting to her.

"An'an why don't you teach me?" Gia thought as her eyes brightened.

"Alright, why don't you come over to my place to learn it?"

"Okay!" Gia said excitedly.

"I'll also come to learn when I'm free." When Mian chimed in.

"Alright. I'll be expecting you." An Ke'an smiled at her.

An Ke'an decided to teach Qian Mian and Gia along with her apprentices. Thinking of the new products that had appeared on the market, An Ke'an frowned.

Only the fruits were sold out but ingredients sold at first but the sales decreased afterwards. Now thinking of it, it seems the citizen probably don't know how to use them.

"Auntie, should I open a live broadcast for cooking?" An Ke'an suggested.

"That's a good idea, not every one has the opportunity to learn the ancient dishes. Teaching them online could increase the sales." Keith answered as he stepped into the living room.

"Good morning uncle." An Ke'an greeted him with a smile and Keith responded.

"That's good. I might not be able to come over but I can still learn it online." Qian Mian said happily.

Seeing the smoke in the kitchen had already reduced, An Ke'an suggested.

"Why don't I wipe up some dishes before the result comes out?"

It was currently ten in the morning, the examination result was going to be released by 2pm.

"Alright, I'll help."

"Me too."

"Are eldest brother Shan, second brother Max, third brother Ning and Yeol at home?" An Ke'an asked so she could decide the quantity of food she was going to prepare.

"Your eldest brother just came back from a journey, he is still resting. Max is still in the military and he isn't coming home tonight. Yuning and Yeol is coming home soon, they should be home by the time we finish cooking." Qian Mian explained as they went into the kitchen.

"Okay." An Ke'an nodded in understanding.

After they finish cooking, Yeol, Yuning and a beautiful lady arrived when they were setting the dinning table.

"An'an! My little cutie. Did you miss brother?" Yuning exclaimed as he hugged An Ke'an, while rubbing his cheeks against hers.

"Hehe, third brother King. I missed you so much." An Ke'an giggled happily as she buried herself into Yuning embrace.

Yuning is the one she is more close to out of all Grants brothers. At first they both hated each other and An Ke'an thought Yuning who is fifteen years older than her was a bully, because he liked to tease her till she cries.

But they both once got kidnapped and spent two month together in the wild with Yuning protecting her until they were rescued. Since then, they had been super closed making the other brothers jealous. He was even one of the reason she gave up on Xu Yunxi in her past life.

Seeing the two of them showing affection blatantly, Yeol pulled An Ke'an out of Yuning's arm with jealousy written all over his face.

An Ke'an didn't show that much joy when she met him the last time!

"Who is this?" An Ke'an asked seeing a familiar face.

"Oh, this is elder brother's girlfriend, Singh Ishani." Yeol introduced the lady.

An Ke'an knew her in her past live, she almost became Grants Shanhuai's wife. Her family hailed from the ancient india. She doesn't look like an india because of her mixed blood, but one could tell she was an indian.

In her past life, Shanhuai suddenly fell in love Qiao Yao, on their wedding day, Shanhuai never came because Qiao Yao got injured. Ishani became depressed and later attempted suicide because of this matter. And the matter blew up damaging the Grants reputation.

Thinking of Qiao Yao, An Ke'an is now determined that her system is definitely not a good one. If it was, she won't go so far as to seduce an almost married man. Now that she thinks about, it seems the current Qiao Yao was not as beautiful as the one in the next twenty years. Was she using a beauty cheat?

"Hello." Ishani soft voice brought An Ke'an out of her thought.

"Hello, I'm An Ke'an."

"I know, Shanhuai talks a lot about you and Gia." Ishani smiled as she said.

"Really?" An Ke'an asked surprised, Shanhuai rarely talks much. He is very stingy with his words.

"Yes." Ishani said, but she had no intention of telling her how much Shanhuai likes to brag about his little soft and cute sisters.

Her ears is almost deaf because of his bragging. And the cause is because she only had brothers who annoyed him every time he comes to pick her on a date.

An Ke'an and Ishani started getting familiar with each other with Gia as the bridge between them. Qian Mian asked B23 to wake Shanhuai up, since a'll the food was almost served.

Leaving An Ke'an in the living room to rest due to all the work she had done. Qian Mian, Ishani and Gia went into the kitchen to bring out the remaining dishes.

"What is that aroma?" A deep thick pleasant voice that sounded like the person had just woken up was heard, interrupting Yeol and Mingyu who were arguing.

Everyone in the living room turned to the source of the voice. Shanhuai walked into the living room yawning under everyone's gaze. His blond hair was like a bird nest and his emerald eyes looked misty, he bore a great resemblance to Qian Mian but he took his father's musular physique.