Xu Jingxi had just finished registering, when he noticed the males in his surroundings were looking at two girls who were leisurely strolling and laughing together happily. The two girls were An Ke'an and Gia, they both looked extremely beautiful under tye autumn sun making the males around blush.

On An Ke'an's head was a white little snake who was being teased by Gia. At this moment even Xu Jungxi was stunned by their beauty.

There were some who were contemplating whether to approach the girls, but the harmonious vibe between the two girls and the little snake made them hesitate.

Remembering his plan to seduce An Ke'an, Xu Jingxi decided to approach them. After ensuring he was properly dressed, he approached An Ke'an and Gia under the piercing gaze of the surrounding males.

"Ke'an? What a coincidence." Xu Jingxi smiled looking at An Ke'an intimately and ignoring Gia.

"What do you want?" Gia asked looking at him warily before hiding An Ke'an behind her back.

This Xu Jingxi looked a lot like his brother, what if An Ke'an falls for him too. Though the probability is very low, that doesn't prevent her from being cautious.

Xiao bai looked at the irritating male who had interrupted their moment and couldn't help but hiss at him annoyed.

"It is just that it has been long since we've seen each other. Why don't I treat you guys to lunch?" Xu Jingxi felt a little annoyed seeing Gia, but the smile on his face became more brighter.

This girl had always tried to prevent An Ke'an from interacting with them. But didn't the two of them had their relationship strained before the examination? Xu Jungxi though giving Gia a not so polite look.

At this moment, Xiao bai wished he could return to his majestic size and swallow the annoying male, who was spraying its pheromones everywhere.

"Are you crazy? Since when did we become familiar with each other?" Gia asked feeling she heard the most ridiculous thing ever.

When An Ke'an was still chasing after Xu Yunxi, Xu Jingxi always looked at her with disgust. And now he suddenly look friendly and wants to treat them to lunch. Who would believe he doesn't have bad intentions?

"Ke'an, what do you think?" Xu Jingxi asked ignoring Gia and the little snake who were glaring at him.

At this moment Xu Jingxi could hear the sneers from the males behind him. It was obvious the two girls weren't familiar with him, yet he acts as if they were familiar with each other.

"Don't call me that. We are not familiar with each other." An Ke'an frowned feeling goosebumps all over her body.


At this moment, the third prince appeared behind Xu Jingxi along with Xian Su.

"An'an! Gia!" Xian Su called out to the girls excitedly. But when she wanted to hug them, she suddenly backed away looking scared.

An Ke'an and Gia greeted the two royal. An Ke'an smiled knowing why Xian Su had suddenly backed away.

"Miss Xian, there's no need to be afraid. Xiao bai is pretty harmless." An Ke'an said as Xiao bai slid down to her palm looking at Xian Su in satisfaction.

'That's right. This is the kind of expression they are supposed to have seeing this lord.' Xiao bai thought proudly raising its head.

When Gia heard An Ke'an say Xiao bai was harmless, she looked at her in disbelief. This little guy was harmless?! But seeing Xiao bai's proud look, she burst into laughter along with Xian Shi.

"Who is this little guy?" Xian Shi said rubbing Xiao bai's head with his index finger. But Xiao bai was furious with this disrespect and bit his hand, though his baby teeth couldn't pierce through Xian Shi's skin.

"Xiao bai!" An Ke'an reprimanded it. How could it just bite a royal.

Xiao bai wilted being scolded by An Ke'an, this time Gia, Xian Su and Xian Shi burst into laughter because of its cute look while Xu Jingxi looked a little annoyed.

Xian Su who was conquered by its cute look tried touching it, but Xiao bai bared his teeth towards her which scared her away.

"Right. Have you guys registered?" Xian Su asked both An Ke'an.

"If you guys haven't, why don't I take you there?" Xu Jingxi asked interrupting Gia who was about to answer.

Gia and An Ke'an looked at Xu Jingxi warily.

'What's wrong with this guy?' They thought thinking he might be possessed.

Xian Shi raised one of his eyebrows, he knew about the grievance between them. Why did Xu Jingxi suddenly act friendly?

"There is no need, we already did. Your third highness, miss Su, we will get going now." An Ke'an said not wanting to spend another moment with Xu Jingxi.

"Alright, give me your dorm numbers. I'll come visit you guys after I'm done with this guy." Xian Su said to Gia and An Ke'an.

She saw that they don't seem to feel comfortable around Xu Jingxi, she would have followed them but she wanted to take her younger brother Xian Shi to get registered.

"Alright, I'll send it to you." An Ke'an said before fleeing with Gia.

"Madman." Gia muttered feeling goosebumps all over her body after they fled.

"Is he trying to seduce you?" Gia suddenly asked with her eyes wide opened with disbelief.

"I don't know." An Ke'an was confused. Didn't Xu Jingxi liked men who were females? Why was he suddenly interested in her?

"Whatever, let just avoid him from now on. He probably wants money, and Xu Yunxi sent him here to get some." Gia said thinking about the current state of the Xu brothers.

"Speaking of Xu Yingxi, I heard his beloved is being chased by the fourth prince. Do you think Qiao Yao will end up with him or the fourth Prince?" Gia added gloating over Xu Yunxi's misfortune.

An Ke'an has told her regarding Qiao Yao's system, though she had never heard of something like that, she still believed An Ke'an.

"I don't know. In my past life she had a lot of suitors, the one she was close to the most was the first Prince."An Ke'an said feeling a little melancholy. The first prince was one of the people who helped her. He treated her like a younger sister, but it was a pity he was associated with Qiao Yao.

"Really? Who doesn't know that guy is obsessed with Mecha? How did she get to charm him?" Gia asked in surprise, the first prince was the last person she would think will go after Qiao Yao.

"With Mecha." An Ke'an said feeling a little annoyed.

Qiao Yao stole Gia's Mecha building research and handed it over to the first prince who thought Qiao Yao was a genius in Mecha building, when she knows nothing about it.

"Gasp! That makes sense." Gia's eyes widened in surprise.

"Indeed." An Ke'an said looking at Gia with pity. In the next two years, Gia would meet the first prince and fall in love with him. While trying to get his attention she buried herself into research only to have it stolen by Qiao Yao.

"Gia, how about your research?" An Ke'an suddenly asked, it has been exactly three month since she got rebirth and gave Gia the Mecha knowledge.

"Don't worry about it, I'm already done with some. I plan to send it to my secomd brother anonymously." Gia said missing An Ke'an's face who was looking at her with pity.

"But An'an didn't you say that the war will start in six month? Why is it three month early?" Gia added.

"Sigh.. The real war will start in three months. What we are experiencing now is just appetizer." An Ke'an said smiling sadly.

"Oh." Gia said not knowing what to say to comfort her.

"What are you planning on doing to Qiao Yao now?" Gia suddenly asked feeling a little curious about Qiao Yao's end.

"After the military training, I'll hack into her system and destroy it."

"That's a good idea."

"I'm starving, let go and get something to eat." An Ke'an said as they both went into the school cafeteria.


At the border between the zerg and the Xian empire.

"Sir, we have already set up your orders and our food reserve from his majesty and the Grants will arrive in five days." Max reported to He Sying. His military wear was totally different from the one he was wearing before, as this one belong to the battlefield.

"I see." He Sying said as he opened his eyes. The corner of his eyes were red indicating he hasn't had much rest.

"You can leave." He Sying added.

"Yes sir."

Not long Max left, a man entered the tent, he had long white hair which was tied on top of his shoulder and he had amber eyes which seem to glow.

This man was An Juan, the military advisor. An Juan walked towards He Sying and greeted him.