Now it seems, Xiao bai was really about to became a dragon, but it got injured and its powers regressed.

An Ke'an wondered how Xiao bai cultivated to became a dragon, because cultivation does not exist in this world and the level where the people are born, that's the level they would be for the rest of their lives.

It was not until she heard Qian Mian's screams that An Ke'an snapped out of her thought.

"Xiao bai, stop. It's me." An Ke'an stepped toward.

Xiao bai who about to attack stopped when it heard An Ke'an's voice.

Everyone could now see Xiao bai clearly.

It was a pure snow white snake with large red eyes, it had two tiny silver horns on it with gold engravings on it body. Xiao bai was very huge, they are all tiny compare to it, if Xiao bai opened its mouth, it could swallow all twenty five of them in a single gulp.

"Not that big? An'an, that is huge! How did you tame It?!" Qian Mian asked in shock.

"Wait, isn't this the snake who you were found with last three month?" Yeol asked recognising Xiao bai.

"Yes it is."

"But this is not its cave right?"

"Because its cave was discovered, it left that place."


An Ke'an climbed on Xiao bai, sitting exactly on the top of its head. On top of his head was an engraving written in gold, different from the one on its body. An Ke'an felt that the engraving looks familiar but she couldn't figure out where she saw them. The bodyguards escorting them were in bewilderment.

No one had ever tamed a star beast with mental power of C level, not to talk of a star beast whose level is unknown and maybe above SSS level.

"Gia, you should rest for now. I want to check something on Xiao bai." An Ke'an said.

"Okay." Gia said as she began taking out some mats from her space button.

"What do you want to check?" Mingyu asked curiously.

"That's non of your business." Gia said dragging him my the ear

"Ahhh!!" Because she used too much strength, Mingyu screamed in pain.

An Ke'an intend to use her Qi to probe Xiao bai's body. She wanted to be sure if Xiao bai wants to ascend as a dragon and if he is actually cultivating.

She had figured out how to cultivate her spiritual power a few days, but she didn't dare continue cultivating because she would have it examined when resuming college. If her spiritual power increased she might end up in the research centre.

Using her Qi, Xiao bai trembled at the foreign Qi entering his body but didn't reject it. Twenty minutes passed and An Ke'an opened her eyes in confusion, Xiao bai was using the same method as the orthodox cultivation. There's only one reason for this, Xiao bai wasn't from the Xian empire. As for how he got here, she had no idea.

That may also be the reason that Xiao bai's cultivation didn't increase after his injury in her past life. He had no idea how to cultivate the Qi in this world.

Thinking of this, An Ke'an imparted the knowledge of cultivating the spiritual power in him. Going through the cultivation manual, Xiao bai trembled in excitement, releasing a low roar scaring the remaining seven bodyguards protecting An Ke'an.

It was at this moment An Ke'an realised the Grants family were missing. Jumping down An Ke'an asked.

"Where are the others?"

"They went to explore the forest." One of the bodyguard answered.

An Ke'an didn't find anything wrong with it. The danger level of this planet was low and the bodyguards all had A level mental power. But Xiao bai trembled giving out a low roar.

"What is wrong?" An Ke'an asked feeling his uneasiness.

Seeing that she didn't understand, he used the his tail to put her on his head and then dashed out of the cave leaving behind the guards.

At this moment, An Ke'an finally figured it out. There was danger in this forest capable of threatening the Grants lives!

An Ke'an suddenly had a thought that perhaps the danger was what made Xiao bai injured which made his power regressed. As they dashed into the forest, An Ke'an prayed the danger wasn't what she was thinking.

"Huff... you guys run. I'll try to stop it." Yeol shouted as he stared at the huge beast in front of them.

All the bodyguards they brought were all severely injured, not able to move an inch.

Qian Mian was bleeding heavily from her shoulder, and was resting on Mingyu. They had no chance at all. The beast was toying with them, he just injured them leaving them to feel despair and helplessness.

"We can't..we can't." Gia said trembling in fear, soon her leg gave her out and she fell to the ground.

She regret it, she should not have suggested they go out of the cave. Seeing Gia has been overwhelmed by fear, Yeol felt despair. There is no signal here, they can't call for help.

The four of them felt the floor tremble and seconds later they heard a familiar roar.

An Ke'an had a full view of the huge beast. It has a lizard head and has four legs like that of a tiger with two huge wings on it back. It whole body was covered in feathers. It was red in colour, camouflaged with the grassland. An Ke'an could feel the pressure on it was no less than Xiao bai.

It seems it is the king on this planet and Xiao bai being here had threatened its position. No wonder Xiao bai got injured, it was an SSS level star beast.

An Ke'an frowned, then she pricked her index finger. Using the blood flowing from It, she drew an protective array on Xiao bai. These two were bound to fight one day, that day might as well be today.

"Xiao bai, lure him away from here." An Ke'an said as she jumped down from his head.

"Good luck." An Ke'an said to Xiao bai once she landed on the ground.

"Roar." Xiao bai responded before dashing towards the beast.

Once both were out of their sight, An Ke'an approached the others.

"Will Xiao bai be okay?" Gia asked worried as she began to feel her legs.

"Don't worry he will be alright." After all she used her inner Qi to draw the protection array. An Ke'an added in her heart, though she suffered from the backlash, she won't be able to use her Qi in the next two weeks.

"Let get out of here, the blood will attract other beasts." Yeol said after coming back to his senses.

"But how do we get everyone out of here?" Mingyu asked looking at the thirteen bodyguards who were heavily injured.

"An'an where are the others?" Qian Mian asked for the other bodyguards, enduring the pain on her shoulder.

"They are back at the cave. Yeol gather everyone together, I have a plan." An Ke'an said as she closed her eyes rummaging her space.Two seconds later, a disc appeared on her hands.

Mingyu sat Qian Mian with her back leaning on a stone, then he took out a healing spray.

"Give it to me, go help the others." Qian Mian collected the healing spray from Mingyu and began treating herself.


Once everyone was gathered in a place, An Ke'an activated the array disc and a protective shield covered them. The Grants were curious about it but didn't ask. The shield looked like a high levelled protective shield, and it was very expensive even the Grants only had one. But An Ke'an's family could afford them.

But An Ke'an's shield was in shape of a disc instead of a cube. What they didn't know was that the shield was from a cultivation world. Unlike the current one from Xian empire this one can shield spiritual and mental power. But An Ke'an had no intention of telling them.

After she activated the shield, she started to treat the bodyguards that were injured using her medical expertise that she had possessed during her transmigrations. Qian Mian was surprised that An Ke'an possessed medical knowledge, but she didn't ask where she had learnt them.

An Ke'an treated them while waiting for the other bodyguards to find them so they could head home. Once she was done treating them, the sun was already setting and the fight between Xiao bai and the star beast hadn't ended yet.

The floor was trembling and one could see rocks flying out, one could see the extent of destruction from their position. From their position Xiao bai seem to have an disadvantage, because the star beast was capable of flying.

An Ke'an knew Xiao bai would win, because he did so in her past life, now that he has the protection array his chances of winning was higher. Thirty minutes later, An Ke'an coughed out blood, the protective array was broken!