He Sying began talking to the unconscious He Suan, about his rebirth, his past life, and An Ke'an. He didn't know if He Suan could hear him, even if he did, He Sying didn't plan to hide it.

Two hours later, He Sying was on his way to the He's district.


Halfway through the second movie, Lily fell asleep. Checking the time, it was already one in the morning. After tucking Lily into bed, An Ke'an left for the kitchen.

On her way there, she encountered the robot butler. The He's family house only had robot as helpers, there wasn't a single living being in the mansion except for Nala.

"Miss An, do you need something?" The robot butler asked with a (^_^) on its screen.

Seeing a robot looking similar to K15, An Ke'an smiled and said.

"I want to drink water."

"Alright, please sit here. I'll be back soon."

"There's no need. I'll get it myself."

"Alright. Madam said to tell you, you are free to do anything. Please treat here as your home." The robot butler said before leaving An Ke'an.

An Ke'an was a little surprised and amused. Lily was still lecturing her this evening, yet she just left the house to her just like that. Thinking of it, Lily was the same in her past life, perhaps it might be because of the trust that Lily had on her mother, that made her trust An Ke'an that much.

After drinking water, An Ke'an remembered she hadn't checked Xiao bai up today. So she brought out the little snake from her space.

Xiao bai injuries were already healed, but he hasn't woken up yet. But An Ke'an felt Xiao bai was lucky this lifetime. The injuries he got in her past life made his core damaged and his cultivation to regress to A level, which meant he had to start his cultivation all over.

In this lifetime, even though his cultivation has regressed to S level, his inner core wasn't damaged. He just need the right amount of care and his cultivation will be back to normal.

Checking Xiao bai's physical state, An Ke'an clicked her tongue in frustration, she couldnt check Xiao bai's spiritual state because she currently couldn't use her powers. She put Xiai bai back into her space.

Sighing, An Ke'an proceeded to the refrigerator. In her past life, Lily had died the same death as her husband, which was mental riot. So she added some spiritual fruit into the refrigerator that could relief mental riot.

Lily's death was suspicious because she doesn't use her mental power as often as soldiers do, so why would she suddenly go into riot. Thinking of the fact that Lily never liked Harry Mila, An Ke'an was sure her death has to do with Mila.

She could heal mental riot at her current state but she can't treat it completely. As long as one still have mental powers, the dangers of rioting will still exist.

That's why she had been trying to figure out a cultivation method for mental powers that will eliminate the dangers. But she had been delayed due to the fact that she can't currently use her Qi.

After filling up the refrigerator, An Ke'an turned around to leave the kitchen, but she bumped into a hard wall. An Ke'an was startled as she moved back in reflex but she ended up tripping.

An Ke'an closed her eyes expecting pain from the fall, but she was pulled into an embrace.

After a short while, An Ke'an finally registered what was going on, as a familiar scent permeated into her nose.

Startled, she pulled out of the embrace and met face to face with He Sying. He Sying never expected his luck to be so good, when he heard noises in the kitchen, he had thought it was his mother. He didn't expect it to be An Ke'an.

He felt a little regret that she had pulled out of his embrace. Feeling the softness and warmth of her body, He Sying was in a daze.

"I..I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." An Ke'an stammered feeling flustered.

She had always wanted to meet him again, but she didn't expect she would be this nervous. It has been long she had felt such emotion, she tried calming down but her blushing face and her loud heartbeat gave her away.

Hearing her voice, He Sying snapped out of his daze.

"It's alright. You are An Ke'an, right?" He Sying asked smiling at her.

'She's alive. She's totally fine.' He Sying kept chanting in his head. The last time he had contact with her was when her body was cold, pale, and lifeless. Feeling her warmth and the fact she was standing in front of him healthy, He Sying couldn't describe his mood, but he knew he was happy and relieved.

"Ye... yes." An Ke'an stammered as she stared at He Sying blankly.

She had never seen him smile except from the moment before her death.

'So he also knew how to smile? Was it the war that took his smile away?" An Ke'an thought in a daze.

At this moment, she felt hatred for the former emperor. He was the one who made the upcoming war happened. If not for his tyranny and obsession of having the empire enlarged, the war wouldn't happen and He Sying wouldn't have lost his smile.

What An Ke'an never knew was that He Sying had never smiled from a young age. If his family saw him at this moment, they would have thought he was possessed.

He Sying began to learn how to smile after he got rebirth because of An Ke'an's request before her death. He was well aware of how ugly the smile he gave her before her death was.

Sensing the silence that had permeated for a while, He Sying broke the silence.

"Nice to meet you. I'm He Sying." He Sying smiled more brightly.

"I..I know." An Ke'an answered blushing furiously from his smile.

'Ahhhhh! He looks so good when he smiles!!' An Ke'an screamed in her heart. At this moment she understood the feeling fans had when meeting their idol.

An Ke'an didn't think much of his indifferent facade collapsing. He Sying had always been soft inside and hard outside. The reason was his father, He Sun had a cold and indifference aura in the public but the man is hilarious on the inside. And Lily is a total softie.


Both An Ke'an and He Sying were startled by Lily's voice.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" Lily asked feeling a little dissatisfied.

What if He Sying scared away An Ke'an, wouldn't her whole plan to adopt her jeopardise?

Lily didn't see An Ke'an who was behind He Sying because of his broad figure which had perfectly covered An Ke'an. She had woken up and didn't see An Ke'an beside her, she felt embarrassed that she had fell asleep watching the movie.

She waited for a while but didn't see An Ke'an, that's why she proceeded to find her, but didn't expect He Sying to come home.

"Aunt, you're awake." An Ke'an said coming into Lily's sight.

Lily was a little stunned, she didn't expect both of them to meet so soon. Seeing An Ke'an's blushing face that hasn't had time to cool down, and her eyes that had turned teary due sleepiness, Lily suddenly turned angry and dragged An Ke'an behind her.

"What did you do to her?" Lily asked angrily, thinking He Sying must have said something to make the girl cry. After all both his father and him are very skilled in that.

He Sying was speechless seeing her being so defensive. He was innocent, okay? He made sure he reigned in his aura and smiled the most beautiful smile he knew. What did she mean by this?

An Ke'an was embarrassed by her accusation, so she hurriedly defended He Sying.

"He didn't do anything to me."

"Don't try to defend him. He made you cry, yet you are still defending him." Lily said unhappily. Those girls never admitted when wronged by He Sying, it seems An Ke'an had also fallen under his beauty trap.

An Ke'an finally knew why Lily thought He Sying had bullied her. She always had teary eyes when feeling sleepy, after all it was already late and her body was that of a young teen.

"I'm just feeling sleepy, really." An Ke'an said earnestly, trying to prove He Sying's innocence.

Lily suddenly paused remembering something. Su Xingyu was the same, it seems the daughter inherited it from her mother.

"Oh I see." Lily said as she pulled An Ke'an away from the kitchen.

He Sying was speechless and anxious. He finally met his wife yet she was dragged away like that. Sighing, He Sying could only go to his room.

He still has plenty of time to chase his future wife. He Sying comforted himself.