"Didn't you investigate her? How come you didn't find out she had an S level star beast?" Qiao Yao asked a little annoyed.

The system went silent for a moment. Though it got some of her information, it wasn't able to thoroughly investigate because it almost got invaded by virus. It was only able to get her family tree, that's all.

Knowing why the system had gone silent, Qiao Yao sighed. She had really underestimated this interstellar world. She should have known their technology was more advanced.

"What's Mingyu doing now?" Qiao Yao asked after contemplating for like two minutes.

"He is currently having a battle against a group of C level star beast along with his teammates." The system answered.

"Get him severely injured, if not get him killed." Qiao Yao ordered.

"Why?" The system asked a little confused

"I just think since we can't hurt her physically, we can always do it mentally." Qiao Yao answered with a cold chilling voice.

"Okay." The system answered thinking it was a good idea.

"Hmph!" Qiao Yao felt a sharp pain. It felt as if her soul was being pulled out of her body.

"Are you alright?" The system asked noticing the fluctuation in her body.

"Isn't she just fine? Why did she suddenly attack?" Qiao Yao asked as she stabilised her soul.

"You ordered for her crush to be killed, of course she will react." The system said as a matter of fact.

"Tsk, lusting after someone seven years younger than you." Qiao Yao said in disdain.

The system was a little speechless.

"This isn't in your world. Here people live up to six centuries and a lot get marry to those centuries younger than them." The system advised her, hoping she could change this mentality of hers.

Qiao Yao frowned. In her former world, if a woman marries someone seven years younger than her, she would be criticised. And she herself thinks that is a disgusting thing to do.

As if sensing her disgust, the pain in her body intensified.

"I hope you know your body isn't entirely yours. So you should finish your mission diligently." The system advised her hoping she would really listen to its advise.

"Hmm, I know." Qiao Yao answered feeling a little annoyed by the system nagging and the sharp pain.

"Yaoyao, are you alright?" Xian Ting, the fourth prince asked noticing Qiao Yao seem to be in pain.

Qiao Yao opened her eyes and met face to face with Xian Ting. Seeing his handsome face, she blushed before answering.

"I'm okay. My illness just relapsed."

"Once we return, we should get you checked." Xian Ting said feeling a worried.

Xu Yunxi stared at them, his eyes spilling with hatred towards Xian Ting. If only he was not a prince. During the time he got injured, Xian Ting and Qiao Yao's relationship deepened making him feel frustrated. He was with her first, why did people assume Xian Ting was a good match with her?

"....Okay. Thank you." Qiao Yao answered her face turning red. She felt her heartbeat accelerating seeing his worried face.

"Ahem... you're welcome." Xian Ting coughed, he could hear his loud heartbeat.

'Why is she so cute?' Xian Ting sighed in his heart.


An Ke'an who had just finished fighting against a star beast suddenly received a piercing alarm from her wristwatch.

Upon hearing the alarm, Gia walked towards An Ke'an.

"What's wrong? Has Qiao Yao make a move?"

An Ke'an hummed in agreement, but as she read the content K15 had sent to her, her face darkened.

An Ke'an had tried eliminating Qiao Yao's system the day before the military training began, but she found out that Qiao Yao's body had two soul, which is very detrimental. The only way a body could possess two souls was if one tried to possess the original host.

That means the current Qiao Yao isn't the real person. And the original soul is getting faded. If she tries to eliminate the system she could hurt the original host, and her soul could disipitate with no chance of getting reincarnated.

An Ke'an had to find a solution, a normal system would only possess a body that has just been dead. But this system feeds on the original bodies soul, it uses the power of their soul to get what the host needs. This is equivalent to murder.

To solve this problem and watch over the system, An Ke'an made K15 into an AI. That way he could move from his current body to others and also look after this system while also looking after her safety.

"Gia, were you familiar with Qiao Yao half a year ago or last year?" An Ke'an asked.

"Hmm, the Qiao Yao I knew a year ago was somewhat introverted. Her presence was hardly noticed. The only reason her name was known throughout the school was because of her exceptional grades." Gia answered trying to remember.

"Oh, and Mingyu was infuated with her but I don't know what happened that he no longer cares about her." Gia added.

"Mingyu liked her?" An Ke'an was surprised. She didn't have an impression of that.

"Yeah. Then he kept praising her saying she was adorable, shy and kind. He even got beaten up by Yeol who said he was lusting after his senior." Gia recounted remembering how lovestruck he was then.

"Then why did he suddenly stop liking her?" An Ke'an asked curiously.

"Don't know, we should ask him when we come across him." Gia shrugged. Back then Mingyu suddenly came home crying, they kept asking him what's wrong but he didn't answer. Like a lifeless person, he burnt all his secret pictures of Qiao Yao and didn't mentioned her again. Treating her existence like air.

"Alright." An Ke'an frowned feeling Mingyu might have found out about someone possessing Qiao Yao's body. After all if someone you liked suddenly had a change of habit or character, you'll be the first to notice.

"Is it related to the fact that you didn't destroy the system?" Gia asked seeing her frown. An Ke'an had told her that she was going to destroy the system, but she suddenly stopped saying something was not right. She was going to wait for a while until she was sure what was going on.

"Yes, I suspect that the current Qiao Yao isn't the real one. To be precise, someone is occupying her body."

"Woah!, isn't that the ancient possession thing? Like when a ghost will possess someone's body." Gia eyes widened in surprise. Possession is something from ancient times. There was nothing like that in the current world, it is treated like a fantasy.

"Yeah, something like that."

"Then why did the alarm ring?" Gia asked curiously. The alarm will ring when the system wants to do something dangerous enough that it can't be overlooked.

"She's trying to injure Mingyu, even worse get him killed." An Ke'an said with a hint of hatred flashing through her eyes.

What she didn't tell Gia was that she was the first target but Xiao bai ruined the plan. An Ke'an tried pushing down the hatred that was threatening to spill out. No wonder in her past life, everyone around her either died miserably or deported to Qiao Yao's side.

The reason Qiao Yao never got to hurt her at this time in her past life was probably because she didn't attend this military training.

"What?!! That little b****h!" Gia exploded in anger.

"Calm down, Mingyu is alright. He has the protective shield, doesn't he?" An Ke'an tried calming her down because her loud voice had attracted the other group members.

Gia was relieved hearing that but she asked still feeling resentful.

"But what do we do about her?"

"We should meet up with Mingyu." An Ke'an suggested

"Uh, why?" Gia asked a little confused. Isn't Mingyu safe now?

"He has a protective shield but his fellow teammates doesn't. What if something happens to them?" An Ke'an analysed to her.

"That's true.." Gia frowned looking worried.

At that moment, Xian Shi and the rest approached them.

"What's wrong? Why do you look worried?" Lou Shiyi asked a little concerned.

"Nothing much. Just wandering if we can meet up with Gia's twin brother?" An Ke'an asked.

"Sure. But why? We are competitors and I don't think that is ideal." Xian Shi accepted, but was curious why they suddenly decided that.

"Umm, I have a feeling he is going to be in danger. It's a twins thing, you guys don't mind, right?" Gia added a white lie, looking a llittle uneasy.

Xian Shi and Ayan wanted to tell her that, that wasn't a problem since they were being tracked. If there was a problem, the military robots hiding in the dark would save them. But looking at An Ke'an and Gia's pleading eyes, he couldn't bear to reject them.

Xian Shi looked at both Luo Shiyi and Ayan and both had no objection.