Walking on the street. Scrunching sun, busy road. One step at a time, as the symptoms of pregnancy dawn on her. She struggled with the groceries on her hands while she walked back home. This part of the road was so busy for some reason. Tried to pass the midst of the crowd, but they push her back. Walking towards her, while Havana moves back slowly. Bumped into Anita from behind. 

"Oh sorry". Havana turns around facing Anita. Anita helped her with her stuffs. Then scold the man for frightening her 


"Thank you so much". Havana said, Anita gave her back her groceries. Havana was about to enter her house but she stops. 

"Mm, what's your name?". 

Chuckle "Anita". She smiled 

"Oh! Come in…. if you want". 

"Oh okay". She enters the house with so much excitement. 



Laughing loudly "You're so funny". Havana said 

"Yeah, I know". 

Door opens, Richard walks in. His face said it all. Seeing Anita present in his house made him mad. 

"What's going on here?". 

"Oh, Anita meets my son, and Richard this is ani….". 

"Get out". Richard yelled 


"Get… out!". He yelled and walked away 


"Mmh-mm what just happened". Anita asked in fright 

"Anita, i-I think you should go now. Am so sorry". Havana said to Anita. They both got up from the dining table. She followed Anita to the door, and she shut it afterward. Turning around, she gaps in shock. Richard was right behind her with a very harmful tool. 

"What's this for?". She said wanting to touch his hand 

"The next time I see that girl, or any visitor, they are not gonna leave here the same way". He added and left. 



Minderburg high, admin's desk. She hands over the form to her. 

"Here, make sure he fills it properly". She said 

"He! I don't understand". 

"For your brother, or". 

"Am not here for my brother, I purchased the form for myself". 

"Oh no, am so sorry. We are awarding the scholarship to male only". She added stretching her hand to collect the form back from Saucy. 

"Mm, really! Wow. Well, there is no need to take it. I was going to buy for my brother tomorrow, but I guess he would just take it". 

"Am so sorry. Just make sure he fills it properly". She added. 



Sitted by the entrance of her ghetto house. As her drunk father walks in. 

"What are you doing outside?". Asked staggering 

"Better go and look for a place to sit, before you fall". She added rudely 

"Saucy am talking to you". 

"Hey please! I am very pissed, am not in the mood". She added, she left the house 



Walking on the quiet street. Thoughts on her mind. 

"Cabrin". She said when she saw a friend. 

"Who is Cabrin?". The person replied 

"Why are you talking like that?". she asked. she moves closer to saucy, leaving the others behind. 


"You wanna blow my cover". 

"Why are you dressed like a boy". 

"Well, there a party tonight. Can you imagine the host said guys only". 

"Yeah! I know how that feels". 

"By the way, how do you know it's me?". 

"Are you kidding me! it's obvious. Your face, your beard, your dress. Girl!". 

"Well, it got them fooled. You know you're my girls". She added. Saucy just kept staring at Cabrin's cover. She had an idea. 

"Saucy what's it". She hit 


"What's this on your hand?". 


"For what". 

"Don't look at me like that. well, it's useless. They said it's boys only". 

"What's this society turning to?". 

"I don't know. Enjoy your party". Saucy pushed cabrin towards her friends. They left 



Rushed in, slam the door behind her 

"Hey girl, sup". First girl said. No response. She sat down on the dining chair moody. Closer look 

"Babe what's up?". Sounding worried, she sat beside her 

"Nothing". Anita said. First girls placed her hand on Anita's shoulder. Another girl walks in 

"Hey! Sup girl". She said in excitement, but her countenance changed. Mouthing between first and second girl "what's wrong". Another girl steps out of the kitchen. 

"Oh, Anita is back, what did you bring for us?". 

"What's wrong with her?". 

"Ok fine Anita, you better start talking, what's wrong?". 

"Well, let's just go out for a walk, and I'll tell you girls out there". She added 

"But I made dinner". Third girls said 



Walking down the road. Coming closer to a lounge, Veronica, one of Anita's friends, placed Anita's head on her breast. Laughing "this is what you need?". Veronica said 

Approaching the lounge "let's gets some drink". Anita said in excitement, her hands spread out. But her mood change when she saw Richard in front of her. 

"What are you doing here?". He asked 

"You're so dumb, what sort of stupid question is that. what would anybody be doing here". She said. He tried to talk but she shuns him. 

"Please would you just shut up, and do what you're paid to do?". 

"And what's that?". 

"Aren't you a bartender? Do your work and stop asking stupid question, or I'll report you to your manager". She said. Richard lowers his back in front of Anita. "Well, if you must know, am the owner". 


Anita angrily looking at Richard from where she was sitted, sipping her drink, real slow. 

"So, this is the guy". Princess said 

"Yeah, so rude". 

"His so hot". Britany added, ogling at him 

"What are you doing?". Anita yells at her. She continued, even winked at him 


"What his so hot… ok fine". She added, but she was still staring 

"You're still staring". 

"Yeah, I wanna fuck him". 


"Ok enough. Let's get this party started". Veronica said. 

They got up and started dancing but Anita got up only when her friends pressured her. Push left and right. Before she got up, to shake some ass. Dancing for some minutes. 

Richard's friends walked in, noticed Anita and her friends. 

"Damn! Is that Vs". 

"What did you call her". 

"Vs, one of the best strippers in town". He said walking towards Anita and her friends. 


"Sup ladies". 

"Yeah, you're in need of our service?". Veronica said 

"Yeah, threesome". 

"Ok we could pair". She said holding Brittany's hand 


"But you're gonna pay a lot". 

"Don't worry money is not a problem". He added smacked veronica's ass 

"Hold our bags". They tossed it in Anita on Anita's body 

"Really". She said, they left 


"You and me?". his other friend to princess 

"Okay. Bye". She jumps on him. 


"I can't believe this". She sat down angrily, gulping her drink real fast. 



Girls moaning "Ah-ah-ah! Yeah baby, oh my, yeah, oh, ah, yeah". Continuously 



Laughing "seriously I don't like what you girls did. I brought you out here to clear my head, not sleep around". Anita yells at them. 

"Come on! no one asked you to be a virgin". Princess said, she pushes Anita 


"You need to loosing up". Britany added 

"But that was real good sex" Veronica added 

"And real money". Flaunting it on Anita's face 

"You know we are helper". 

"Oh really!". 

"Yeah, we save lives". 

"How is giving your pussy to every dick saving lives 

"Don't you know congii kills". 



"Am so ashamed of you all". Anita said, placed her hands on her face. Laughing hard as they walked back