"Well, this is a bit… sad," Nina couldn't help but whisper, looking at the slightly empty bonfire. Aside from her and Finn, Allen was with them. However, Allen stayed far away and wouldn't even look at the couple.
"Why are you sad, darling?" Finn asked, tilting his head slightly to the side. "I'm here with you."
"Finn, you know when you say that, I feel like I'm with a very dangerous person," Nina blurted out without hesitation. "I feel like I'm this close to getting locked up just so you can keep me all for yourself."
Finn laughed before suddenly stopping. "You're close to uncovering the biggest plot, Nina."
"..." Nina frowned and cupped her face. "Finn, your humor would do well with First Brother."
"Haha. I think your humor is darker, hon," he quipped, looking around the bonfire. "But you're right. It's quite sad now that it's just the three of us here. I think I got used to the big group."