You... like... who?

"Where is she, Ben?"

Benjamin opened and closed his mouth, watching Hugo tilt his head toward the window. He gulped nervously.

"What—what are you talking about?!" he stammered, his breath hitching. "Se—second Brother, aren't you listening to me? I said I don't know! She's not here! And if she were, I wouldn't be tied up like this! She'd release me and stand up for me against this humiliation!"

"Oh…" Hugo rocked his head but still didn't buy it. His instincts were tingling, and he could just feel that Benjamin knew where Penny was. His eyes fell on the desk again as he pushed himself away from the window.

Hugo trudged toward Benjamin, stopping in front of him. This time, his eyes were cold while Benjamin trembled in fear.


"Move away," Hugo said, dragging Benjamin's chair away as he checked underneath the desk.

There was nothing.