A red flying shuttle landed right beside them.

"An'an." Keith said through the window of the flying shuttle.

"I'll get going then." An Ke'an waved at Lily and Nala barked after her.

"Keith?" Lily asked noticing the man in the flying shuttle.

"Hello, Lily. How have you been?" Keith answered when he noticed Lily.

"Fine, what of Mianmian?"

"She is fine."

Lily looked at An Ke'an and then at Keith, she saw no resemblance between them but her purple eyes reminded her of someone.

"Is this Xingyu's daughter?"

"Yes, she is."

"Oh my. No wonder I felt so close to her." Lily exclaimed thinking that both mother and daughter had the aura that makes one comfortable.

Thinking of An Tangxing, Lily gritted her teeth in anger but then she remembered that An Ke'an was also his daughter, Lily then sighed heavily.

She then held Nala in one hand and stretched the other for an handshake.

"Hello Ke'an let me reintroduce myself. I'm your mother's senior sister."

"Hello." An Ke'an answered surprised. In her past life she never knew Lily knew her mother. It seems that the reason Lily protected her was because of her mother.

"You're going home, right? Would you mind hanging out with this old lady another day?" Lily asked smiling, she wanted to know more about An Ke'an and perhaps adopt her as a godmother since her parent her currently absence.

"Yes, I don't mind." An Ke'an answered feeling a little joy. If she got close to Lily perhaps she could see He Sying.

"Give me your contact number. I'll call you when you're free."


They both exchanged contact number,Nala was reluctant to see An Ke'an go, so An Ke'an gave her a small ball. The ball was infused with her spiritual power. Nala began playing with it, ignoring An Ke'an.

Not long An Ke'an and Keith left, a suave and cool military flying shuttle parked in front of Lily. Lily entered the passenger seat and the car took off.

In the car, He Suing looked at his mother then at Nala who was playing with a red ball.

"Why is it so gentle today?" He Suing asked Lily.

"Oh, it met someone today. She seem to have a calming effect on animals. She gave Nala the ball, I think her scent is on it. That's probably why." Lily answered.

"Oh, she's Su Xingyu's daughter." Lily added.

"An Ke'an?" He Sying asked feeling regretful he didn't come earlier. He could have seen her.

"You know her?" Lily looked at He Sying strangely. Her son have never paid attention to anyone outside the military, so it was strange that he knew An Ke'an. But remembering he met her when she was ten, her suspicion died down a little.

"I have heard of her from Max." He Sying lied noticing his mother's gaze.

"That's true. She seems close to the Grants." Lily's suspicion died down because of how talkative Max can be. He probably told He Sying during his blabbering.

"Mom, I want to cancel my engagement."

"Ok...wait what?!" Lily answered before her eyes widened in shock.

"I want to cancel my engagement." He Sying repeated.

"You really want to?" Lily asked in disbelief.


"Didn't you object to it before?"

"Sigh, it's good you cancel it. I have never liked that Mila girl, but your father will probably object to it. After all, she saved your life." Lily added.

She had never liked Harry Mila, she was very pretentious and cunning. But Lily never considered a problem, what she disliked was how Harry Mila doesn't have a bottom line. When she revenge or plot against someone, she'd always involve innocent passerby, and she never thinks she's wrong for doing that. In short, she has no regards for human lives.

If her husband and son knew this, they wouldn't insist on the engagement. Lily had wanted to them about this character of Mila but the girl his too deep.

"She didn't. She never did." He Sying said his voice colder than usual.

"What do you mean?" Lily frowned not expecting this reason.

Now thinking of it, Harry Mila wasn't a nice person. Ten years ago, the airship that He Sying was on exploded, He Sying fell into the Harry's family territory. He fell into a huge lake, because he was injured heavily, he couldn't swim out. At that moment someone saved him.

Because He Sun, He Sying's father was an upright person. He decided that He Sying marries Harry Mila. He Sying had no objection to it, because she had saved his life.

