Where is she, Ben?


"Ick!" Penny flinched as she heard her brother's echoing voice down the empty hallway. Looking back, she caught a glimpse of Hugo's shadow. Quickly, she looked around and jumped into one of the nearby classrooms.

Despite her swift action, she carefully closed the door to increase her chances of losing Hugo. As soon as the door shut, she huffed and rested the top of her head against it.

"Why does he sound like he'd kill me if he gets his hands on me?" she wondered aloud, pushing herself away from the door.

As soon as she turned, Penny flinched when her eyes landed on Benjamin. He was tied to a chair at the teacher's desk, his mouth duct-taped.

"What in the world…?" she breathed out, watching Benjamin struggle while his muffled screams filled the silence of the empty classroom.

A sigh slipped past her lips, only for her to hear Hugo's voice outside the classroom. Looking back at the shut door, she scrunched up her nose.