Loud music, strip poles on stage, with girls dancing naked. Men ogling at their body. 

Distance music. Girls laughing "Vs, you're so funny". Angelica said 


"Vs! what sort of name is that?". Another lady, a bit far from Vs crew. The lady standing beside her, started laughing. 

"It's called Vs, for VIRGIN SLOT". She laughs louder 

"Its not funny. What sort of stupid name is that". 

"That's because she's a virgin silly". 

"No way a slot is a virgin. You really believe that shit". 

"Well, yes and it's not shit. She really is a virgin. And I keep wondering how she makes more money". 

"Geez I never knew you're so dumb. Look around, this is a bratto, huh! A strip club. Virgins are not meant to be here Okay, don't be deceived". 

"No use arguing with you, she's a…...". she stutters immediately she saw Jackson "His so cute". 

"Snap out of it, you're a slot, there's nothing he would want from you". 

"But there is he wants from her". 


"Hey Anita. I mean Vs". Jackson said 

"Yes!". She turns around and walked close to him. "Want some pussy?". 

"No not really. I just want to talk business". 

"Hmmm! Interesting, shall we". 

"Sure". They both walked away 



Juliana's POV 

"Where are you coming from?". Her dad asked, holding his belt. Juliana on the other hand tried to talk, but before she could complete her sentence, he hit her hard with the belt. 

After several hits…. "Stupid girl". He ended with. Juliana hurriedly got up from the ground and rushed to her room in tears and a sore body. She cried bitterly by her window side, till night hours were over. 



Pricilla's POV 

"Can you just shut the fuck up, gees!". Pricilla yelled at her mom. "Mom just leave me alone okay, am not doing it...". She said all this, walking away to her room. The moment she got to her room; she slammed the door in front of her mom's face. 

"Arhh!" she screams. Standing behind her door, holding her hair so hard. 


Richard's and Havana's POV 

"Richard where are you going to? Its late already ". She yelled blocking his way 

Am not in the mood for this shit ok, get out of my way, or I'll push you". 

"You can't do that, am your mo….", before she could complete her sentence, he pushed her so hard. 

"Get out of my way, no. you're trying to challenge me. Don't wait up for me okay". He said and walked out. 

Havana couldn't believe her eye. "My own son". She said in pain, as she looks at her bleeding wrist. She struggled to get up. "Richard!". She yells, crying bitterly 



Turns out, Saucy and Meyan are neighbor, but don't give a fuck, if the other is dead or not. The rest of them, attends minderburg. The boys had a good life. But still don't befriend each other. 

Niso, Naso, Aso. They steal to survive, but still found their way to attend minderburg. The rest of the girls. Annabel. Nina, Lusiya, Emma, Mya, Melody, Scarlet and Anthonia. Are very wayward. Always getting high, clubbing. And are also bullies 

Fegrance, once she becomes bored of the life you live. Is either you're extinct, or you're changed to someone else. Different tribe, different name, different family. Everything you use to be, automatically change to something very different. Turning the whole world to a game…... should I say a show, one we all play in. Were she's the only audience. No where to run, no place to hide. She sees all things, and once the life you live gets boring, you…... turn into whatever she wants. 


Yet another change, but there is a constant. She doesn't change the life of Richard, Havana, Anita and Juliana. But Juliana's case is different. Her life changes, but that toxic and maltreating Guidant, was constant, either male or female. 


The world is trapped. It's almost impossible to hope, but I can't stop hoping. Living each day here in this cage, it gets smaller, all hopes getting lost. Great aid, for a broken edge... and I don't see this coming to an end anytime soon.