"Alright, but how do we locate him?" Xian Shi asked, the signal here has been cut off so they can't contact each other with their light brain.

"Don't worry about that. I have something that can track him." An Ke'an assured as she asked K15 to track Mingyu's location from the wristwatch on her left hand

"He is 2Km ahead of us." An Ke'an reported to them.

"Alright, let get going." Xian Shi answered thinking he must buy that watch once they are done with military training. A watch that can still track someone even without signal is a rare and valuable thing.

An Ke'an called for Xiao bai and the five boarded him rushing towards Mingyu's location.

Lin Shiyi looked at Mingyu who was chatting and laughing with two other boys with a frown. When Qiao Yao wanted to plot An Ke'an's death, she didn't have any objection since she hated An Ke'an to the bone.

When An Ke'an was still little they lived in the same community along with Gia. But as Gia and An Ke'an's family status rised, they left the community. At first she didn't think of anything much other than the fact that her two little followers were not going to be with her anymore.

But as the status of the two continue to rise, Lin Shiyi began to feel the difference in status between them. Especially when the two grew up to be more beautiful than her, while her appearance continue to be mediocre.

But what was more annoying was that even when she was older than them, she had to flatter them. That way she could gain resources and her parents could continue to ensure their jobs through Gia and An Ke'an's family connection.

Lin Shiyi was never close to Mingyu or any of the Grants brothers. Though she has a crush on Yeol. But her circumstances doesn't allow her to interact with him, she could only watch him from afar like every other girls.

Lin Shiyi took a deep breath. The only way she could stop worrying about her resources and not being oppressed by An Ke'an and Gia was to severely injure Mingyu. Thinking of this, Lin Shiyi made a decision.

"Sasha, I want to ease myself. Would you mind covering up for me?" Lin Shiyi asked the second girl in the group.

The girl called Sasha who was busy watching her brother and the two other boys crazy antics said happily.


Lin Shiyi went a little far away from them. She took out a small button. Once she put the button on the floor, it began to grow tiny robotic legs. After up to eight tiny legs grew, the button crawled towards Mingyu then stuck itself on the edge of his pants without anyone knowing.

Lin Shiyi breathed a sigh of relief seeing no one caught her action. She then walked back towards her group. Looking up at the tiny surveillance camera shaped in a structure of a butterfly not far away, Lin Shiyi paused her lips.

'Mingyu don't blame me. You should blame An Ke'an for bringing this upon you.' Lin Shiyi thought as she pressed a button on the weapon she was holding.

"Huh, what is going on? Why did it suddenly go blank?" One of the military personnel in charge of watching the surveillance suddenly exclaimed.

The other people in the room were alerted.

"Have someone come repair this." A man who looks to be in his forties with silver hair ordered, and a soldier left the room to carry out his order.

The man who had just spoken was Collins Zhan, the empress uncle. He frowned at this occurrence, he felt a little uneasy. But thinking the kids had a emergency button, he put down his uneasiness.

"What is the name of the group whose surveillance just blanked out?" Collins Zhan asked.

"They are called the red python sir." One of the soldiers reported.

"Watch their movement from their surrounding robots." Collins Zhan instructed.

"Yes sir." The soldier saluted.

Even though some of the people in the room felt he was being excessive, no one dared to object him. He was the empress uncle and a warlord, but he had retired due to mental riot. He had fought alongside with the emperor and was also He Sun's mentor. He was someone even the emperor respected.

A minute later, the soldier reported back a little anxious.

"Sir, the robots in their surrounding can't be connected."


"Sir, the problem of the surveillance isn't from here. It seems that the surveillance camera had suffered a damage." The man who had come to repair the surveillance screen also reported.

Collins Zhan stood up immediately and the people in the room were startled by this revelation.

"Tell squad D to go there this instance."

"Yes sir." The soldier who had reported that the robots couldn't be connected saluted before leaving the room.

The uneasiness in Collins Zhan's mind grew and he couldn't stay in the room any longer. The reason he was here was because he became a teacher in the imperial senior college.

And the galaxy neighbouring them, the federation had been restless recently. The federation had been kidnapping young geniuses from their galaxy. Because there's no evidence, the Xian empire could only tighten their security. The moment Collins Zhan matched out, some people also followed him.

Meanwhile the small button robot on Mingyu started to spray a gas from a opening.

"What is that smell?" One of the boys named Calvin asked, the smell was a little burnt with a nice fragrant to it, contradicting it.

"Smell?" Mingyu asked before he spotted a little tiny spider robot on his leg.

"Huh, what is this?" Mingyu pulled it off from his pants. He saw that the robot was smoking thinking it had suffered a damage.

"Whose robot is this?" The other boy named Li Yu asked.

"It's even emitting a nice fragrance." Li Yu added, a little surprised.

"Someone actually dares to sneak a robot here." Calvin exclaimed in surprise and Sasha and Lin Shiyi walked towards them.

"What is wrong?" Sasha asked curiously.

Lin Shiyi saw the robot in Mingyu's hands, her expression faltered a little before she put on a curious expression.

Mingyu smelled the smoke coming from the robot thinking the scent doesn't smell really smell that burnt. But his expression changed when he recognised the scent.

"F*ck!!!" Mingyu exclaimed in shock before throwing the robot far away.

He had been exposed to this scent twice, so he knew it was a smell uses to attract star beasts. Now that the smell is on his body, he is a living food radar for the surrounding star beasts whether low level or high level.

"What is wrong?" Calvin asked a little shock by his reaction.

"Stay away from me! No, you guys spread out and take the girls far away from here, right now!!" Mingyu shouted as he ran away from them while opening the protective shield An Ke'an has given him.

"Hey! What's wrong?! Mingyu!!" Li Yu shouted not knowing why he was suddenly behaving like that.

"Let's do what he says." Calvin said feeling that this matter isn't simple.

"Alright.." Li Yu answered before leading the girls away.

Lin Shiyi's brow furrowed, she didn't know what the scent was but she assumed that it was poison. But seeing Mingyu reaction, he seem to recognise scent. And the thing that bothered her the most was the fact that he chose to run away from them, instead of seeking treatment.

'Will the scent also affect us?' Lin Shiyi thought. Immediately after that thought appeared, Lin Shiyi became restless and uneasy.

And what Lin Shiyi was thinking was true. Since they gathered around Mingyu, the scent had already rubbed on them.

Ten minutes later, Mingyu could be seen running wildly. A shield in a shape of an egg was wrapped around him. Even so, the shield didn't affect his escape but behind him was a bunch of star beasts. They appeared to be around the number of twenty, with the highest being B level.

The level Mingyu can't handle at his current strength.

"Who the f*ck is trying to murder me?! Don't let me find you!" Mingyu screamed in anger as he dashed noticing the increase in star beasts.

He had thought as long as he could hold on until the scent faded away before asking for help. But who would have expected that a B level beast will appear. Even if he had a protective shield, it couldn't stop the star beast from sending him flying.

But he kept pressing the emergency button but no one came to his rescue. It was as if the emergency button was damaged.


"So, how is it? Can we act now?" A woman with fiery red hair and dark blue eyes asked. She was dressed in a tight fitted clothing like an assassin.

"Make sure that old man doesn't find us." The woman added.