Open his eyes slowly, sharp pain on his head. He placed his hand on his head as he got up from the couch. Surprised look on his face, as he looks around, realizing he slept on the couch. He hurried up to Havana's room to find no one there. He searched everywhere, but he couldn't find her. Pause to think. 

He hurried downstairs. Paused for a while, then searched for his phone. Found it on the couch. He dialed her number on his phone. 

Phone ringing…. The sound is coming from outside the house. 'That's strange'. 


He opens the door 

"Mom". He yelled as he rushed to help her up. 



Standing beside her bed. Noticed she's awake. He got up from his chair 

"Who did this to you?". He asked 

"Did what?". Havana sounding so weak lying on the bed, drip fixed on the hand 

"Are you kidding me". he said in anger as he faces Havana "you were raped mom, who did this to you? tell me". he yelled. The nurse walked in 

"Sir please, this is a hospital". She said, checking on Havana afterwards she stepped out. 


"Mom, just tell me, who did this to you?". he said. This time he sat down and held her hand. 

"I don't know". Havana said. As soon as he heard this, he immediately dropped her hand, got up. 

"What do you mean by that, you don't want me to know this person. You're protecting him right. Cause you know his going to pay. What do you mean you don't know. Don't tell me that". 

"No, I don't….". she tried to talk, but he wouldn't listen 

"Wait, why don't you want me to know this guy, why!". 

"Please, I don't know the person, it was dark, very dark, you have to believe me, it's all in the past". 

"Past! It happened yesterday mom, you're protecting this guy. Where you even raped". 

"Richard! You would not speak to me like that. What do you mean by that? If I wasn't then why are we here?". 

"Then why don't you want to tell me who did this?". He said in a very loud tone 

"Sir please, you have to leave, you're stressing the patient". The nurse walked in. Richard barge out, almost pushed the nurse down 


"Am sorry". Havana said 

"Saucy!". Man yells 

"What is it?". She yells back. He moves closer 

"Where are you going to?". 

"It's none of your business". She said, walked away 



Open the door, immediately she drops the food on her hands on the floor. The sound distracted them, they grab each end of the duvet to cover their selves. Furry in her eyes, teary already. They couldn't move. Her father's mouth was wide open, in shock. He tried to talk. 

"Don't! don't try it". She hurried out of the room 




Dropped her bag on the table 

"So, you're not going to tell me who did this". 

"Richard! We are just coming back from the hospital, I have to rest, please". 

"Fine, do whatever, but just know I don't believe the rape story". He said, slap across his face 

"You have no right, you don't the torment I went through, you have no right. Am not doing this with you, okay". She said, went to her room to get proper rest. 



Few weeks later. Construction site, people working, carrying cements, block etc. 

Sitted at the back of the site, lunch time. Taking a bit of her snacks, used her other hand to wipe of her sweat. Two boys rushed in 

"Why did you bring me here?". First boy asked the other. Second boy placed his hand on his shoulder, looking around, just to confirm if their alone. Unknowing to them Saucy was just by the side, and she could hear them. 

"Big information". Second boy said 

"What information?". 

"They are offering scholarship, fully funded". This captured Saucy's attention, she dropped her food. 

"What school?". 


"Damn! That's huge". 

"Do you think they're going to pick me?". 

"Well, you just have to buy the form, write they're exam if you pass, then you're good to go". 

"Wow, how much is it?". 

"50 USD". 


"Shit". Saucy said within 


"That's a lot". 

"Well, you don't expect it to be cheap. You know the school we're talking about right!". 

"Yeah, I do, but it's still a lot". 

"Well, that's on you". he said and they both left. 


She revealed herself. Her big thumb in her mouth, as she reminisces what she just heard. She hurried back to work. 



Dining and whining. Moments of laughter ends, as Havana hurried up to the wash room. 

Throwing up, on the tap. Place both hands underneath so water can flow. She put the water in her mouth, then spat it out. She turns off the tap. Stepping back, so weak. 


"What's wrong?". Richard asked, helped her to her sit 

"Am fine". 

"You're sure?". 

"Yeah". She added. Wanting to take another spoon. She felt the urge again. Once again, she rushed out. 

The room became so hot, regardless of the AC on. Havana folding both hands together, as tears rush down her cheek. Richard on the other hand, was completely mute, he was so furious. Overcoming the pain of rape, now the result comes knocking. 

"So, what are you going to do?". Richard broke the silence. Sniff. She unfolds her hand 

"What do you mean?". 

"Mom! You have a bastard in your stomach, you're asking me what I mean. Aren't you getting rid of it?". 

"Abortion! I can't". 

"So, you're going to keep it". He said angrily, hurried out of the house. Havana burst into tears. 




"Juliana, please am sorry". 

"Sorry! Dad, you had an affair, two days after mom died". She said in pain 

"Don't touch me, you're a wicked man, and I hate you". she stormed out 



"Pricilla! You can't go". Her mom said 

"Why can't I go, everyone is going. You just keep treating me like a prisoner". She rushed to her room, slam the door at her mother's face.