20. A Long Night...3

Unaware of his own actions, Doyun leans down, and in a swift movement, he does the unthinkable.

His right hand grabbed Byeongho by the chin as he descended down onto his lips. He gave them a lick before covering them up in a wet kiss.

"Ahh, mhmm." Byeongho moans as Doyun deepens the kiss and reaches for his tongue, sucking on it once he succeeds.

He subconsciously circled his hands around Doyun's neck. 

"Ppssppssp." Doyun slurps as he releases Byeongho's tongue that he was just sucking on and goes back to the lips. 

"Ouch!" Byeongho winced as Doyun bit his lower lip.

Doyun didn't even pay him any mind, rather, he pulled on the same lip before letting go, leaving Byeongho a little disappointed. He wanted more of the kisses! 

But he will not be disappointed for long as Doyun moves down to his neck and starts to pepper him with more kisses.

"Aahhh. Mmm." Byeongho was enjoying this until Doyun bit him in the neck too. 

"Ouch! Mmhm." Byeongho winced and moans alternately as Doyun kept biting and licking his neck.

Soon, Byeongho was starting to enjoy the biting and licking that Doyun was giving him, but all of a sudden, Doyun stopped and sat back, still on top of him. 

He looked at Byeongho's face briefly before he got of him.

Byeongho opened his eyes in disappointment. Why is this boy trying to stop once he gets immersed in the act? 

But before he knew it, Doyun was already removing his T-shirt, and weirdly enough, he too raised his hands up to allow him to do that without thinking.

Doyun threw the shirt away, not caring where it went, as he leaned down and kissed Byeongho hard on the lips again, then to his neck, retracing and licking every bite mark that he had created on the older guy.

He felt like they were his creation, his babies, and they were his to take care of. Doyun moved onto those two pinkish and perky twin buds and suckled on them.

"Aahhh. Mmm. Aah. Mmhm." Byeongho's tried to stiffen his moanings as they were becoming louder by covering his mouth with his hand.

But Doyun removed his hand without stopping what he was doing to Byeongho's nipples. Byeongho's moanings turns him on more, so he wants to hear the older guy moan for him.

Doyun kissed Byeongho all over his chest, down to his navel, before moving to his lower abdomen, right before his nether regions, while kissing, biting,biting, and licking those parts.

"Ouch!" Byeongho winced again when Doyun pulled on his body hairs. Though he has gotten used to the bites, he doesn't get why this guy likes to inflict pain. 

Why is he now pulling the hairs on his body?

Doyun raised his head and moved to kneel in-between Byeongho's legs. Just like his fingers, Byeongho's feet felt colder than the other parts of his body.

Doyun lifted the left leg and placed his own cheek on Byeongho's cold feet. The contrast in the two temperatures made him find their contact very soothing.

Byeongho was taken aback when Doyun put his mouth on his feet and started to suck on his pinky toe while he would occasionally stare straight at him and then close his eyes again.

"Ppssp." Doyun kissed and licked the rest of the toes before kissing Byeongho's feet, then down to the calves. 

When he was done with both legs, he moved to his thighs, and that was when the biting resumed again. 

He alternately bit and licked both thighs, making Byeongho resume moaning uncontrollably, again. 

Without any warning, Doyun pulled out both of Byeongho's shorts and boxer together. The cool air hits Byeongho harder as he is completely naked now.

He felt exposed, but the need to be covered in the younger guy's warmth made him quite excited.

Doyun looked at the older guy's baby elephant, which was semi-hard, and gulped. He was very big—too big. 

His size is almost like his own. He couldn't tell between him and this guy whose own is the bigger one, but right now, he doesn't care.

He looked up at the older guy and saw that he too was looking at him. He looked at his lips, his neck and the rest of his body, and smiled at his own creation.

This was a first. In fact, this night, is the first of many things.

Doyun went up to Byeongho and started to kiss him wetly. He turned Byeongho over without breaking their passionate kiss, and now he was under him.

"Aahhh. Mmm. Aah." Both moaned as Byeongho started to rub himself on Doyun. 

The cool air, coupled with the fact that he is wearing nothing, made the action feel more right, like a necessity.

He broke off their kiss and started to rub himself against Doyun's midsection as he looked at the younger boy while he bit his lower lips seductively, now completely numb to the pain from the previous cuts that Doyun had already inflicted.

He increased his pace, for he wanted more. 

Doyun became more aroused seeing the older guy's glazed eyes as he bit his now swollen lips seductively while staringat him from up.

Doyun hits his ass.

"Ooh." Byeongho moaned but still continued rubbing himself on the younger guy. 

Doyun hits him again, Why is he so sexy and cute at the same time?

Byeongho moans. He likes that. His response made Doyun continue hitting him on the ass.

"Take it off." Doyun ordered the older guy, signaling to him with his eyes that he should take off the boxer that Doyun had on.

Like an obedient child, Byeongho got off him and kneeled in between his thighs before bending to remove the boxer. 

Now both of them were completely naked. He was just a little surprised at the younger guy's actual size. 

He had already felt him earlier and saw that his wood was quite long and big for a guy his size.