Reliving Vittoria's Essence (2)

"Did Princess Elucina like it?" the Duke inquired, his voice sounding eager.

"Hm?" Vanetta mused, her brow somewhat furrowing as she felt the maids comb through her hair. They gathered her strands and lifted it a bit as they worked on the back of the dress.

"Enjoying some tea at the royal garden," the Duke of Solmere said from beyond the screen.

Vanetta reflected back to her little tea party with the Princess, only remembering the time when she seemed to have offended Elucina and abruptly ended their meeting.

'I, I don't want to tell him that.'

She pressed her lips into a thin line, at the same time, managing to catch Countess Lenné's gaze on her before the Countess looked away.

Vanetta took a moment before she finally formed an answer. "I, I'm not sure. I… I did not get the chance to ask Her Highness."

A silence settled within the room, disturbed by the rustles that the maids produced as they were finishing the final touches for fitting Vanetta into the first dress.

As the maids stepped away from the screen, Countess Lenné returned to the cases to review the other dresses as well. She gently brushed her hands over the fabrics, eyes sweeping across the remaining dresses, looking for another that might fit Vanetta.

Meanwhile, Vanetta was left alone behind the dressing screen. The Duke, suspecting she had tried on a dress, requested, "Let me have a closer look at you, Vanetta."

Vanetta complied and slowly walked away from the screen. Her steps were awkward due to the heavy dress, making her waddle like a goose.

When she stopped about a meter away, the Duke extended his hand. She glanced at him and at his offered gesture before she took it.

With a gentle tug, the Duke drew her closer, closing the great distance between them. "You are stunning," he mumbled as he proceeded to twirl Vanetta around once. "It almost feels like… Vittoria is alive again."

Under the Duke's scrutinizing gaze, Vanetta felt a wave of discomfort that waved through her. He fell silent, staring at her with an unreadable expression on his face.

"U, Uncle? What is it–"

As she tried to break the awkward silence, he interrupted her with a suggestion, "Why don't we pair your dress with the same accessories Vittoria wore?"

At his request, the maids moved on cue to retrieve the jewelry boxes on the vanity table, opened them, and displayed the set to the Duke.

He brought his fingers to pick up the necklace from the pieces and prompted Vanetta to turn, facing her back to him.

Vanetta swept her hair and placed it over her shoulder. With the nape of her neck exposed, the Duke easily placed the necklace around her.

She sensed the light touch of the Duke's fingertips as he carefully fastened the necklace. While her uncle secured the accessory, she could not resist glancing down at the piece.

She ran her hand on the diamond band of the necklace; her gaze dropped on the emerald gem that caught her attention, framed within a gold jewel, holding it in place. When the gem piece caught the light from the room, her eyes squinted slightly as it shone brightly.


Vanetta admired the necklace, considering its worth. It should be equivalent to buying at least a hundred horses, ten acres of land, or even half a thousand chickens probably.

She took a moment, feeling the piece's coldness on her skin. Vanetta then muttered her thought out loud, "I, Is it necessary for me to have a debut?"

Vanetta could feel the weight on her shoulders, which might be because of the necklace and the expensive dress draped over her. It could have been because of the roof of the mansion over her head, or the full piece of morning breakfast that she ate.

It might as well be the combination of it all; everything at once that overwhelmed her, making her hesitate as the gravity of the event splashed over her.

Sensing her second thoughts, the Duke finally managed to fasten the necklace in place. "...Of course, it is," he replied, reassuring her. "Everyone has been expecting to meet you, Vittoria's daughter and the soon-to-be new Crown Princess of Ethara."

"But, Uncle!" Vanetta faced him, turning on her heels. The dress rustled as she moved, and the necklace dangled against her neck. Vanetta's hands trembled slightly as she met her uncle's eyes.

"I thought you would only bring me to my biological family. I ne, never want to be…" Her words trailed off before she could finish her sentence.

The Duke placed a hand on her cheek in an effort to soothe her. "You look afraid. Come here, Vanetta."

To which Vanetta stepped forward to accept the offer of a hug. She dug her head into his chest and wrapped her arms around him.

"It's fine if you make a mistake. You just need to be you, and everyone will love you. Do you understand?"

"...Yes, uncle," Vanetta mumbled, her words muffled.

The Duke caught her chin and tilted her face upward. Tears welled up in her eyes, on the verge of falling. He whispered, "Just as long as you understand, my little Vittoria."

Vanetta silently bobbed her head as the Duke released her from the hug.

"Now, let me see you in the other dresses. I worked hard to get Vittoria's things from Solmere to Ethara," urged the Duke.

"Okay," Vanetta simply replied.

Countess Lenné rushed beside Vanetta and promptly assisted with the skirt of the dress, ensuring she would not step on it and trip. She followed her mistress behind the screen, where the maids helped Vanetta into the new dress.

At the same time, the voice of the Duke rang again, only that he was not talking to Vanetta.

"How is your husband, Countess Lenné?" he asked.

Somewhat taken aback, the Countess took a second to register his question before she answered. "The Count is quite excited about his new position, Your Grace," she said as she helped Vanetta remove the olive dress.

"I trust that he's fully preparing to be my secretary."

"...He is, Your Grace," she affirmed, unknowingly clutching the dress in her hand. "He promised not to disappoint you after you've considered him for the position."

"Then, I expect him tomorrow at my office."

"As you command… Your Grace."