An Ke'an frowned, the star beast was too powerful. How on earth did Xiao bai survive in her past life? She had underestimated the power of an SSS level beast.

"An'an, what's wrong?!" Yeol asked when he noticed An Ke'an had coughed out blood.

"Don't worry, I'm alright." An Ke'an shook her head not wanting the rest to find out she had coughed out blood, making them worried.

Yeol frowned looking worried. Seeing his worried face, An Ke'an smiled while assuring him.

"Don't worry, I'll visit the hospital after we get out of here."

Hearing this, Yeol didn't say more. After all, even if she was not feeling well, they had to wait until they were rescued.

Seconds later, a big rock headed their way. The rock landed exactly on top of the protection shield with a huge sound, the people in the shield trembled from the impact, but the shield protected them perfectly.

An Ke'an looked over at where Xiao bai and the SSS level star beast were fighting. But they was no longer any movement, only smoke could be seen, showing how great the battle was.

An Ke'an ran out of the shield and headed towards the place where the fight had happened. The Grants called out to An Ke'an but she didn't hear, because all of her mind were on Xiao bai.

Upon reaching there, An Ke'an saw the star beast had been defeated, but Xiao bai was nowhere to be found. An Ke'an began calling out its name, but they was no response and she became anxious. Yeol and Gia arrived at that moment, they left Mingyu behind to look after the injured.

They joined the search, the search lasted for thirty minutes and it was like Xiao bai had disappeared into thin air and they couldn't continue, because it was dark already. They decided to go back and continue the search the next day. They passed by the star beast corpse, looking at the corpse, An Ke'an took out her touchlight and dug out its beast core.

If Xiao bai's injuries are serious, she could use the star beast core to make up for its injury. After she dug out the core, they headed towards where the rest were.

"How could he just disappear into thin air?" Yeol asked still perplexed that a huge beast will suddenly go missing.

"That....ahhh!" Gia also wanted to comment but she tripped over something, if not for Yeol quick rescue, her forehead would have suffered the brunt.

"What's it?" An Ke'an asked worriedly.

"Nothing I almost stepped on something, I wanted to avoid it but I didn't expect I'll fall."

Hearing this, Yeol turned his touchlight to the place Gia had tripped.

"Xiao bai!!" The three exclaimed when they saw the tiny snow white snake. Xiao bai had shrunk and it seems unconscious. They were able to recognize it because of its gold engravings.

An Ke'an scooped the little white snake whose length is not as long as a baby arm.

An Ke'an was anxious, she couldn't use her Qi to check its health condition. Seeing her anxiousness, Yeol assured her.

"Don't worry, it's still breathing. The rescue should be here soon."


When they arrived at their destination, there was already a space shuttle, different from the one they had brought. And the they could see Keith, Yuning, Shanhuai and Max. Keith was hugging his wife comforting her, while the rest were helping the bodyguards into the space shuttle.

"Dad!." Gia ran towards her father, immediately she spotted him.

Keith hugged Gia along with Qian Mian before asking.

"Gia, are you alright?"

"Hmm, I didn't suffer any injury." Gia nodded indicating she was alright except from small skin trauma.

"An'an, how are you? Are you alright?" Max marched towards An Ke'an as he asked.

"I'm alright." An Ke'an answered subconsciously wanting to salute, but she remembered she wasn't in the army yet.

Max didn't really believe her, after checking her body and seeing she really was alright, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Where is Xiao bai? Is he alright?" Mingyu who had been ignored suddenly asked.

"He is here. I don't know if he is alright." An Ke'an answered as she showed the tiny snake.

"Waaah!, why is he so tiny?" Mingyu exclaimed seeing the majestic Xiao bai suddenly turned small.

His voice made the Grants gathered around An Ke'an.

"He is so cute." Shanhuai commented poking the unconscious white snake.

"I think he might be seriously injured." Max said with his eyebrows furrowed.

Before An Ke'an and the rest came back, they already knew the situation. Besides one of the bodyguards had taken a picture of Xiao bai and they were partly aware of how big it is.

"I think so too." Yuning added.

"Dad, do you know anyone who can treat Xiao bai?" Yeol turned to Keith.

"I do. Let get you five to the hospital first." Keith answered.


By the time they arrived at the hospital, it was 10pm already. After checking the five of them, the doctor concluded they could head home, since their injuries are just skin trauma. But the injured bodyguards still had to stay behind since they were seriously injured.

While the rest went home, Keith took An Ke'an to the veterinary hospital and introduced her to a trustworthy doctor, that'll treat Xiao bai's injuries.

Xiao bai is a beast whose level was beyond SSS, so they could not go to just anyone.

"It used its powers beyond limits and got backlash from it. It injuries are not that severe." Dr. James, Keith's friend explained and prescribed some medicine for it injuries.

An Ke'an silently breathed a sigh of relief, it's a good thing Xiao bai's powers didn't regress. The backlash can be easily cured.

"Then when would he wake up?" Keith asked frowning.

"This..." Dr. James hesitated.

"What is wrong?" Keith asked

"I have never seen a star beast that survived a backlash. It might never wake up."

"But if you don't mind, you could leave it behind, I...." As Dr. James added and An Ke'an interrupted.

"No need."

She understood he wanted to study Xiao bai to find cure for him, and that's risky because Xiao bai is totally different from the star beasts on Xian Galaxy.

"There's a possibility..." Dr. James tried persuading, he really didn't want to let go of this chance.

"There's no need. Thank you, Dr. James." An Ke'an said firmly as she scooped out Xiao bai from the healing pod.

"Uncle let go home. There's no need for that." An Ke'an said to Keith, not wanting to spend another second here.

"An'an, you....sigh. Alright let's get you home." Keith wanted to persuade her but seeing her firm eyes, he no longer objected.

"Then we will get going. Thanks for today, I owe you a favour." Keith said to Dr. James as he got ready to leave.

"There's no need for that, just treat me to a meal next time."


After leaving the hospital, An Ke'an waited in front for Keith to bring the flying shuttle over. While she was waiting, a cute small pup bumped into her. The pup was running out of the hospital and four nurses were chasing it. An Ke'an recognised the pup, it was a white chihuahua. Seeing An Ke'an, it turned back and began rubbing its head on her leg.

An Ke'an wasn't surprise by this scene, she had always been popular with animals. Putting Xiao bai on her head, she picked up the pup.

The nurses that were running after the chihuahua were stunned. Who doesn't know how aggressive this little pup is? It suddenly snuggled up to a stranger!

"Nala, come over here."

An Ke'an heard a familiar voice and followed the source. The lady had red hair and red eyes, she looked really gorgeous and seductive. And this woman was non other than He Sying's mother, Shawt Lily.

"Thank you." Lily said as she took the pup from An Ke'an.

Nala upon seeing its owner snuggled into her while casting glance at An Ke'an.

"How did you do it? Nala has never opened up to anyone except me." Lily asked as she stared at the cute teen with a white snake on her head. The white snake was almost blending with her hair colour.

"I just have high affinity with animals." An Ke'an smiled embarrassingly.

"Oh I see. My name is Shawt Lily, what is yours?" Lily asked, she had always wanted a daughter, seeing how cute the girl was, she felt the urge to get close.

"I'm An Ke'an." An Ke'an smiled shyly.

In her past life, Lily supported a lot because she was bullied in the army. Because she had spiritual power yet she insists on joining the fighting team. Though Lily died early after her husband's death.

"I see, what happened to the little snake?" Lily asked pointing at the sleeping snake on An Ke'an's head.

"It got injured."