Shanhuai walked towards An Ke'an and rubbed her head before saying.

"Morning, little An'an." Shanhuai smiled with his phoenix eyes slant.

"Morning big brother." An Ke'an answered smiling back at him.

"Tsk, you saw everyone here but decide to greet only An'an." Yuning said sarcastically but received Shanhuai's glare.

Ignoring the other men, Shanhuai marched into the dinning room.

Not long they were called into the dining room for lunch. After lunch, the whole family gathered in the living room waiting for the result.

At exactly 2pm, the result came out. Gia and Mingyu got third and fourth in the entire imperial city respectively. While An Ke'an was ranked first in the entire Empire.

"Woah!! An'an what kind of brain do you have?" Gia asked excitedly, hugging An Ke'an.

"An'an, since you chose food soothing course, you should know you haven't get started yet. This exam is particularly easy, but the ones you would be learning in college won't be." Keith frowned with his face looking serious. He thought An Ke'an wrote exam on medicine, he wasn't expecting she chose food soothing course.

"I know." An Ke'an smiled at Keith feeling warm in her heart.

She knew why Keith said that seriously. What they learnt in junior college is the theory parts but in college it will be pratical parts. Food soothing is just like learning how to drive mecha but much more harder.

When driving mecha, you use your mental power for ninety percent of it and the same goes for food soothing. The difference is that using spiritual power when cooking is a more delicate work, any tiny mistake could destroy all your work completely but media you can still redeem it.

Seeing An Ke'an took his advise seriously Keith was relieved. Food soothing is a good course for An Ke'an because she has a lot of knowledge on ancient food but the hard part is her spiritual power. The more higher your spiritual power or mental power is, the more difficult it is to control it, that's why he is afraid she would be discouraged.

After the examination, there would be a two month holiday after it. So there were not in a hurry to pack up for school. Thirty minutes after the result announcement, Keith was called out from the company. Though Keith company is not as huge as An Tangxing's, it's still one of the top five in the empire.

Keith and Yuning left for the company, while Shanhuai took his girlfriend out on a date. The remaining five were left watching the recent news in the living room.

" you think there would be war?" Qian Mian said helplessly asking no one in particular.

The news anchor was reporting on the increasing unrest that has been happening recently on the border, giving the room a depressing atmosphere.

"Don't worry, don't we still have General He Sying?" Yeol said feeling his depressing mood decreased a bit.

He Sying was the youngest and most promising General in this generation. He had followed his father to war at a very young age and has always been exceptional. He became a General after his father fell victim to mental riot. Mentioning his name brings relief to the citizens.

"That's right. We still have General He." Qian Mian commented.

As if the News anchor knew what they were worried about, a live broadcast of a majestic black and silver mecha was projected on the hologram. Everyone recognised the mecha, it belonged to He Sying. The black and silver mecha was in an intense battle with an S level star beast. The beast had a white horn on its snake head and on the other half of its body, it had up to fifteen legs. It looked like an octopus but its snake head destroyed the image.

The fight lasted for thirty minutes, during that period the netizens felt like they were sitting on pins. Immediately the black and white mecha won, the screen was bombard with cheers. The mecha opened and a handsome man with ice blue hair and eyes got down from it. The man's features looked so gorgeous that people doubted if he wa human.

"Ahhh!!, my husband is so handsome!."

"Tsk, is this human or a god?"

"Upstairs, this is a god not a human."

The screen was bombarded seeing He Sying got out of his mecha.

"Ahhh, he is so handsome." Gia who was sitting beside An Ke'an exclaimed as she shook An Ke'an in excitement.

An Ke'an who had gotten lost upon seeing He Sying was shaken back to reality. She looked at the beast that just got defeated and frowned.

The white horn reminded her of Xiao bai. Xiao bai also had two tiny silver horn, but he lost it this year. The reason she forgot was that the future Xiao bai had no such horn, so her mind had skipped it. Tracing her memory, An Ke'an remembered Xiao bai lost his horns during this period, but she had no idea exactly when.

An Ke'an suspect Xiao bai was a half Dragon, because when she first met Xiao bai, the people who had came to rescue her couldn't discern Xiao bai's mental power level.

Noticing An Ke'an's was in a daze and she was frowning, Gia asked

"What's wrong?"

"Gia, I want to go to Clare planet."

"Now? Why? Is Xiao bai in danger?" Gia asked not sure why she would want to go there again when they just visited not long.

"Yes, but I'm not sure exactly when."

"Who is Xiao bai?" Mingyu who was sitting beside Gia asked.

"An'an's pet." Gia answered

"An'an has a pet?" Mingyu asked surprised, he has never seen An Ke'an with a pet.

"A pet? Whose pet?" Yeol who was stuffing himself with grapes asked, and Qian Mian also looked over, curious about what they were talking about.

"An'an." Mingyu answered him, but he noticed Yeol had almost finished the grapes and then he grabbed them from Yeol in anger.

"Where is it?" Yeol asked as both he and Mingyu both started dragging the plate of grapes.

"At Clare planet." An Ke'an answered.

"Isn't that place inhabited and far from here? Why would you leave it there?" Qian Mian asked not understanding why her pet would be so far away.

"Because it was not suitable for me to bring him here." An Ke'an answered Qian Mian.

Qian Mian then remembered both Gia and An Ke'an had gone to Clare planet sometimes ago. They had asked her for mercenary to escort them, which she allowed.

'So they went to see the pet.' Qian Mian thought and didn't ask any further.

"So you're going to meet it now?" Mingyu asked curiously.


"Let me book a ticket there." Gia said as she opened her light brain.

"Wait, how about I take you both there? I can drive the space shuttle now." Yeol interrupted Gia's action.

Immediately he said that, he felt a sharp pain at the back of his head, Qian Mian had hit him there.

"What driving? Are you an adult yet? You actually have the gut to say you want to drive a space shuttle." Qian Mian scolded.

"Ah, mom!" Yeol said aggrieved, he felt embarrassed that his mother had burst his bubbles.

"I'll take you guys there. It's boring to be at home all day." Qian Mian turned a blind eye at Yeol and suggested.

"Thank you auntie." An Ke'an smiled sweetly at Qian Mian.

"No problem. I'll go change my dress." Qian Mian waved her hand, indicating she was happy to do it.

Three hours later, they arrived at Clare planet with up to twenty bodyguards. All five of them were wearing the same hiking clothes but different colour.

Qian Mian wore brown and white, Yeol wore yellow and green, Mingyu wore red and white, while Gia and An Ke'an wore purple and white.

Clare planet had no humans residing in it, it was made up of mostly red trees and water, making the planet look blue and red from the space. It was considered one of the most dangerous planets, but a black hole appeared here last three month, which led the army to wiping out almost all the star beasts that resides here.

An Ke'an escorted them to Xiao bai's cave, but Xiao bai was absent, so they decided to wait an hour before they went back.

Thirty minutes later, the floor began to tremble and a huge shadow could be seen. The bodyguards escorting them surrounded them, looking ready to battle.

"An'an your pet, how big is it ?" Qian Mian asked noticing that with all the commotion Gia and An Ke'an did not look scared.

"It's a little big." An Ke'an said vaguely.

Two seconds later, a loud and frightening roar was heard. It seems Xiao bai had noticed foreigners were in its cave.

An Ke'an was stunned by the roar, the Xiao bai she knew doesn't roar, it always hissed.