Lily was wearing a yellow Chinese Qipao with red embroidery on it. She looked really gorgeous, making An Ke'an who was wearing a white shirt and casual jeans feel a little embarrassed.

"You look gorgeous in those dressing." Lily said as she pointed to some neon board outside the mall.

On it was An Ke'an, Gia, Yeol and Mingyu in ancient dressing. It was the pictures they took for the company's advertisement.

"Thank you." An Ke'an responded feeling flattered.

The reason Lily brought her to the mall was because she wanted to dress An Ke'an up. She had always wanted a daughter, but because He Sun was afraid that the child will inherit their exceptional genetics, they never implemented it. He Sying had a twin brother, He Suan whose mental power was almost at 4S, but he is currently in a coma because his body couldn't take the huge amount of power.

Lily has an SS level mental power and He Sun has an SSS mental power, if they decided to have another child, the child might suffer the same fate as He Suan.

Seeing they were being stared at by passerby, Lily pulled An Ke'an into the mall.

"Come on. Let go shopping."

She decided to satisfy her cravings for a daughter through An Ke'an. When they got to the An's ancient clothing store. Lily started dressing up An Ke'an, while taking pictures of her to send to her groups of friends. The customers there were blinded with envy and jealousy, and that's because all the cloths An Ke'an dressed in were the expensive ones.

While Lily and An Ke'an were immersed in their world, they was suddenly a loud crash. An Ke'an and Lily looked towards the direction of the sound, and saw two familiar figure.

One had pink hair and green beady eyes, she was extremely gorgeous wearing a pink dress that brought her pale skin to life. The other was one was wearing a orange dress, she had deep orange hair and blue eyes, her skin tone wasn't as pale as the other but looked healthy. Compared to the girl in pink, her beauty was much more higher.

An Ke'an was in a daze seeing them, the one with pink hair was Harry Mila and the other was Luo Shiyi.

"Xiaoyi, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean it." Harry Mila said in a soft voice. On the floor beside them was a dress stained with a drink.

There was a short pause from Luo Shiyi, she then bend down to pick the dress.

"I know." Luo Shiyi said in her pleasant, low voice, because her hair was covering her face, no one could see her expression.

An Ke'an frowned, Luo Shiyi was one her friends that cared for her in her past life, but she committed suicide. The reason was because her crush had humiliated her because she confessed to him. But An Ke'an knew that wasn't the real reason.

Even though Luo Shiyi was somewhat timid, she isn't the type to commit suicide over something like that.

"Mila, don't worry. She won't blame you." Another familiar voice was heard.

An Ke'an frowned as she stared at Qiao Yao. Looking at Harry Mila, doubt began to appear on her face. Qiao Yao was Harry Mila's best friend in her past life. She began to think whether Harry Mila schemed against her along with Qiao Yao, because Harry Mila also benefited from her stolen wealth.

But An Ke'an subconsciously rejected it. Harry Mila has always been an idol figure to An Ke'an, so she really want to hope that everything was her imagination.

An Ke'an suddenly felt a bout of dizziness, then everything went black.

"Ke'an!" Lily screamed out in panic as she watched An Ke'an fell to the floor.

An Ke'an was in a long dream, she didn't know how long it was. Her dream was about her past life, even though her memories of it was clear, relishing it was a painful torture. The three day before the end of her life became blurry, An Ke'an was confused as to why.

After thinking, she figured out perhaps she had locked those memories. Her heart skipped a bit, because she was well aware that locking up her memories without her knowing meant those memories were too painful for her.

She hesitated a little because she had an hunch, Harry Mila was the cause of her memories. But after thinking she decided to face it.

Unlocking it, she felt a splitting headache as the familiar and yet unfamiliar memories gushed into her head. Reliving the memories, An Ke'an was bewildered, shocked and felt seriously betrayed.

Never had she expected Harry Mila would betray He Sying before the end of the battle in her past life. Harry Mila's betrayal caused thousands of lives of soldiers including hers.

A long time passed, An Ke'an tried waking up but couldn't, she began sinking into her sorrow. Though she had spent one hundred and fourty years, An Ke'an never considered herself old. After all in Xian empire, her life had just started at that age, she was still a young adult. So the burden was a little heavy for her. An Ke'an wished her parent were here at this moment, she really missed them.


She could hear familiar voices calling her, she tried opening her eyes but couldn't, the struggle lasted for five minutes.

"Mom?" An Ke'an saw the figure of her mother as she opened her eyes.

"An'an, you are awake." Lily said as he stared at An Ke'an in the healing pod.

"Mrs. He?" An Ke'an asked a little disappointed.

"Are you alright? The doctor is coming soon."

"Hmm." An Ke'an nodded she felt she was alright physically but not mentally.

The doctor came in and examined her.

"She's alright. She is ready to be discharged."

Lily paused her lips feeling unhappy. The doctors couldn't find anything wrong with An Ke'an physically, but the doctor said it might be related to her mental state.

An Ke'an poor mental state is probably related to her parents disappearance. She decided to take An Ke'an to a psychiatric.

Seeing Lily looking unhappy, An Ke'an assured her.

"I'm fine."

"Alright. Let get you home." Lily sighed.

"Ke'an, is anyone at home with you?" Lily who was about to leave suddenly asked.

"No." An Ke'an replied without hesitation, her clear purple eyes staring right into Lily's red eyes. Perhaps because she had just relived her past life, An Ke'an felt especially close to Lily.

Lily was stunned before frowning, to be honest she didn't expect An Ke'an to tell the truth. If it was someone with bad intention An Ke'an would be in danger.

"Next time, if someone ask you that question tell them yes, okay?" Lily lectured her very seriously.

'Sigh, what an innocent child. She probably won't last long in this cruel society.' Lily thought. She decided she was going to take An Ke'an under her wings, so she won't suffer in the society.

"Hmm I will." An Ke'an smiled. She felt warm in her heart, the depression in her heart eased a little. Even if her parents are absent she still has Lily and Qian Mian.

Thinking she had to start implementing her plans to adopt her god daughter, Lily asked.

"Would you mind staying at my place for tonight?"

"Huh?" An Ke'an was stunned by her question.

"Don't worry. I'm the only one at home and my husband is currently in the hospital." Lily added in hopes of An Ke'an agreeing.

Confirming she heard right, An Ke'an felt a little joy. Perhaps she could meet He Sying, but she didn't want to show her emotions, so she put on a troubled expression.

"Sying is at the army. He won't come over, he has his own apartment." Lily added when she saw An Ke'an's troubled face. She knew even though young girls adore He Sying, most can't get close to him because of his cold aura.

An Ke'an felt disappointed but she couldn't reject her seeing her expectant face


Seeing that An Ke'an was currently naked in the healing pod.

"Go get dressed." Lily said smiling.

After they got to the He district, where the He family house was located. Lily decided to cook An Ke'an Chinese dishes. Lily had wanted to introduce her to the house but it was already late. It was almost dinner time, so she decided to do it the next day.

An Ke'an joined Lily in the kitchen, most of the dishes they cooked were vegetable based. There was no meat present, An Ke'an finally realised a problem she hadn't attended to.

And that's how she would introduce her livestock in her space to the world. She had some cloths that required animal skin, but she had used star beasts fur to solve the problem. And because she always cooked alone and used items from her space, except when she taught her apprentices, she totally forgot about it.