Entering the hospital, Lily looked annoyed and the reason was because of He Sying who was following them.

He Sying ignored his mother's glare. Why would he miss the chance to be with his wife?

Ten minutes later, An Ke'an knew the reason she was brought here. But she didn't object to it, during the times she was transmigrating from one place to another, the system provided her mental treatment.

Lily was a little surprised that An Ke'an accepted it easily. The result of the test came out as mild depression. An Ke'an wasn't surprised, she already knew that herself.

The three decided to visit He Sun. After that Lily instructed He Sying to escort An Ke'an home. She wanted to stay with He Sun to discuss He Sying's engagement and Luo Shiyi.

Inside the air ship, He Sying felt that the atmosphere was silent and awkward, but An Ke'an didn't think so. She had been with He Sying in a closed place a lot of times and most time both of them were silent.

He Sying's brain turned several times but couldn't find a topic, when he saw that they were almost reaching An Ke'an's home, he finally he decided to go with the flow.

"How did you do on your exam?"

"Exam? How did you know?" An Ke'an was surprised He Sying would talk to her, or even ask her for her exam result.

"Hmm, Max told me you wrote your senior college examination." He Sying explained seeing the suspicion in her eyes.

"Oh.." An Ke'an was even more shocked by the fact that he explained.

"Um..I passed the exam." An Ke'an added.

"So you wrote exam for pharmacist?"

"No, I wrote for food soothing."

"Food soothing?" He Sying was confused.

To be honest, he had no idea what An Ke'an did for the first twenty eight years of her life. But he heard An Ke'an came to the battle field as a doctor, during those period she ended up fighting in the battle field. From there she began climbing ranks from a talented pharmacist to a lieutenant.

Perhaps his intel was wrong. Ever since he got rebirth, He Sying had been preparing for the upcoming war, so he just had free time yesterday.

"Hmm." An Ke'an nodded.

He Sying wanted to continue but seeing the familiar purple and blue planet, with some patches of green, he felt frustrated wishing the time would slow down. Arriving at the An's planet parking space, He Sying got down along with An Ke'an.

An Ke'an was confused why He Sying got down from the air ship.

"I'm escorting you home, my mom is going to scold me if I just drop you off like that." He Sying gave an excuse, he wasn't sure if An Ke'an would believe him. He really missed her, he hoped the time he spent with her was a little longer. The war would start soon and he won't be able to see her again.

An Ke'an was a little doubtful, but remembering Lily's character she didn't question him.

"Okay, let's go." An Ke'an invited him. The mansion was a little far from the parking space. The An's planet has three parking space, one for guests, another for the residents which is for only her and her family and the last for emergency.

The one they had landed on was the one for the guests and the place is a little far from the mansion. They had to walk for about three minute before they arrived at the mansion. The reason for this set up was because of intruders.

An Ke'an and He Sying strolled leisurely under the shades provided by the trees because of the hot afternoon sun. They admired the scenery along the way. He Sying kept looking at An Ke'an instead of the scenery. But An Ke'an didn't notice his gaze because she was lost in thought.

She hadn't strolled around the planet since her rebirth, she had been holed up in the mansion and would seldom go out. The purple scenery reminded her of her mother. Su Xingyu possessed purple hair along with purple eyes.

Su Xingyu hated this planet because of the abundant purple colour. The reason was because the Su family always possess green hair and green eyes, and their skin tone was a bronze colour.

But Su Xingyu was totally different, he had purple eyes and hair along with a pale skin tone. The Su family had always ridiculed and isolate Su Xingyu because his father was one of the royal prince that had supported the former emperor.

Su Xingyu's father married Su Wenyao, but he was unfaithful in his marriage. He birthed Su Xingyu outside and brought him home. Su Wenyao was infuriated but he couldn't do anything because the other was a royal Prince.

During the fight for the throne, Su Xingyu's father Xian Yuxin died. The current emperor suggested adopting Su Xingyu since he had no relation to the Su family. But the Su family had no intention of cutting off their relation with the royal family.

They insisted that Su Xingyu stayed with them. After all, they raised him and considered him theirs. The emperor couldn't do anything about it, and could only leave Su Xingyu with the Su family.

Su Xingyu behind the emperor's back grew up humiliated and bullied. Only when the Su family sold him to An Tangxing for marriage did he cut off ties with them.

The marriage between An Tangxing and Su Xingyu was built on a misunderstanding, so it wasn't a loving marriage. In fact An Ke'an was aware that her male mother despised his father, but she couldn't do anything about it.

The reason Su Xingyu was still in the marriage was because of her. At first her male father hated her because of her purple eyes, An Ke'an didn't know what happened later that he started paying attention to her.

An Ke'an even thought if she hadn't inherited her father's silver hair, her mother would have continued hating her. There were times she wished she had her father's amber eyes.

"Is that an apple tree?" He Sying asked looking bewildered.

An Ke'an snapped out of her thought up in hearing his question.

They are currently at the front of the mansion, beside it was her experimental farm. The tall apple trees and other tree were peeking out from the farm fence.

"Hmm." An Ke'an nodded.

He Sying was aware that the Grant's family had succeeded in planting some fruits and crops. They had collaborated with him and the fifth Prince. He was surprised when they reached out to him because non of these had happened in his past life.

He Sying had suspected that one of the Grant family member was reborn. But he crossed that out because throughout his three hundred years in his past life no one succeeded except for that one person, and all of the Grant family had perished before his death.

He has not had the time to investigate the cause for this changes. Now looking at some fruits that has not appeared in the market but are currently in An Ke'an's farm, He Sying became suspicious, there was only one person who produced these things in his past life and that person was Qiao Yao.

And the reason was because Qiao Yao had a system and her soul belong to the ancient times. He Sying broke out in cold sweat.

Has his An'an got possessed by an ancient soul? Where was his An'an's soul?

He Sying had the urge to ask these questions but he forced himself not to. Qiao Yao had destroyed the original host soul of her body two years after she possessed the body. And this year was currently the first year.

He Sying was afraid if he acted irationally, this foreign soul would destroy An Ke'an's soul. Excusing himself, He Sying fled the An's planet.

An Ke'an was confused, after He Sying had asked that question, he looked at her with suspicion, then in horror, then with murderous intent and lastly in fear before he fled.

Does her planting these things violate some rules or what? An Ke'an couldn't figure it out and she felt really uncomfortable with his reaction. Her mood plummeted, but she couldn't do anything. She wanted to ask him why he was like that but couldn't. An Ke'an could only wait for her to meet He Sying again.

Inside the air ship, on his way to the imperial city, He Sying asked Max to send him the current investigation regarding An Ke'an. Looking through the information, He Sying was confused but some of his doubt was cleared.

An Ke'an suddenly changed on the day of her senior college examination. Unlike Qiao Yao, An Ke'an still had her memories and she didn't go through a near death experience. And besides she still has her habit, which would have changed if another soul had possessed her.