Most actors use AI to stimulate their mood which makes it awkward.

Lily was stunned by the fact that An Ke'an possessed such antique. An Ke'an brushed it off by telling her it was a family heirloom.

Seeing Lily's reaction, An Ke'an decided she was going to open an account online dedicated for uploading this movies. Perhaps those celebrities could learn from it.

He Sying entered the He's family hospital, and went to the room his father was. He Sun was in a healing pod, he was currently naked but the green liquid made it impossible to see his body. Though his face could be seen, it looked very pale and from his body structure he was very thin. The only thing He Sying inherited from him was his ice blue hair and eyes, with body structure.

If one didn't know they would have assumed he was He Sying's brother.

He Sying knocked on the healing pod, and He Sun opened his eyes slowly. When he saw it was He Sying, the healing pod opened and He Sun sat slowly, showing his upper naked body.

"Why are you here?" He Sun asked his voice a little hoarse but it was still pleasant to hear.

"I came here to discuss about my engagement."

"I see. I will ask the doctor if I can be discharged." He Sun said thinking He Sying was ready to get married since he was already fourty.

He Sun frowned a little, he was expecting He Sying to get married when he clocks hundred or so.

Alas, his little son has grown..

"I meant I want to cancel the engagement." He Sying explained seeing his father had misunderstood.

"Cancel? Didn't you agree to it? Sying, just because you are now an adult doesn't mean you can do anything you want." He Sun berated, a lot of people has been wanting He Sying to cancel the engagement because both the He and Harry family are one of the top noble family in the Xian empire. The engagement between the two families threatened some people's interest. So they would do anything to make sure the engagement doesn't go through.

He Sun was angry because Mila had saved He Sying's life, and yet he wanted to be ungrateful.

He Sying was speechless, it wasn't wrong to treat the person who saved your life with kindness. But going as far as marriage was something a little bit much. If about three people saved his life, does that mean he has to marry the three of them?

Ignoring his father outburst, He Sying opened his light brain. He typed for about three second before bringing the hologram screen into He Sun's sight. He Sun wasn't wearing his light brain because he was in a healing pod, so he couldn't send the information to him.

Seeing He Sying ignore him, He Sun almost exploded in anger but the information on He Sying's light brain made him stop.

After five minutes, He Sun's face had twisted like a person who had eaten a bitter guord.

"That pair of mother and daughter!!" He Sun finally exploded with rage.

He didn't expect Su Xingnian and her daughter Harry Mila to fool him. When they went to rescue He Sying, Su Xingnian had told them that Mila had saved He Sying.

He Sun had wanted to confirm at that time, but Su Xingnian insisted that Mila was sick from the cold and wasn't able to see anyone. After all, the weather was freezing cold at that time.

Now thinking of it, Luo Shiyi also got sick at that time that she almost lost her life. The incident at that time blew because her mother, Harry Brynn had buried herself in her work after her husband's death. And none of the servant nor robots were aware that Luo Shiyi got sick. If not for Harry Will visiting her room, Luo Shiyi would have probably got burned by the fever.

"As expected, those from the Su family are nothing good." He Sun said angrily blowing off smoke from his head.

"Uncle Xingyu isn't the same." He Sying couldn't help adding. He didn't want his future father-in-law to be characterised with those from the Su family.

The Su family are known for selling their children for marriage. And their bottom line is very low. The reason they still exist even when the nobles disdain them was because during the current emperor Xian's rebel, they contributed a lot. So even the emperor can't discredit them.

"Of course, Su Xingyu is the only one worth mentioning..." He Sun said before he suddenly paused and looked at He Sying suspiciously. He wondered why his usually indifferent son will suddenly defend a person apart from his mother and brother.

"Ahem." He Sying coughed a little, embarrassed he almost gave himself away.

"If mom heard you cursing the whole Su family, she won't let you off." He Sying defended himself. After all, Su Xingyu is part of the Su family.

He Sun suspicion died down, Lily had always loved to follow her junior brother, Su Xingyu. He was always jealous during those times, if not for the fact that Su Xingyu liked men, He Sun would have drowned in vinegar.

Because he was always in the military, Lily always hanged out with Su Xingyu, until the Su family sold the poor boy out for marriage.

"So, are you going to get engaged to Luo Shiyi?" He Sun said trying to change the topic.


"Why?" He Sun frowned, glaring at He Sying.

He Sying felt an headache coming, his father had always believed that if one saved your life, you should repay it by giving the rest of your life to that person. And the best option was marriage.

"Dad, Luo Shiyi has someone she likes. Do you want me to destroy the happiness of the person who had saved my life by forcing myself on her?" He Sying asked feeling a little helpless. But he had no intention of letting Luo Shiyi getting together with that crush of hers. That boy is just a scumbag and doesn't deserve her, and beside Luo Shiyi was one of his An Ke'an's friends, mainly their cp fan. She had always been obsessed with pairing him and An Ke'an, going as far as writing novels about them.

He Sun was choked by He Sying's question, he couldn't find a word to retort. After a short while, he asked.

"So how do you plan on repaying her."

"We will adopt her."

"And you think Will will allow you to adopt his precious grand daughter?" He Sun snorted looking at He Sying like he was looking at a fool. Who in the Xian empire didn't know Harry Will loved his grand daughter to death?

"Dad, did you forget there is a term called god sister?" He Sying asked with disdain, looking at his father with the same look.

"" He Sun pointed at He Sying infuriated. As expected He Suan was the cute one, He Sying was nowhere as cute as his twin brother.

He Sying snorted, he knew what his father was thinking.

Of course his twin brother was the cutest, though An Ke'an was cuter.

"I already discussed it with mom, she said that the banquet would be organised in the next two weeks. She's coming tomorrow, so she will discuss the rest with you." He Sying said before leaving the room. If he stayed here any longer, he will probably die of anger.

He planned on visiting his brother, he hadn't met him since his rebirth. His twin brother had died while protecting Qiao Yao in his past life. He Sying doesn't know what to feel regarding Qiao Yao.

Qiao Yao had cured his twin brother mental state, so he was very conflicted. Should he allow her to treat him again in this lifetime? But Qiao Yao had a lot innocent lives in her hands and besides she indirectly caused An Ke'an's death.

He Sying reached He Suan's room, he paused staring at the door. He didn't want his brother to die young and yet he didn't want to ask for help from the person that indirectly caused the deaths of his loved ones.

Sighing heavily, He Sying put the matter behind his back. He would solve those problems as they come. Entering He Suan's room, a dense smell of medicine penetrated his nose. In the healing pod, in the middle of the room laid He Suan, the green liquid in his pod was more thicker and the colour in it was much denser than his father's.

He Suan had the same ice blue hair and eyes but his facial features resembled He Sun. Unlike He Sying who had inherited his mother facial features, but He Suan was much more delicate. He gave off a gentle and peaceful aura unlike He Sying's aggresive and indifferent aura.

Seeing his older brother who was ten minutes older than him, He Sying felt his defense collapse. Only An Ke'an and He Suan could make him this way.