19. A Long Night...2

"I'm not jealous!" Byeongho hits Doyun's chest in protest.

"Then should I transfer some heat to you while you give me some ice?" Doyun teased, realizing too late how weird that sounded.

Byeongho grimaced at his lame joke and hit his chest again while he said, "I don't want it. Take your heat away."

"Bhahaha,...you really are funny." Doyun laughs at the older guy's cute reaction. Since Byeongho raised his head, both of his hands are free now.

He circled his arms across Byeongho's back and readjusted their positions, such that Byeongho was lying on top of him now.

He removed his left leg and moved Byeongho's in between his, so the older guy was now completely lying on top of him.

Doyun shifted a bit closer to the wall; all the while, he kept teasing the older guy, who kept pouting and hitting him in protest. Doyun's arms are now holding him in place across the back. 

"You know,...you look too cute when you pout like that." Doyun said, smiling while staring into Byeongho's obsidian eyes. 

"You meanie! You're teasing me again. I won't mind you." Byeongho said, and he frowned while pouting too. 

He averted his eyes away from Doyun, all in protest, unaware of how childish that seemed. He was still lying on top of the younger boy.

"Hehe...haha. Why are you not looking at me anymore? Is this your way of saying that you're not going to look at me again?"

Byeongho did not mind him. He felt the younger boy seemed to have the upper hand in their banter, and he was losing. He was racking his brain on how to turn the tables.

"Look at me, hm? Hm?" Doyun teased and poked Byeongho's cheek lightly. 

"Hm? Please look at me; I won't tease you again, I promise." He said that, but the cadence with which he said those words indicates otherwise.

Byeongho could discern the mockery hidden behind those words. This is getting to him. He doesn't like to lose anything, irrespective of how irrelevant that may be.

Doyun chortled uncontrollably when he saw the older guy's cute reaction. 

"Bwahahaha... I guess you've run out of words to counter now. Hahaha..." He continued to laugh to his heart's content, provoking Byeongho even more.

Feeling challenged, Byeongho turned to face him directly. He touched Doyun's left ear with his cold fingers and moved up slightly.

Doyun's heart started to race faster. His brain filled his head with dirty thoughts as his body's heat started rising again.

Byeongho leaned down into his ear and said in a hushed voice while he combs his cold fingers through Doyun's hair. 

"You know, it's quite funny that you believe that I am the cute one when you take the win in that department, hands down."

Doyun could feel his sweet scent more now, as his hair was right up his nose. He felt tempted to kiss the guy's neck, but he dared not.

He tried to move his mind away from what his body, which had been reacting to this huge guy ever since they came into contact, told him to do. 

He has to concentrate on just their banter and nothing more. All he is feeling is not actually for this guy. 

He isn't gay, nor is he attracted to this guy. It's just his body misbehaving because it's still in the middle of the night, where every active guy like himself, would be feeling the same way that he is feeling, if they were in his shoes.

He is not lusting after this guy. No. Ew! Gross. He is like this because of their situation. It would've been just the same had it been any other person, for that matter.

He is not gay, and neither does this guy seem like one. They're both like this right now because they're sharing their body temperatures.

As for how his heart rate which keeps increasing, maybe he has to check it at the hospital to see what is wrong, if it still persist till morning.

"So you think I'm cute?" Doyun asked the guy with a smirk at the end. He was smiling, but his mind kept drawing his attention to the guy's lips as he spoke.

He wondered how they would taste and if the color that was in them earlier would return. They looked too pale now.

Byeongho didn't answer his question. He was finding it difficult to turn the tables on the guy. He needed to make this guy feel as shy and embarrassed as he is, but this small dude doesn't even seem fazed at all.

"Do you think I'm cute?" Doyun asked him to get his attention back. He could see that the older guy's focus was somewhere else, which, for some weird reason, Doyun didn't like. He didn't like it one bit.

Byeongho decided to give in since he couldn't come up with anything. "Mhm." He nodded and gave an answer to Doyun's question.

"Mhmm?" Doyun teased. "Then, which part of me do you find cute, my face or my body?" 

"There's nothing cute about your body!" Byeongho exclaimed in annoyance.

"Hahaha...see? This is why I said you're cute." Doyun said, still chortling.

"I am not! Stop teasing." Byeongho said and hit him once again. But that innocent reaction is what made the younger guy to lose it.

Doyun has had enough! He quickly flipped the big bed onto the bed and got on top of him. 

Byeongho was too surprised to even react or speak. He looks at the boy who is now on top of him, directly looking into his eyes, making it hard for Byeongho to turn away.

His heart was beating faster as his body started to impatiently wait in anticipation, but as for what he was even hoping for to happen, he didn't even know.

Doyun kept looking into those mysterious eyes that seemed to hide a lot more than they were willing to show. And those lips that were waiting for just a bit of warmth to bloom back to their youthful lives.

Unaware of his own actions, Doyun leans down, and in a swift movement, he does the unthinkable.