"It was Luo Shiyi who did."

"That cute little nephew of hers, that she suppresses?" Lily was stunned.

Luo Shiyi was Harry Mila's nephew. Her mother, Harry Brynn is Harry Mila's elder sister, the first child of the current head of Harry family. Luo Shiyi's father died of illness when Luo Shiyi was sixteen and she's currently twenty six. Because the Luo family didn't want her to inherit her father's inheritance, they sent her to the Harry family.

Harry Will loved Harry Brynn the most out of all his four children. And the reason was because Harry Brynn was the daughter and only child of his first wife, who died early. When Luo Shiyi arrived at the Harry, Harry Will treated her well.

Harry Mila who was almost the same age as Luo Shiyi, became jealous of her and began suppressing the girl. Her mother Su Xingnian was not loved by their father. If not for the death of the first wife, Su Xingnian would never have the chance to marry Harry Will.


"How did you know?" Lily was skeptical, He Sying wouldn't know unless he investigated the incident.


"Sying, tell me the truth. Did Mila do something to offend you? If not you wouldn't have investigated it?" Lily asked because He Sying wouldn't bother investigating who had saved him unless Mila did something to arouse his suspicion.

Hearing the question, He Sying didn't answer. His silence meant she was right.

Lily skipped over it since He Sying had no intention of telling her the reason.

"Fine. So are you going to get engaged to Luo Shiyi?"

"No. She has someone she likes."

"Mom, why don't you put her under your care? I'll compensate her." He Sying suggested.

"No way, I've decided An Ke'an will be my god daughter. " Lily rejected without hesitation.

"No, you won't."

That's his future wife, He had no intention if being siblings with her.

"She already has Mrs. Grant." He Sying said added in case Lily suspected anything

"Who stimulates one can only have one god mother?" Lily asked angrily. If he wanted to compensate Luo Shiyi, why drag her in?

"Fine. I'll just accept both. You should tell your father about you cancelling the engagement." Seeing He Sying's face darkened, Lily suggested.

"Okay." He Sying finally gave in, if he keeps insisting, his mother would figure out he was hiding something.

The next day An Ke'an welcomed her five apprentice.

"Hello, I'm Guo Fang." The one who looked most muscular out of them introduced himself. He was the eldest, aged fifty one years.

"Duan Si." Duan Si had a delicate appearance, he was fourty this year but looked like a young teenage.

"Sean Darcy." Sean Darcy is a petite girl, she is also fourty this year.

"Salvic Leo." Salvic Leo was the most handsome among the three male. He looked European and he had a somewhat muscular body. He was fourth six this year.

"Noah Amiya." The second lady introduced, She looked like an Indian with mixed blood.

"An Ke'an." An Ke'an introduced herself before she started listing the rules.

An Ke'an planned to broadcast while teaching them.

After K15 set up the filming equipment, An Ke'an decided on some Chinese snacks. The reason was because her transmigrations were based on Chinese world. So most of her experience are Chinese based.

After the broadcasting, K15 took the apprentice to the guest mansion where they would be living for the main time.

An Ke'an edited the video and added some ancient music as the background, before uploading the video under the name 'An's ancient Kitchen'.

After the uploading, An Ke'an began treating Xiao bai. In the afternoon, An Ke'an took Yeol, Mingyu and Gia to her clothing company, which she named An's ancient clothing.

She didn't manage the company herself but asked Keith to arrange someone to do it for her, while she paid for it.The reason was because she had to prepare for the upcoming war and soothing food was her pirority. In the company, An Ke'an and the three Grants took pictures of themselves dressed in different Ancient countries dresses.

After uploading the videos and pictures of the dresses, An Ke'an went home and continued implementing her plans, she had no idea the huge chaos she had caused on starnet and the imperial capital. An Ke'an stayed at home for a whole week, until Lily dragged her out of her home for shopping.