"General, are you sure about it? Don't the Zerg only attack in winter? Why would they suddenly attack now during their breeding season?" An Juan asked feeling a little confused.

The border between the Xian Empire had always been peaceful, until the former Emperor attacked them taking their lands and plundering their food supplies.

The current emperor tried to restore peace, but the zergs who had tasted blood couldn't stop, so peace couldn't be restored. During summer, the zergs lays egg and they replenish their strength during autumn. Once winter comes they go out to hunt, but the General insisted they would attack during this autumn which was baffling.

"An Juan, do you trust me?" He Sying asked looking at the man that bore resemblance to the Empress.

"I do." An Juan stared back before answering.

"Even if they don't attack, it's not too late to be prepared." He Sying added.

"Alright. General, because of the act of the Grants donating food to all Legion, the other family had followed suit." An Juan reported putting the matter regarding the Zergs at the back of his mind.

He Sying paused before adding.

"Make sure you check them thoroughly, in case of sabotage."

The noble family have always being hypocritical, if the Grants didn't send the food provisions they wouldn't bother. They are just people who follow the trend, and these hypocrisy of theirs benefit them, so there's no need to think about it.

"Yes sir."

"What about Qiao Yao?" He Sying asked. He has been so busy, he hadn't had time to follow up about her.

"She managed to hack into the central galactic system, and the information she got there was An Ke'an's." An Juan's eyes flashed with ruthlessness. That Qiao Yao better not do anything to An Ke'an or else..

"Got it."

An Juan prepared to leave but suddenly stopped and looked at He Sying.

"General, what is your relationship with An Ke'an?"

He Sying paused, and looked at An Juan in the eye, the tension in the tent became higher with invisible spark flying around, neither of them backed out. Thirty seconds later, the corner of He Sying's mouth slowly raised into a smirk before saying word by word.

"My future wife."

An Juan was stunned, he had already suspected that He Sying had some relations with An Ke'an judging by his abnormal behaviour these days. He Sying was not one to pay attention to females but he suddenly got interested in the fact that Qiao Yao was targeting An Ke'an. He even went as far as to break his engagement by himself.

Seeing He Sying smirk and confident words, An Juan became infuriated.


"Do you think the An family will allow you to have her?" An Juan added with rage.

He Sying smirk suddenly faded and looked at An Juan coldly.

"What right do they have to stop me? If I remember correctly, you guys are part of the reason her parents disappeared." He Sying said looking at An Juan like he was looking at a fool.

The An family never treated An Tangxing well, except his biological parents and his biological brother An Juan. Because of An Tangxing's exceptional talent and lack of emotion, they used him and threw him away after use like trash. The Collins family, the empress family couldn't bear to see this and brought him in. But who would have expected that their greed knew no bounds.

They latched onto him again seeing his new powerful background. Though An Tangxing continue to help them due to his biological parents, he never crossed the line so the Collins let them be. Until An Tangxing met Su Xingyu who awakened his dead emotions.

The awakening of An Tangxing's emotion was a crisis to the An's family. The An family tried every way to eliminate this crisis, but even though they didn't succeed, they destroyed their marriage life.

The An family wasn't contented with this outcome and went as far as to plot Su Xingyu's disappearance. The An family still stands till date because of the fact that An Tangxing disappeared. It wasn't sure if they would still be as proud if An Tangxing ever came back.

"He Sying!!!" An Juan yelled angrily. He knew He Sying was right but he couldn't help feeling aggrieved. He didn't want those things to happen to his elder brother either.

Though his An branch family didn't participate, they benefited from it. In the whole of the An family, they were the only one who treated An Tangxing well. But they had turned a blind eye during the disappearance of Su Xingyu, because they weren't strong enough to oppose the whole An family.

"An Juan, don't give yourself an heart attack. Unless you the An family corrects your thinking will you be worthy of having a decision in her life. And I don't think that will happen in this lifetime." He Sying was well aware that An Juan's family was innocent but didn't they benefit from it? They couldn't even protect An Tangxing, what gave him the right to be angry?

" Sigh..." An Juan calmed down seeing He Sying distrustful gaze. He Sying was right and that is one of the reason he came into the army. To become more powerful enough to put the An family in place. To avenge his older brother.

But the fact that He Sying was lusting after his niece irked him.

"Make sure the An family doesn't find out An Ke'an's relationship with them. If they do, it won't end well." He Sying reminded him.

"I know. Don't worry about that." An Juan said still feeling irritated.


The Military training arrived and the sophomores were in high spirit.

They were going to the famous Luna planet for their military training. This planet was named after the empress, it has a white and light blue colour. The planet was cool during the three seasons except in winter which is totally freezing.

It had the most beautiful scenery in all planet in the Xian Galaxy , but there is a downside to it. The Luna planet is categorized as the third most dangerous planet in the Xian Galaxy.

To see it beauty one has to risk their lives. So it was hardly ever visited except from the mercenaries. Going there was a dream come true especially to the youngsters on the Xian Empire.

The place they were going to be using has been cleared out. And security robots were dispatched in case of accident making the students feel safe.

On getting to Luna planet, they were instructed to group themselves into five in each groups. The current amount of the sophomores was fifty which was lower than other senior colleges.

The reason was because even though the imperial senior college was a public school, it only admits students who are excellent in their studies. Because of this, most nobles send their children there, and another reason was because the school belongs to the royal family. And all the royal families attended the imperial senior college. It was like an unwritten rule.

An Ke'an and Gia stood in the middle of the people not knowing where to go. They had already tried to join groups but they kept rejecting them.The students already knew each other before, so they grouped up with familiarity.

An Ke'an and Gia were the youngest among the group of people, and they weren't close to their classmates who had gotten admitted here, because they were formerly isolated.

"Gia, aren't you the kind to make friends fast? Why don't you have one now?" An Ke'an nudged Gia and looked at her playfully.

"Ah! You actually dare to talk, who made us isolated?" Gia retorted as she pinched An Ke'an's cheeks.

"Alright, alright. I'm sorry." An Ke'an giggled as she appeased her.

"But seriously your mental power is S level mine is SS level, yet no one wants to group with us?!" An Ke'an asked a little bewildered.

"Even I think it is ridiculous. Do you think we are being targeted?" Gia asked, her eyebrows furrowed.

"I hope not." An Ke'an sighed feeling a little depressed.

Gia was right regarding the fact they were being targeted. Harry Mila and Qiao Yao stood side by side as they gloated at An Ke'an and Gia's predicament.

Gia was looking all over when she saw Harry Mila and Qiao Yao's faces. If she doesn't understand what is going on, then her brain must be for show.

"I think we are. How did we provoke Mila? And since when was she friends with Qiao Yao?!" Gia frowned as she glared at the two troublemakers.

An Ke'an looked over and memories of her death in her past life came crashing. She looked at the both of them and the resentment in her heart grew stronger, but she suppressed it. They hadn't done anything to her yet in this life, but if they did then don't blame her for being ruthless.